C# (CSharp) WinRTXamlToolkit.Controls.Extensions Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AnimationHelper A simple pair of helper attached dependency properties that allows to configure a single Storyboard to run on an element.
AutoSelectOnFocusHandler Handler object type for the AutoSelectOnFocus property.
AutoTabOnMaxLengthHandler Handler object type for the AutoTabOnMaxLength property.
AutoTabOnMaxLengthHandler.AutoSelectOnFocusHandler Handler object type for the AutoSelectOnFocus property.
ButtonBaseExtensions Implements ButtonStateEventBehavior.
ButtonStateEventBehavior Handles ButtonStateEventBehavior.
ClipToBoundsHandler Handles the ClipToBounds attached behavior defined by the attached property of the FrameworkElementExtensions class.
ContentControlExtensions Extensions/attached properties for a ContentControl
CursorDisplayHandler Handles the Cursor attached behavior defined by the attached property of the FrameworkElementExtensions class.
FieldValidationExtensions Attached properties for handling basic validation of field values.
FrameworkElementExtensions Extensions for the FrameworkElement class.
GridViewItemExtensions Extension methods and properties for the GridViewItem class.
ListBoxExtensions Extension methods and attached properties for the ListBox class.
ListBoxItemExtensions Attached properties for use with a ListBoxItem.
ListViewBindableSelectionHandler Handles synchronization of ListViewExtensions.BindableSelection to a ListView.
ListViewExtensions Extension methods and attached properties for the ListView class. source http://winrtxamltoolkit.codeplex.com/
ListViewItemExtensions Attached properties for use with a ListViewItem.
ManipulationInertiaStartingRoutedEventArgsExtensions Implements extensions of the ManipulationInertiaStartingRoutedEventArgs class that defines the argument of the Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement.ManipulationInertiaStarting event.
MessageDialogExtensions MessageDialog extension methods
PageExtensions Page extensions. Allows to specify Page's top and bottom app bars by setting them on its descendant.
PasswordAutoSelectOnFocusHandler Handler object type for the AutoSelectOnFocus property.
PasswordAutoTabOnMaxLengthHandler Handler object type for the AutoTabOnMaxLength property.
PasswordBoxFocusExtensions Contains an extension for automatically switching focus to next field when the cursor reaches the MexLength position.
RichTextBlockExtensions Attached properties and extension methods for RichTextBlock class.
StyleExtensions Style type extension methods.
TextBlockExtensions Contains extension methods for TextBlock.
TextBoxFocusExtensions Contains an extension for automatically switching focus to next field when the cursor reaches the MexLength position.
UIElementAnimationExtensions Extension methods and attached properties for UIElement class.
ViewboxExtensions Extension methods for the Viewbox control.
VisualStateExtensions Defines an attached property that controls the visual state of the element based on the value.
WebViewExtensions Extension methods for WebView control.