Name |
Description |
AggregateFinder |
AggregateSubqueryFinder |
Finds and returns all aggregates within an expression. |
AliasReferenceReplacer |
ExpressionCounter |
IncludedPropertyInfo |
MemberAccessReplacer |
ProjectionAsyncRewriter |
QueryableIncludeExpander |
ReferencedRelatedObject |
ReferencedRelatedObjectPropertyGatherer |
ReferencedRelatedObjectPropertyGatherer.DisableCompareContext |
SqlAggregateChecker |
Determines if a Select contains any aggregate expressions |
SqlAggregateProjectionNormalizer |
SqlAggregateSubqueryRewriter |
Rewrite aggregate expressions, moving them into same select expression that has the group-by clause. |
SqlAliasTypeCollector |
SqlConditionalEliminator |
SqlConstantPlaceholderReplacer |
SqlConstantPlaceholderValuesCollector |
SqlCrossApplyRewriter |
SqlCrossJoinRewriter |
SqlDeclaredAliasGatherer |
SqlDeclaredAliasesGatherer |
SqlDeleteNormalizer |
SqlEnumTypeNormalizer |
SqlExistsSubqueryOptimizer |
SqlExpressionCollectionOperationsExpander |
SqlExpressionFinder |
SqlFunctionCoalescer |
An optimizer that turns nested SQL function calls into a single function call (if possible) function call. |
SqlIncludeExpressionCollator |
SqlInsertIntoNormalizer |
SqlNullComparisonCoalescer |
SqlObjectOperandComparisonExpander |
Converts binary expressions between two SqlObjectReferenceExpression expressions into multiple binary expressions performing the operation over the the primary keys of the object operands. |
SqlOrderByRewriter |
Move OrderBy expressions to the outer most select |
SqlOrderByRewriter.BindResult |
SqlOrderByRewriter.SqlAliasesProduced |
SqlOuterQueryReferencePlaceholderSubstitutor |
SqlPlatformDifferencesNormalizer |
SqlPredicateToWhereConverter |
SqlProjectionSelectExpander |
SqlRedundantColumnRemover |
Removes duplicate column declarations that refer to the same underlying column. |
SqlRedundantFunctionCallRemover |
SqlRedundantSubqueryFinder |
SqlRedundantSubqueryRemover |
Removes select expressions that don't add any additional semantic value |
SqlRedundantSubqueryRemover.SubqueryMerger |
SqlReferencedAliasGatherer |
SqlSubCollectionOrderByAmender |
SqlSumAggregatesDefaultValueCoalescer |
SqlTupleOrAnonymousTypeComparisonExpander |
SqlUnusedColumnRemover |
Removes column declarations in selects that are not referenced |
SqlUpdateNormalizer |
SubqueryRemover |