C# (CSharp) ServiceClientGenerator Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
BaseModel Used to outline the basics of any model for the service They have a service model, json data, and documentation
CodeBuilder Wrapper around string builder to help emit properly indented code
CommandArguments Parses the command line into argument settings controlling the sdk code generator.
ConstructorForms Represents forms of the constructor The constructor forms are the different parameter options of a constructor
CustomizationCompiler Used to compile json customizations
CustomizationsModel A model used to represent different types of customizations for generating a service
CustomizationsModel.DataTypeOverride A class that represents type overrides for a member
CustomizationsModel.MarshallNameOverrides Contains the naming overrides for a property in a member for marshal purposes. This allows shapes that are reused to employ different wire names between operations if necessary.
CustomizationsModel.OperationModifiers A class used to specify modifiers of a client method
CustomizationsModel.PropertyInjector Injects a new property into a model shape
CustomizationsModel.PropertyModifier Property modifiers allow properties to be renamed within a shape as well as apply custom marshal names (for re-used shapes that marshal differently)
CustomizationsModel.RuntimePipelineOverride A class used to specify overidden runtime details
CustomizationsModel.RuntimePipelineOverride.Override A class that contains specific override details
CustomizationsModel.ShapeModifier The ShapeModifier allows shapes pulled from the model to be customized by excluding properties, modifying them (rename etc) and injecting properties not in the original model.
Enumeration Used to create the enumeration class for a service
Enumeration.EnumEntry An enum entry is used to represent a value in the enumeration
ExceptionModel The model that represents exceptions for the service
GenerationManifest Loads the generator control manifest document. This document yields the Visual Studio project metadata (for new project files that we create) and the set of service configurations available to process.
GeneratorDriver.NestedStructureLookup Provides a way to generate the neccesary attributes and marshallers/unmarshallers for nested structures to work
GeneratorOptions Command line options for the AWS SDK code generator.
Member Members are properties are parts of a shape, they are used to identify sub shapes that the parent shape owns
MethodForms Represents the forms of a custom simple method Forms of a simple method are the variety of parameters the method will have
Operation An object that represents the operations for a service api
OperationInput For some operations the xmlnamespace and locations are specified on the operation:input. E.g. Route53 ChangeResourceRecordSets.
ProjectFileConfiguration Represents the metadata needed to generate a platform-specific project file for a service (eg compile constants, build configuration and platform etc).
ProjectFileCreator Class used to emit the set of per-platform project files for a service. Existing project files are retained, only missing files are generated.
ServiceConfiguration Represents the information for generating the code for a service
ServiceModel The service model represents the information of a service found through the manifest, model, and customization file. It is used to get any information necessary to generate the clients, operations, and structures of a service.
Shape Shapes are used to model structures and member types. If they are a structure the shape defines what members it has and what shape those members are. It also defines which of those members are required. If it is not a structure then it is used to specify the type of the member and its properties.
SimpleConstructorsModel A model that represents the simple constructors of a structure. These constructors are specified in customizations Simple constructors are constructors that are added to request objects that take parameters to set members of the object. This allows for easier creation of these request objects.
SimpleMethodFormsModel Represents custom simple methods for the client being generated from the service model Simple methods are methods added to the client that take members of the request as parameters and then creates a request with those members internally and then calls the operation
SolutionFileCreator.ProjectTypes The set of project 'types' (or platforms) that we generate the SDK against. These type names form part of the project filename.