C# (CSharp) SWFProcessing.SWFModeller Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
ABCDataTypeReader A binary reader with methods for reading the atomic units of a ABC file.
ABCDataTypeWriter A writer that can write an assortment of atomic ABC types to a stream.
Frame A frame on the timeline, which comprises a display list of instructions detailing what has changed on the stage for this frame.
PlaceObject A display list instruction that places an item onto the stage.
SWF Top-level object for a SWF movie.
SWFDataTypeWriter A writer that can write an assortment of atomic SWF types to a stream.
SWFModellerException Exception class for exceptions originating in the swiffotron.
SWFReader.FrameNote A note which can be made against a frame number, e.g. a scene or a frame label. These are resolved later into frame object references.
SWFValues Values useful in understanding a SWF
SWFWriter An object which can take a SWF model and produce binary SWF data.
SWFWriter.WriteBuffer Since tags include their length at the start, we use this class to buffer a tag's data on it's way to an outer stream.
SWFWriterOptions A bunch of properties that affect how SWFWriter writes stuff.