C# (CSharp) RightScale.netClient.ActivityLibrary Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
CreateAuditEntry Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to create an Audit Entry within the RightScale system
CreateDeployment Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity creates a Deployment within the RightScale system
CreateServerArray Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to create a ServerArray within the RightScale System
DestroyDeployment Destroy Deployment custom CodeActivity destroys a given Deployment by ID
DisableServerArray Disable ServerArray custom CodeActivity disables a given ServerArray by ID
EnableServerArray Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to enable a given ServerArray within the RightScale system
GetServerArrayState Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to get information about the state of a given ServerArray within the RightScale system
GetServerCurrentInstanceInfo Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to get information about a specific Server's current instance within the RightScale system
GetServerState Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to get the current state of a given Server within the RightScale system
ImportPublication Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to import a given publication to the account for the logged in API user within the RightScale system
LaunchServer Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to launch a given server within the RightScale system
LaunchServerArray Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to launch an instance of a server for a specific ServerArray within the RightScale system
RunScriptOrRecipe Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to run a specific RightScript or Recipe on a given Server's current instance within the RightScale system
TerminateServer Terminate Server Custom CodeActivity terminates a given Server by ID
UpdateInputs Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to update inputs for a given Server within the RightScale system
UpdateServerArray Custom Windows Workflow Foundation CodeActivity to update the information for a given ServerArray within the RightScale system