C# (CSharp) Remotion.Linq.SqlBackend.SqlGeneration Namespace


Name Description
BinaryExpressionTextGenerator Generates SQL text for BinaryExpression instances.
ColumnID Represents a column in the SQL result returned by a LINQ query. The in-memory projections generated by re-linq use this as a parameter to the methods of IDatabaseResultRow when they need to retrieve a value from a result row. Each column is identified both by its ColumnName and its Position. The implementer of IDatabaseResultRow is free to choose which identifier to use when retrieving a value from a result row.
DefaultSqlGenerationStage Provides a default implementation of ISqlGenerationStage.
SqlCompositeCustomTextGeneratorExpression SqlCompositeCustomTextGeneratorExpression holds a list of expressions and generates sql text for each expression.
SqlCustomTextExpression SqlCustomTextExpression can be used to insert custom SQL text into the SQL generated by SqlGeneratingExpressionVisitor. The custom text is inserted into the statement as is, it is not escaped. Therefore, the provider making use of SqlCustomTextExpression has to make sure the custom text cannot lead to SQL injection attacks.
SqlCustomTextGeneratorExpressionBase Acts as a base class for expression nodes that need to take part in the SQL generation peformed by SqlGeneratingExpressionVisitor.
SqlGeneratingOuterSelectExpressionVisitor Extends SqlGeneratingSelectExpressionVisitor by building an in-memory projection. This should be used for the SqlStatement.SelectProjection of the outermost SqlStatement in a query. For substatements, SqlGeneratingSelectExpressionVisitor should be used instead.
SqlGeneratingSelectExpressionVisitor Extends SqlGeneratingExpressionVisitor by emitting "AS" aliases for NamedExpression and SqlEntityExpression instances. This should be used for the SqlStatement.SelectProjection of substatements. For the outermost statement, SqlGeneratingOuterSelectExpressionVisitor should be used.
SqlStatementTextGenerator SqlStatementTextGenerator generates SQL text for a resolved SqlStatement.
SqlTableAndJoinTextGenerator SqlTableAndJoinTextGenerator generates sql-text for ResolvedSimpleTableInfo and ResolvedJoinInfo.