C# (CSharp) RecurringIntegrationApp Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AuthenticationHelper Helper class that enables generating the auth header for Enqueue and JobStatus requests
ClientDataMessage Contract to abstract the input data file and its processing status (on the client)
DataFlowNetworkStrategy Abstraction for picking a strategy to process the data files. Implement this strategy class and plugin via the FileProcessor to automate file processing with a different state machine or with a different implementation logic.
DataSourceOperationResult Contract for returning the result of a data operation
DefaultDataFlowNetwork Concrete strategy that implements the DataFlowNetworkStrategy. Models a data flow network that represents the client side runtime/ state machine to process data files as they are submitted and processed with a recurring AX7 DIXF endpoint
FileProcessor Class that triggers the file processing logic. Also acts as the context class that selects one of the data processing strategy implementations.
HttpClientHelper Helper class for Enqueue/ Job status http requests
Program Entry poin to the application
SettingManager Settings manager to manage the client settings for the app
Settings Serialize/deeserialize current app settings