OctoTorrent.Client.Connections |
OctoTorrent.Client.Encryption |
OctoTorrent.Client.Messages |
OctoTorrent.Client.PieceWriters |
OctoTorrent.Client.Tracker |
Name | Description |
BanList | |
BlockEventArgs | |
ChokeData | |
ChokeUnchokeManager | |
ClientEngine | The Engine that contains the TorrentManagers |
CriticalExceptionEventArgs | |
DhtPeersAdded | |
DiskManager | |
DownloadMode | |
FastResume | |
FileStreamBuffer | |
IgnoringPicker | |
InactivePeerManager | |
InitialSeedUnchoker | |
ListenerException | |
LocalPeerListener | |
LocalPeerManager | |
LocalPeersAdded | |
NullDhtEngine | |
PauseLimiter | |
PausedMode | |
Peer | |
PeerAddedEventArgs | Provides the data needed to handle a PeersAdded event |
PeerConnectionEventArgs | Provides the data needed to handle a PeerConnection event |
PeerConnectionFailedEventArgs | |
PeerExchangePeersAdded | |
PeerIO.SendMessageState | |
PeerId | |
PeerListener | |
PeerManager | |
PeersAddedEventArgs | Provides the data needed to handle a PeersAdded event |
PieceHashedEventArgs | Provides the data needed to handle a PieceHashed event |
ProtocolException | |
RandomisedPicker | |
RateLimiter | |
SeededPiece | |
SlidingWindowPicker | Generates a sliding window with high, medium, and low priority sets. The high priority set is downloaded first and in order. The medium and low priority sets are downloaded rarest first. This is intended to be used with a BitTorrent streaming application. The high priority set represents pieces that are needed SOON. This set is updated by calling code, to adapt for events (e.g. user fast-forwards or seeks, etc.) |
SocketListener | Accepts incoming connections and passes them off to the right TorrentManager |
SparseFile | |
StoppedMode | |
StoppingMode | |
TorrentEventArgs | |
TorrentFileStream | |
TorrentLoadException | |
TorrentSettings | |
TrackerPeersAdded | |
Unchoker |