C# (CSharp) Nohal.Redmine Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
Activity Class representing the activity in Redmine
AtomEntry Class representing an entry of the atom feed
AtomEntry.AtomAuthor Class representing the author of the atom entry
AtomParser The Atom feed parser
Cache Class that provides caching for the values retrieved from Redmine server
CachedObject Abstract parent for the cached objects
HttpHelper Class providing support for HTTP operations.
Issue Class representing the issue in Redmine
IssueRelationType Class representing the type of issue relation.
MultipartData Helper class for constructing the multipart/form-data POST requests
Priority Class representing the issue priority in Redmine
Project Class representing the project in Redmine
ProjectActivity Class representing the recent project activity.
Redmine Wrapper class for the Redmine project management system
Status Class representing the issue status in Redmine
Tracker Class representing the issue tracker in Redmine
User Class representing the user in Redmine
Version Class representing the version of the project.
XhtmlPage Class representing the XHTML page