C# (CSharp) Nez.UI Namespace


Name Description
AlignInternal used internally so that alignment can be stored as an int and can have an unlimited numver of options by just setting it outside the bounds of the flags
ButtonGroup Manages a group of buttons to enforce a minimum and maximum number of checked buttons. This enables "radio button" functionality and more. A button may only be in one group at a time. The {@link #canCheck(Button, boolean)} method can be overridden to control if a button check or uncheck is allowed.
ButtonStyle The style for a button
CheckBox A checkbox is a button that contains an image indicating the checked or unchecked state and a label
CheckBoxStyle The style for a select box
Dialog Displays a dialog, which is a modal window containing a content table with a button table underneath it. Methods are provided to add a label to the content table and buttons to the button table, but any widgets can be added. When a button is clicked, {@link #result(Object)} is called and the dialog is removed from the stage.
ImageButton A button with a child {@link Image} to display an image. This is useful when the button must be larger than the image and the image centered on the button. If the image is the size of the button, a {@link Button} without any children can be used, where the {@link Button.ButtonStyle#up}, {@link Button.ButtonStyle#down}, and {@link Button.ButtonStyle#checked} nine patches define the image.
LabelStyle the style for a label
NinePatchDrawable The drawable sizes are set when the ninepatch is set, but they are separate values. Eg, {@link Drawable#getLeftWidth()} could be set to more than {@link NinePatch#getLeftWidth()} in order to provide more space on the left than actually exists in the ninepatch. The min size is set to the ninepatch total size by default. It could be set to the left+right and top+bottom, excluding the middle size, to allow the drawable to be sized down as small as possible.
ProgressBarStyle The style for a progress bar
ScrollPane A group that scrolls a child widget using scrollbars and/or mouse or touch dragging. The widget is sized to its preferred size.If the widget's preferred width or height is less than the size of this scroll pane, it is set to the size of this scroll pane. Scrollbars appear when the widget is larger than the scroll pane. The scroll pane's preferred size is that of the child widget. At this size, the child widget will not need to scroll, so scroll pane is typically sized by ignoring the preferred size in one or both directions.
SubtextureDrawable Drawable for a {@link Subtexture}
Table A group that sizes and positions children using table constraints. By default, {@link #getTouchable()} is {@link Touchable#childrenOnly}. The preferred and minimum sizes are that of the chdebugn when laid out in columns and rows.
Table.BackgroundBottomValue Value that is the bottom padding of the table's background
Table.BackgroundLeftValue Value that is the left padding of the table's background
Table.BackgroundRightValue Value that is the right padding of the table's background
Table.BackgroundTopValue Value that is the top padding of the table's background
TextButtonStyle The style for a text button
TiledDrawable Draws a {@link Subtexture} repeatedly to fill the area, instead of stretching it
Value Value placeholder, allowing the value to be computed on request. Values are provided an element for context which reduces the number of value instances that need to be created and reduces verbosity in code that specifies values
Value.Fixed A fixed value that is not computed each time it is used.
Value.MaxHeightValue Value that is the maxHeight of the element in the cell.
Value.MaxWidthValue Value that is the maxWidth of the element in the cell.
Value.MinHeightValue Value that is the minHeight of the element in the cell.
Value.MinWidthValue Value that is the minWidth of the element in the cell.
Value.PercentHeightDelegateValue Returns a value that is a percentage of the specified elements's height. The context element is ignored.
Value.PercentWidthDelegateValue Returns a value that is a percentage of the specified elements's width. The context element is ignored.
Value.PercentWidthValue Returns a value that is a percentage of the element's width.
Value.PercentageHeightValue Returns a value that is a percentage of the element's height.
Value.PrefHeightValue Value that is the prefHeight of the element in the cell.
Value.PrefWidthValue Value that is the prefWidth of the element in the cell.
VerticalGroup A group that lays out its children on top of each other in a single column. This can be easier than using {@link Table} when elements need to be inserted in the middle of the group. The preferred width is the largest preferred width of any child. The preferred height is the sum of the children's preferred heights, plus spacing between them if set. The min size is the preferred size and the max size is 0.
Window A table that can be dragged and resized. The top padding is used as the window's title height. The preferred size of a window is the preferred size of the title text and the children as laid out by the table. After adding children to the window, it can be convenient to call {@link #pack()} to size the window to the size of the children.