C# (CSharp) NetBase.Storage Namespace


Name Description
BadDataException Thrown when data picked up from storage looks bad
Column The column class is roughly based on a DBF style struct. Names are limited to ten characters, there are a couple of datatypes; but they're all written as strings, that kind of thing. Note that NetBase currently only supports writing strings; although it can read different datatypes See the table class for more notes about the on-disk format.
FileTable An on-disk table. This is loosely based on DBF of course, you can probably use it to read them. However, a lot of the fields are left empty - e.g. data types, etc. etc. These classes might make a good candidate for implementing IEnumerator
InvalidDataTypeException Thrown when e.g. a column name is too long
Row Stores data.
TableHeader This class stores info about the table. You can really see the dbf heritage here... everything's an Int16. No bounds checking so some really small hard limits
TableSet Nice utility class for the database caches tables in memory so we're not constantly opening and closing them
UnsupportedDataTypeException Thrown when the user tries to set a column's datatype to an unsupported value. (At the moment this would only be possible from inside the library)