Name |
Description |
AutoRun |
The AutoRun class is used by executable test assemblies to control their own execution. Call it from your executable test like this: new AutoRun().Execute(args); The arguments can be those passed into your exe or constructed for the purpose in your code. If the tests are in a dll, you can write a stub executable that runs them like this: new Autorun().Execute(testAssembly, args); When running tests compiled against the portable framework, the methods above are not available. Run your tests like this: new AutoRun().Execute(testAssembly, args, output, input); Where output is an ExtendedTextWriter (normally a ColorConsoleWriter) and input is usually Console.In and is used by the --wait option. |
DebugWriter |
DebugWriter is a TextWriter that sends it's output to Debug. We don't use Trace because writing to it is not supported in CF. |
NUnit2XmlOutputWriter |
NUnit2XmlOutputWriter is able to create an xml file representing the result of a test run in NUnit 2.x format. |
NUnit3XmlOutputWriter |
NUnit3XmlOutputWriter is responsible for writing the results of a test to a file in NUnit 3.0 format. |
OutputWriter |
OutputWriter is an abstract class used to write test results to a file in various formats. Specific OutputWriters are derived from this class. |
Program |
NUnitLite-Runner is a console program that is able to run NUnitLite tests as an alternative to using an executable NUnitLite test. Since it references a particular version of NUnitLite, it may only be used for test assemblies built against that framework version. In the special case of the portable version of nunitlite-runner, the program is a .NET 4.5 console application. |
ResultSummary |
SpecificationContext |
TeamCityEventListener |
TeamCityEventListener class handles ITestListener events by issuing TeamCity service messages on the Console. |
TestCase |
TestSuite |
TextUI |