C# (CSharp) NLite.Data.Linq.Expressions Namespace


Name Description
AggregateChecker Determines if a SelectExpression contains any aggregate expressions
AggregateRewriter Rewrite aggregate expressions, moving them into same select expression that has the group-by clause
ClientJoinedProjectionRewriter rewrites nested projections into client-side joins
ClientJoinedProjectionRewriter.QueryDuplicator Duplicate the query expression by making a copy with new table aliases
ColumnMapper Rewrite all column references to one or more aliases to a new single alias
ColumnProjector Splits an expression into two parts 1) a list of column declarations for sub-expressions that must be evaluated on the server 2) a expression that describes how to combine/project the columns back together into the correct result
ColumnProjector.Nominator Nominator is a class that walks an expression tree bottom up, determining the set of candidate expressions that are possible columns of a select expression
CrossApplyRewriter Attempts to rewrite cross-apply and outer-apply joins as inner and left-outer joins
CrossJoinIsolator Isolates cross joins from other types of joins using nested sub queries
CrossJoinRewriter Attempt to rewrite cross joins as inner joins
DbExpressionComparer Determines if two expressions are equivalent. Supports DbExpression nodes.
DbExpressionReplacer Replaces references to one specific instance of an expression node with another node. Supports DbExpression nodes
DbExpressionVisitor An extended expression visitor including custom DbExpression nodes
ProjectedColumns Result from calling ColumnProjector.ProjectColumns
RedundantColumnRemover Removes duplicate column declarations that refer to the same underlying column
RedundantJoinRemover Removes joins expressions that are identical to joins that already exist
RedundantSubqueryRemover Removes select expressions that don't add any additional semantic value
ReferencedAliasGatherer returns the set of all aliases produced by a query source
ReferencedColumnGatherer Gathers all columns referenced by the given expression
RelationshipBinder Translates accesses to relationship members into projections or joins
SingletonProjectionRewriter Rewrites nested singleton projection into server-side joins
SkipToRowNumberRewriter Rewrites take & skip expressions into uses of TSQL row_number function
SubqueryRemover Removes one or more SelectExpression's by rewriting the expression tree to not include them, promoting their from clause expressions and rewriting any column expressions that may have referenced them to now reference the underlying data directly.
TableAliasGatherer returns the set of all aliases produced by a query source
ThreeTopPagerRewriter Rewrites queries with skip & take to use the nested queries with inverted ordering technique