C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Rdpbcgr.efs Namespace


Name Description
CAPABILITY_HEADER This is a header that is embedded in the Server Core Capability Request and Client Core Capability Response. The purpose of this header is to describe capabilities for different device types.
CAPABILITY_SET The CAPABILITY_SET structure is used to describe the type, size, and version of a capability set exchanged between clients and servers. All capability set messages conform to this basic structure. The Capability Message is embedded in the Server Core Capability Request and Client Core Capability Response messages
DEVICE_ANNOUNCE This header is embedded in the Client Device List Announce message. Its purpose is to describe different types of devices.
DR_CLOSE_REQ This header initiates a close request. This message can have different purposes depending on the device for which it is issued. The device type is determined by the DeviceId field in the DR_DEVICE_IOREQUEST header.
DR_CLOSE_RSP This message is a reply to a Device Close Request.
DR_CONTROL_REQ This header initiates a device control request. This message can have different purposes depending on the device for which it is issued. The device type is determined by the DeviceId field in the DR_DEVICE_IOREQUEST header.
DR_CONTROL_RSP A message with this header describes a response to a Device Control Request.
DR_CORE_CAPABILITY_REQ The server announces its capabilities and requests the same from the client.
DR_CORE_CAPABILITY_RSP The server announces its capabilities and requests the same from the client.
DR_CORE_CLIENT_NAME_REQ The client announces its machine name.
DR_CORE_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE_REQ The client announces the list of devices to redirect on the server.
DR_CORE_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE_RSP The server responds to a Client Device List Announce Request with this message.
DR_CORE_SERVER_ANNOUNCE_REQ The server initiates the protocol with this message.
DR_CORE_SERVER_ANNOUNCE_RSP The client replies to the Server Announce Request message.
DR_CORE_SERVER_CLIENTID_CONFIRM The server confirms the client ID sent by the client in the Client Announce Reply message.
DR_CORE_USER_LOGGEDON The server announces that it has successfully logged on to the session.
DR_CREATE_REQ This header initiates a create request. This message can have different purposes depending on the device for which it is issued. The device type is determined by the DeviceId field in the DR_DEVICE_IOREQUEST header.
DR_CREATE_RSP A message with this header describes a response to a Device Create Request.
DR_DEVICELIST_REMOVE The client removes a list of already-announced file system devices from the server.
DR_DEVICE_IOCOMPLETION A message with this header indicates that the I/O request is complete. In a Device I/O Response message, a request message is matched to the appropriate Device I/O Request header. There is only one response per request.
DR_DEVICE_IOREQUEST This header is embedded in all server requests on a specific device.
DR_DRIVE_CLOSE_REQ The server closes a file on a redirected file system device.
DR_DRIVE_CLOSE_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Close Drive Request.
DR_DRIVE_CONTROL_REQ The server issues a device control request on a redirected file system device.
DR_DRIVE_CONTROL_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Drive Control Request.
DR_DRIVE_CORE_DEVICE_IOCOMPLETION This type of message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Drive I/O Request.
DR_DRIVE_CREATE_REQ The server opens or creates a file on a redirected file system device.
DR_DRIVE_CREATE_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Create Drive Request.
DR_DRIVE_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE The client announces a list of new file system devices to redirect on the server.
DR_DRIVE_LOCK_REQ The server issues a request to lock or unlock portions of a file.
DR_DRIVE_LOCK_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Drive Lock Control Request.
DR_DRIVE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIRECTORY_REQ The server issues a notify change directory request on a redirected file system device to request directory change notification.
DR_DRIVE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIRECTORY_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Drive NotifyChange Directory Request.
DR_DRIVE_QUERY_DIRECTORY_REQ The server issues a query directory request on a redirected file system device. This request is used to obtain a directory enumeration.
DR_DRIVE_QUERY_DIRECTORY_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Drive Query Directory Request.
DR_DRIVE_QUERY_INFORMATION_REQ The server issues a query information request on a redirected file system device.
DR_DRIVE_QUERY_INFORMATION_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Drive Query Information Request.
DR_DRIVE_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION_REQ The server issues a query volume information request on a redirected file system device.
DR_DRIVE_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Drive Query Volume Information Request.
DR_DRIVE_READ_REQ The server reads from a file on a redirected file system device.
DR_DRIVE_READ_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Drive Read Request.
DR_DRIVE_SET_INFORMATION_REQ The server issues a set information request on a redirected file system device.
DR_DRIVE_SET_INFORMATION_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Drive Set Information Request.
DR_DRIVE_SET_VOLUME_INFORMATION_REQ The server issues a set volume information request on a redirected file system device.
DR_DRIVE_SET_VOLUME_INFORMATION_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Drive Set Volume Information Request.
DR_DRIVE_WRITE_REQ The server writes to a file on a redirected file system device.
DR_DRIVE_WRITE_RSP This message is sent by the client as a response to the Server Drive Write Request.
DR_READ_REQ This header initiates a read request. This message can have different purposes depending on the device for which it is issued. The device type is determined by the DeviceId field in the DR_DEVICE_IOREQUEST header.
DR_READ_RSP A message with this header describes a response to a Device Read Request.
DR_WRITE_REQ This header initiates a write request. This message can have different purposes depending on the device for which it is issued. The device type is determined by the DeviceId field in the DR_DEVICE_IOREQUEST header.
DR_WRITE_RSP A message with this header describes a response to a Device Write Request.
FileAttributeTagInformation This information class is used to query for attribute and reparse tag information for a file. The FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFORMATION data element is as follows:
FileBasicInformation This information class is used to query or set file information.The FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION data element is as follows:
FileFsLabelInformation This information class is used to set the label for a file system volume. The message contains a FILE_FS_LABEL_INFORMATION data element. The FILE_FS_LABEL_INFORMATION data element is as follows:
FileStandardInformation This information class is used to query or set file information.The FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION data element is as follows:
GENERAL_CAPS_SET This packet is embedded into Server Core Capability Request and Client Core Capability Response messages. It describes nondevice-specific capabilities.
MsgId MsgId is a structure which is used to Parse the RDPEFS frames from the Capture.
RDPDR_HEADER This header is present at the beginning of every message in this protocol. The purpose of this header is to describe the type of the message.
RDP_FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION A structure representing FileRenameInformation as a possible value of the FsInformationClass field. All fields have the same meaning as in FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION in [MS-FSCC] section 2.4.34. The differences are only in the layout of the fields.
RDP_LOCK_INFO The RDP_LOCK_INFO packet specifies the region of the file to lock or unlock.
RdpefsUtility Encode/Decode MS-RDPEFS packets.