C# (CSharp) MAPIInspector.Parsers Namespace


Name Description
Attachment Contains an attachmentContent.
AttachmentContent The attachmentContent element contains the properties and the embedded message of an Attachment object. If present,
BackoffRop A class indicates the BackoffRop structure which is defined in section
BitmaskCommand Represent a bitmask command.
CN Represents CN structure contains a change number that identifies a version of a messaging object.
Command Represents a command in GLOBSET.
ContentsSync The ContentsSync element contains the result of the contents synchronization download operation.
DecodingContext The DecodingContext is shared between some ROP request and response.
Deletions The Deletions element contains information of messages that have been deleted expired or moved out of the sync scope.
DispidNamedPropInfo Represents a NamedPropInfo has a dispid.
EmbeddedMessage Contain a MessageContent.
EndCommand Represent an end command.
FastTransferStream Used for Parsing a fast transfer stream.
FixedPropTypePropValue Represent a fixedPropType PropValue.
FolderChange The FolderChange element contains a new or changed folder in the hierarchy sync.
FolderContent The folderContent element contains the content of a folder: its properties, messages, and subFolders.
FolderContentNoDelProps The folderContentNoDelProps element contains the content of a folder: its properties, messages, and subFolders.
FolderMessages The folderMessages element contains the messages contained in a folder.
FolderMessagesNoDelProps The FolderMessagesNoDelProps element contains the messages contained in a folder.
FolderReplicaInfo The FolderReplicaInfo structure contains information about server replicas of a public folder.
GLOBSET Represents GLOBSET structure is a set of GLOBCNT structures, that are reduced to one or more GLOBCNT ranges. A GLOBCNT range is created using any of the commands
GroupInfo The GroupInfo element provides a definition for the property group mapping.
GroupPropertyName The GroupPropertyName.
HierarchySync The hierarchySync element contains the result of the hierarchy synchronization download operation.
IDSET_REPLGUID Represents a REPLGUID and GLOBSET structure pair.
IDSET_REPLID Represents a REPLID and GLOBSET structure pair.
LengthOfBlock This class contains int value and byte array block.
LexicalBase Base class for lexical objects
LexicalTypeHelper Supply help functions for lexical enumerations.
LogonTime A class indicates the Logon time.
LongTermId The structure of LongTermId
LongTermIdRange A class indicates the LongTermIdRange structure.
MarkersHelper Supply help functions for manipulate Markers.
Message The message element represents a Message object.
MessageChange The Messagechange element contains information for the changed messages.
MessageChangeFull The messageChangeFull element contains the complete content of a new or changed message: the message properties, the recipients,and the attachments.
MessageChangePartial The MessageChangePartial element represents the difference in message content since the last download, as identified by the initial ICS state.
MessageChildren The MessageChildren element represents children of the Message objects: Recipient and Attachment objects.
MessageContent The MessageContent element represents the content of a message: its properties, the recipients, and the attachments.
MessageList The MessageList element contains a list of messages, which is determined by the scope of the operation.
MessageReadState A class indicates the MessageReadState structure.
MetaPropValue The MetaPropValue represents identification information and the value of the Metaproperty.
MetaTagEcWaringMessage The MetaTagEcWaringMessage is defined to help Parsering MessageList class.
MetaTagFxDelPropMessageList The MetaTagFxDelPropMessageList is defined to help Parsering folderMessages class.
MissingInformationException The MissingInformationException is used to define the exception, which are caused by missing context information.
ModifyRecipientRow A class indicates the ModifyRecipientRow structure.
MvPropTypePropValue multi-valued property type PropValue
NameNamedPropInfo The NameNamedPropInfo class.
NamedPropInfo The NamedPropInfo class.
NotificationData A class indicates the NotificationData
NotificationFlags A class indicates the NotificationFlags.
NotificationFlagsT A class indicates the NotificationFlagsT.
OpenRecipientRow A class indicates the OpenRecipientRow structure.
PopCommand Represent a pop command.
PredecessorChangeList Contains a set of XIDs that represent change numbers of messaging objects in different replicas.
ProgressInformation The ProgressInformation.
ProgressPerMessage The ProgressPerMessage element contains data that describes the approximate size of message change data that follows.
ProgressPerMessageChange The ProgressPerMessageChange is defined to help Parsering ContentSync class.
ProgressTotal The progressTotal element contains data that describes the approximate size of all the messageChange elements.
PropInfo The PropInfo class.
PropList Contains a list of propValues.
PropValue The PropValue represents identification information and the value of the property.
PropertyGroup The PropertyGroup.
PropertyTagWithGroupPropertyName This structure is a PropertyTag Structure (MS-OXCDATA section 2.9) which is special for named properties
PushCommand Represent a push command.
ROPInputBuffer A class indicates the ROP input buffer, which is sent by the client, includes an array of ROP request buffers to be processed by the server.
ROPOutputBuffer A class indicates the ROP output buffer, which is sent by the server, includes an array of ROP response buffers.
RangeCommand Represent a range command.
ReadRecipientRow A class indicates the ReadRecipientRow structure.
ReadStateChanges The readStateChanges element contains information of Message objects that had their read state changed
Recipient The Recipient element represents a Recipient object, which is a subobject of the Message object.
RecipientType An enumeration that specifies the type of recipient (2).
RopAbortSubmitRequest A class indicates the RopAbortSubmit ROP Request Buffer.
RopAbortSubmitResponse A class indicates the RopSubmitMessage ROP Response Buffer.
RopBackoffResponse A class indicates the RopBackoff ROP Response Buffer.
RopBufferTooSmallResponse A class indicates the RopBufferTooSmall ROP Response Buffer.
RopCloneStreamRequest A class indicates the RopCloneStream ROP Request Buffer.
RopCloneStreamResponse A class indicates the RopCloneStream ROP Response Buffer.
RopCommitStreamRequest A class indicates the RopCommitStream ROP Request Buffer.
RopCommitStreamResponse A class indicates the RopCommitStream ROP Response Buffer.
RopCopyPropertiesRequest A class indicates the RopCopyProperties ROP Request Buffer.
RopCopyPropertiesResponse A class indicates the RopCopyProperties ROP Response Buffer.
RopCopyToRequest A class indicates the RopCopyTo ROP Request Buffer.
RopCopyToResponse A class indicates the RopCopyTo ROP Response Buffer.
RopCopyToStreamRequest A class indicates the RopCopyToStream ROP Request Buffer.
RopCopyToStreamResponse A class indicates the RopCopyToStream ROP Response Buffer.
RopCreateAttachmentRequest A class indicates the RopCreateAttachment ROP request Buffer.
RopCreateAttachmentResponse A class indicates the RopCreateAttachment ROP response Buffer.
RopCreateMessageRequest A class indicates the RopCreateMessage ROP request Buffer.
RopCreateMessageResponse A class indicates the RopCreateMessage ROP response Buffer.
RopDeleteAttachmentRequest A class indicates the RopDeleteAttachment ROP request Buffer.
RopDeleteAttachmentResponse A class indicates the RopDeleteAttachment ROP response Buffer.
RopDeletePropertiesNoReplicateRequest A class indicates the RopDeletePropertiesNoReplicate ROP Request Buffer.
RopDeletePropertiesNoReplicateResponse A class indicates the RopDeletePropertiesNoReplicate ROP Response Buffer.
RopDeletePropertiesRequest A class indicates the RopDeleteProperties ROP Request Buffer.
RopDeletePropertiesResponse A class indicates the RopDeleteProperties ROP Response Buffer.
RopFastTransferDestinationConfigureRequest A class indicates the RopFastTransferDestinationConfigure ROP Request Buffer.
RopFastTransferDestinationConfigureResponse A class indicates the RopFastTransferDestinationConfigure ROP Response Buffer.
RopFastTransferDestinationPutBufferRequest A class indicates the RopFastTransferDestinationPutBuffer ROP Request Buffer.
RopFastTransferDestinationPutBufferResponse A class indicates the RopFastTransferDestinationPutBuffer ROP Response Buffer.
RopFastTransferSourceCopyFolderRequest A class indicates the RopFastTransferSourceCopyFolder ROP Request Buffer.
RopFastTransferSourceCopyFolderResponse A class indicates the RopFastTransferSourceCopyFolder ROP Response Buffer.
RopFastTransferSourceCopyMessagesRequest A class indicates the RopFastTransferSourceCopyMessages ROP Request Buffer.
RopFastTransferSourceCopyMessagesResponse A class indicates the RopFastTransferSourceCopyMessages ROP Response Buffer.
RopFastTransferSourceCopyPropertiesRequest A class indicates the RopFastTransferSourceCopyProperties ROP Request Buffer.
RopFastTransferSourceCopyPropertiesResponse A class indicates the RopFastTransferSourceCopyProperties ROP Response Buffer.
RopFastTransferSourceCopyToRequest A class indicates the RopFastTransferSourceCopyTo ROP Request Buffer.
RopFastTransferSourceCopyToResponse A class indicates the RopFastTransferSourceCopyTo ROP Response Buffer.
RopFastTransferSourceGetBufferRequest A class indicates the RopFastTransferSourceGetBuffer ROP Request Buffer.
RopFastTransferSourceGetBufferResponse A class indicates the RopFastTransferSourceGetBuffer ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetAddressTypesRequest A class indicates the RopGetAddressTypes ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetAddressTypesResponse A class indicates the RopGetAddressTypes ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetAttachmentTableRequest A class indicates the RopGetAttachmentTable ROP request Buffer.
RopGetAttachmentTableResponse A class indicates the RopGetAttachmentTable ROP response Buffer.
RopGetLocalReplicaIdsRequest A class indicates the RopGetLocalReplicaIds ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetLocalReplicaIdsResponse A class indicates the RopGetLocalReplicaIds ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetMessageStatusRequest A class indicates the RopGetMessageStatus ROP request Buffer.
RopGetMessageStatusResponse A class indicates the RopGetMessageStatus ROP response Buffer.
RopGetNamesFromPropertyIdsRequest A class indicates the RopGetNamesFromPropertyIds ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetNamesFromPropertyIdsResponse A class indicates the RopGetNamesFromPropertyIds ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetOwningServersRequest A class indicates the RopGetOwningServers ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetOwningServersResponse A class indicates the RopGetOwningServers ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetPerUserGuidRequest A class indicates the RopGetPerUserGuid ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetPerUserGuidResponse A class indicates the RopGetPerUserGuid ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetPerUserLongTermIdsRequest A class indicates the RopGetPerUserLongTermIds ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetPerUserLongTermIdsResponse A class indicates the RopGetPerUserLongTermIds ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetPropertiesAllRequest A class indicates the RopGetPropertiesAll ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetPropertiesAllResponse A class indicates the RopGetPropertiesAll ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetPropertiesListRequest A class indicates the RopGetPropertiesList ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetPropertiesListResponse A class indicates the RopGetPropertiesList ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetPropertiesSpecificRequest A class indicates the RopGetPropertiesSpecific ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetPropertiesSpecificResponse A class indicates the RopGetPropertiesSpecific ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetPropertyIdsFromNamesRequest A class indicates the RopGetPropertyIdsFromNames ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetPropertyIdsFromNamesResponse A class indicates the RopGetPropertyIdsFromNames ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetReceiveFolderRequest A class indicates the RopGetReceiveFolder ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetReceiveFolderResponse A class indicates the RopGetReceiveFolder ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetReceiveFolderTableRequest A class indicates the RopGetReceiveFolderTable ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetReceiveFolderTableResponse A class indicates the RopGetReceiveFolderTable ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetStoreStateRequest A class indicates the RopGetStoreState ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetStoreStateResponse A class indicates the RopGetStoreState ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetStreamSizeRequest A class indicates the RopGetStreamSize ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetStreamSizeResponse A class indicates the RopGetStreamSize ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetTransportFolderRequest A class indicates the RopGetTransportFolder ROP Request Buffer.
RopGetTransportFolderResponse A class indicates the RopGetTransportFolder ROP Response Buffer.
RopGetValidAttachmentsRequest A class indicates the RopGetValidAttachments ROP reqeust Buffer.
RopGetValidAttachmentsResponse A class indicates the RopGetValidAttachments ROP response Buffer.
RopIdFromLongTermIdRequest A class indicates the RopIdFromLongTermId ROP Request Buffer.
RopIdFromLongTermIdResponse A class indicates the RopIdFromLongTermId ROP Response Buffer.
RopLockRegionStreamRequest A class indicates the RopLockRegionStream ROP Request Buffer.
RopLockRegionStreamResponse A class indicates the RopLockRegionStream ROP Response Buffer.
RopLogonRequest A class indicates the RopLogon ROP Request Buffer.
RopLogonResponse_PrivateMailboxes A class indicates the RopLogon ROP Response Buffer for private mailbox.
RopLogonResponse_PublicFolders A class indicates the RopLogon ROP Response Buffer for public folders.
RopLongTermIdFromIdRequest A class indicates the RopLongTermIdFromId ROP Request Buffer.
RopLongTermIdFromIdResponse A class indicates the RopLongTermIdFromId ROP Response Buffer.
RopModifyRecipientsRequest A class indicates the RopModifyRecipients ROP request Buffer.
RopModifyRecipientsResponse A class indicates the RopModifyRecipients ROP response Buffer.
RopNotifyResponse A class indicates the RopNotify ROP Response Buffer.
RopOpenAttachmentRequest A class indicates the RopOpenAttachment ROP request Buffer.
RopOpenAttachmentResponse A class indicates the RopOpenAttachment ROP response Buffer.
RopOpenEmbeddedMessageRequest A class indicates the RopOpenEmbeddedMessage ROP request Buffer.
RopOpenEmbeddedMessageResponse A class indicates the RopOpenEmbeddedMessage ROP response Buffer.
RopOpenMessageRequest A class indicates the RopOpenMessage ROP Request Buffer.
RopOpenMessageResponse A class indicates the RopOpenMessage ROP response Buffer.
RopOpenStreamRequest A class indicates the RopOpenStream ROP Request Buffer.
RopOpenStreamResponse A class indicates the RopOpenStream ROP Response Buffer.
RopOptionsDataRequest A class indicates the RopOptionsData ROP Request Buffer.
RopOptionsDataResponse A class indicates the RopOptionsData ROP Response Buffer.
RopPendingResponse A class indicates the RopPending ROP Response Buffer.
RopProgressRequest A class indicates the RopProgress ROP Request Buffer.
RopProgressResponse A class indicates the RopProgress ROP Response Buffer.
RopPublicFolderIsGhostedRequest A class indicates the RopPublicFolderIsGhosted ROP Request Buffer.
RopPublicFolderIsGhostedResponse A class indicates the RopPublicFolderIsGhosted ROP Response Buffer.
RopQueryNamedPropertiesRequest A class indicates the RopQueryNamedProperties ROP Request Buffer.
RopQueryNamedPropertiesResponse A class indicates the RopQueryNamedProperties ROP Response Buffer.
RopReadPerUserInformationRequest A class indicates the RopReadPerUserInformation ROP Request Buffer.
RopReadPerUserInformationResponse A class indicates the RopReadPerUserInformation ROP Response Buffer.
RopReadRecipientsRequest A class indicates the RopReadRecipients ROP request Buffer.
RopReadRecipientsResponse A class indicates the RopReadRecipients ROP response Buffer.
RopReadStreamRequest A class indicates the RopReadStream ROP Request Buffer.
RopReadStreamResponse A class indicates the RopReadStream ROP Response Buffer.
RopRegisterNotificationRequest The RopRegisterNotification ROP ([MS-OXCROPS] section creates a subscription for specified notifications on the server and returns a handle of the subscription to the client.
RopRegisterNotificationResponse A class indicates the RopRegisterNotification ROP Response Buffer.
RopReleaseRequest A class indicates the RopRelease ROP Request Buffer.
RopReloadCachedInformationRequest A class indicates the RopReloadCachedInformation ROP request Buffer.
RopReloadCachedInformationResponse A class indicates the RopReloadCachedInformation ROP response Buffer.
RopRemoveAllRecipientsRequest A class indicates the RopRemoveAllRecipients ROP request Buffer.
RopRemoveAllRecipientsResponse A class indicates the RopRemoveAllRecipients ROP response Buffer.
RopSaveChangesAttachmentRequest A class indicates the RopSaveChangesAttachment ROP request Buffer.
RopSaveChangesAttachmentResponse A class indicates the RopSaveChangesAttachment ROP response Buffer.
RopSaveChangesMessageRequest A class indicates the RopSaveChangesMessage ROP request Buffer.
RopSaveChangesMessageResponse A class indicates the RopSaveChangesMessage ROP response Buffer.
RopSeekStreamRequest A class indicates the RopSeekStream ROP Request Buffer.
RopSeekStreamResponse A class indicates the RopSeekStream ROP Response Buffer.
RopSetLocalReplicaMidsetDeletedRequest A class indicates the RopSetLocalReplicaMidsetDeleted ROP Request Buffer.
RopSetLocalReplicaMidsetDeletedResponse A class indicates the RopSetLocalReplicaMidsetDeleted ROP Response Buffer.
RopSetMessageReadFlagRequest A class indicates the RopSetMessageReadFlag ROP request Buffer.
RopSetMessageReadFlagResponse A class indicates the RopSetMessageReadFlag ROP response Buffer.
RopSetMessageStatusRequest A class indicates the RopSetMessageStatus ROP request Buffer.
RopSetMessageStatusResponse A class indicates the RopSetMessageStatus ROP response Buffer.
RopSetPropertiesNoReplicateRequest A class indicates the RopSetPropertiesNoReplicate ROP Request Buffer.
RopSetPropertiesNoReplicateResponse A class indicates the RopSetPropertiesNoReplicate ROP Response Buffer.
RopSetPropertiesRequest A class indicates the RopSetProperties ROP Request Buffer.
RopSetPropertiesResponse A class indicates the RopSetProperties ROP Response Buffer.
RopSetReadFlagsRequest A class indicates the RopSetReadFlags ROP request Buffer.
RopSetReadFlagsResponse A class indicates the RopSetReadFlags ROP response Buffer.
RopSetReceiveFolderRequest A class indicates the RopSetReceiveFolder ROP Request Buffer.
RopSetReceiveFolderResponse A class indicates the RopSetReceiveFolder ROP Response Buffer.
RopSetSpoolerRequest A class indicates the RopSetSpooler ROP Request Buffer.
RopSetSpoolerResponse A class indicates the RopSetSpooler ROP Response Buffer.
RopSetStreamSizeRequest A class indicates the RopSetStreamSize ROP Request Buffer.
RopSetStreamSizeResponse A class indicates the RopSetStreamSize ROP Response Buffer.
RopSpoolerLockMessageRequest A class indicates the RopSpoolerLockMessage ROP Request Buffer.
RopSpoolerLockMessageResponse A class indicates the RopSpoolerLockMessage ROP Response Buffer.
RopSubmitMessageRequest A class indicates the RopSubmitMessage ROP Request Buffer.
RopSubmitMessageResponse A class indicates the RopSubmitMessage ROP Response Buffer.
RopSynchronizationConfigureRequest A class indicates the RopSynchronizationConfigure ROP Request Buffer.
RopSynchronizationConfigureResponse A class indicates the RopSynchronizationConfigure ROP Response Buffer.
RopSynchronizationGetTransferStateRequest A class indicates the RopSynchronizationGetTransferState ROP Request Buffer.
RopSynchronizationGetTransferStateResponse A class indicates the RopSynchronizationGetTransferState ROP Response Buffer.
RopSynchronizationImportDeletesRequest A class indicates the RopSynchronizationImportDeletes ROP Request Buffer.
RopSynchronizationImportDeletesResponse A class indicates the RopSynchronizationImportDeletes ROP Response Buffer.
RopSynchronizationImportHierarchyChangeRequest A class indicates the RopSynchronizationImportHierarchyChange ROP Request Buffer.
RopSynchronizationImportHierarchyChangeResponse A class indicates the RopSynchronizationImportHierarchyChange ROP Response Buffer.
RopSynchronizationImportMessageChangeRequest A class indicates the RopSynchronizationImportMessageChange ROP Request Buffer.
RopSynchronizationImportMessageChangeResponse A class indicates the RopSynchronizationImportMessageChange ROP Response Buffer.
RopSynchronizationImportMessageMoveRequest A class indicates the RopSynchronizationImportMessageMove ROP Request Buffer.
RopSynchronizationImportMessageMoveResponse A class indicates the RopSynchronizationImportMessageMove ROP Response Buffer.
RopSynchronizationImportReadStateChangesRequest A class indicates the RopSynchronizationImportReadStateChanges ROP Request Buffer.
RopSynchronizationImportReadStateChangesResponse A class indicates the RopSynchronizationImportReadStateChanges ROP Response Buffer.
RopSynchronizationOpenCollectorRequest A class indicates the RopSynchronizationOpenCollector ROP Request Buffer.
RopSynchronizationOpenCollectorResponse A class indicates the RopSynchronizationOpenCollector ROP Response Buffer.
RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamBeginRequest A class indicates the RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamBegin ROP Request Buffer.
RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamBeginResponse A class indicates the RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamBegin ROP Response Buffer.
RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamContinueRequest A class indicates the RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamContinue ROP Request Buffer.
RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamContinueResponse A class indicates the RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamContinue ROP Response Buffer.
RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamEndRequest A class indicates the RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamEnd ROP Request Buffer.
RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamEndResponse A class indicates the RopSynchronizationUploadStateStreamEnd ROP Response Buffer.
RopTellVersionRequest A class indicates the RopTellVersion ROP Request Buffer.
RopTellVersionResponse A class indicates the RopTellVersion ROP Response Buffer.
RopTransportNewMailRequest A class indicates the RopTransportNewMail ROP Request Buffer.
RopTransportNewMailResponse A class indicates the RopTransportNewMail ROP Response Buffer.
RopTransportSendRequest A class indicates the RopTransportSend ROP Request Buffer.
RopTransportSendResponse A class indicates the RopTransportSend ROP Response Buffer.
RopUnlockRegionStreamRequest A class indicates the RopUnlockRegionStream ROP Request Buffer.
RopUnlockRegionStreamResponse A class indicates the RopUnlockRegionStream ROP Response Buffer.
RopWriteAndCommitStreamRequest A class indicates the RopWriteAndCommitStream ROP Request Buffer.
RopWriteAndCommitStreamResponse A class indicates the RopWriteAndCommitStream ROP Response Buffer.
RopWritePerUserInformationRequest A class indicates the RopWritePerUserInformation ROP Request Buffer.
RopWritePerUserInformationResponse A class indicates the RopWritePerUserInformation ROP Response Buffer.
RopWriteStreamRequest A class indicates the RopWriteStream ROP Request Buffer.
RopWriteStreamResponse A class indicates the RopWriteStream ROP Response Buffer.
SizedXid SizedXid structure.
State The state element contains the final ICS state of the synchronization download operation.
SubFolder Contains a folderContent.
SubFolderNoDelProps Contains a folderContentNoDelProps.
SyncMessagePartialPropList The SyncMessagePartialPropList is defined to help Parsering MessageChangePartial element.
SyntacticalBase Base class for all syntactical object.
TopFolder Contains a folderContent.
VarPropTypePropValue The VarPropTypePropValue class.
XID Represents an external identifier for an entity within a data store.