C# (CSharp) HearthAnalyzer.Core.Cards.Spells Namespace


Name Description
AdrenalineRush Implements the Adrenaline Rush spell Draw a card. Combo: Draw 2 cards instead.
AncestralHealing Implements the Ancestral Healing spell Restore a minion to full Health and give it Taunt.
AncestralSpirit Implements the Ancestral Spirit spell Give a minion "Deathrattle: Resummon this minion."
AncientSecrets Implements the Ancient Secrets spell Restore 5 Health.
AncientTeachings Implements the Ancient Teachings spell Draw 2 cards.
AnimalCompanion Implements the Animal Companion spell Summon a random Beast Companion.
ArcaneExplosion Implements the Arcane Explosion spell Deal $1 damage to all enemy minions.
ArcaneIntellect Implements the Arcane Intellect spell Draw 2 cards.
ArcaneMissiles Implements the Arcane Missiles spell Deal $3 damage randomly split among enemy characters.
ArcaneShot Implements the Arcane Shot spell Deal $2 damage.
Assassinate Implements the Assassinate spell Destroy an enemy minion.
Avenge Implements the Avenge spell Secret: When one of your minions dies, give a random friendly minion +3/+2.
AvengingWrath Implements the Avenging Wrath spell Deal $8 damage randomly split among enemy characters.
Backstab Implements the Backstab spell Deal $2 damage to an undamaged minion.
Bananas Implements the Bananas spell Give a minion +1/+1.
BaneofDoom Implements the Bane of Doom spell Deal $2 damage to a character. If that kills it, summon a random Demon.
BarrelToss Implements the Barrel Toss spell Deal 2 damage.
BattleRage Implements the Battle Rage spell Draw a card for each damaged friendly character.
BearForm Implements the Bear Form spell +2 Health and Taunt.
BestialWrath Implements the Bestial Wrath spell Give a Beast +2 Attack and Immune this turn.
Betrayal Implements the Betrayal spell Force an enemy minion to deal its damage to the minions next to it.
Bite Implements the Bite spell Give your hero +4 Attack this turn and 4 Armor.
BladeFlurry Implements the Blade Flurry spell Destroy your weapon and deal its damage to all enemies.
BlessedChampion Implements the Blessed Champion spell Double a minion's Attack.
BlessingofKings Implements the Blessing of Kings spell Give a minion +4/+4. (+4 Attack/+4 Health)
BlessingofMight Implements the Blessing of Might spell Give a minion +3 Attack.
BlessingofWisdom Implements the Blessing of Wisdom spell Choose a minion. Whenever it attacks, draw a card.
Blizzard Implements the Blizzard spell Deal $2 damage to all enemy minions and Freeze them.
Bloodlust Implements the Bloodlust spell Give your minions +3 Attack this turn.
Brawl Implements the Brawl spell Destroy all minions except one. (chosen randomly)
CatForm Implements the Cat Form spell Charge
Charge Implements the Charge spell Give a friendly minion +2 Attack and Charge.
CircleofHealing Implements the Circle of Healing spell Restore #4 Health to ALL minions.
Claw Implements the Claw spell Give your hero +2 Attack this turn and 2 Armor.
Cleave Implements the Cleave spell Deal $2 damage to two random enemy minions.
ColdBlood Implements the Cold Blood spell Give a minion +2 Attack. Combo: +4 Attack instead.
CommandingShout Implements the Commanding Shout spell Your minions can't be reduced below 1 Health this turn. Draw a card.
Conceal Implements the Conceal spell Give your minions Stealth until your next turn.
ConeofCold Implements the Cone of Cold spell Freeze a minion and the minions next to it, and deal $1 damage to them.
Consecration Implements the Consecration spell Deal $2 damage to all enemies.
Corruption Implements the Corruption spell Choose an enemy minion. At the start of your turn, destroy it.
Counterspell Implements the Counterspell spell Secret: When your opponent casts a spell, Counter it.
DeadlyPoison Implements the Deadly Poison spell Give your weapon +2 Attack.
DeadlyShot Implements the Deadly Shot spell Destroy a random enemy minion.
Deathbloom Implements the Deathbloom spell Deal $5 damage to a minion. Summon a Spore.
DemigodsFavor Implements the Demigod's Favor spell Give your other minions +2/+2.
Demonfire Implements the Demonfire spell Deal $2 damage to a minion. If it’s a friendly Demon, give it +2/+2 instead.
Dispel Implements the Dispel spell Silence a minion.
DivineFavor Implements the Divine Favor spell Draw cards until you have as many in hand as your opponent.
DivineSpirit Implements the Divine Spirit spell Double a minion's Health.
DrainLife Implements the Drain Life spell Deal $2 damage. Restore #2 Health to your hero.
Dream Implements the Dream spell Return a minion to its owner's hand.
Duplicate Implements the Duplicate spell Secret: When a friendly minion dies, put 2 copies of it into your hand.
EarthShock Implements the Earth Shock spell Silence a minion, then deal $1 damage to it.
Enrage Implements the Enrage spell Give your hero +6 Attack this turn.
Equality Implements the Equality spell Change the Health of ALL minions to 1.
Eviscerate Implements the Eviscerate spell Deal $2 damage. Combo: Deal $4 damage instead.
ExcessMana Implements the Excess Mana spell Draw a card. (You can only have 10 Mana in your tray.)
Execute Implements the Execute spell Destroy a damaged enemy minion.
ExplosiveShot Implements the Explosive Shot spell Deal $5 damage to a minion and $2 damage to adjacent ones.
ExplosiveTrap Implements the Explosive Trap spell Secret: When your hero is attacked, deal $2 damage to all enemies.
EyeforanEye Implements the Eye for an Eye spell Secret: When your hero takes damage, deal that much damage to the enemy hero.
FarSight Implements the Far Sight spell Draw a card. That card costs (3) less.
FeralSpirit Implements the Feral Spirit spell Summon two 2/3 Spirit Wolves with Taunt. Overload: (2)
Fireball Implements the Fireball spell Deals 6 damage.
FlameBurst Implements the Flame Burst spell Shoot 5 missiles at random enemies for $1 damage each.
Flamestrike Implements the Flamestrike spell Deal $4 damage to all enemy minions.
Flare Implements the Flare spell All minions lose Stealth. Destroy all enemy Secrets. Draw a card.
ForceofNature Implements the Force of Nature spell Summon three 2/2 Treants with Charge that die at the end of the turn.
ForkedLightning Implements the Forked Lightning spell Deal $2 damage to 2 random enemy minions. Overload: (2)
FreezingTrap Implements the Freezing Trap spell Secret: When an enemy minion attacks, return it to its owner's hand and it costs (2) more.
FrostNova Implements the Frost Nova spell Freeze all enemy minions.
Frostbolt Implements the Frostbolt spell Deal $3 damage to a character and Freeze it.
HammerofWrath Implements the Hammer of Wrath spell Deal $3 damage. Draw a card.
HandofProtection Implements the Hand of Protection spell Give a minion Divine Shield.
Headcrack Implements the Headcrack spell Deal $2 damage to the enemy hero. Combo: Return this to your hand next turn.
HealingTouch Implements the Healing Touch spell Restore #8 Health.
Hellfire Implements the Hellfire spell Deal $3 damage to ALL characters.
HeroicStrike Implements the Heroic Strike spell Give your hero +4 Attack this turn.
Hex Implements the Hex spell Transform a minion into a 0/1 Frog with Taunt.
HoggerSMASH Implements the Hogger SMASH! spell Deal 4 damage.
HolyFire Implements the Holy Fire spell Deal $5 damage. Restore #5 Health to your hero.
HolyLight Implements the Holy Light spell Restore #6 Health.
HolyNova Implements the Holy Nova spell Deal $2 damage to all enemies. Restore #2 Health to all friendly characters.
HolySmite Implements the Holy Smite spell Deal $2 damage.
HolyWrath Implements the Holy Wrath spell Draw a card and deal damage equal to its cost.
Humility Implements the Humility spell Change a minion's Attack to 1.
HuntersMark Implements the Hunter's Mark spell Change a minion's Health to 1.
IAmMurloc Implements the I Am Murloc spell Summon three, four, or five 1/1 Murlocs.
IceBarrier Implements the Ice Barrier spell Secret: When your hero is attacked, gain 8 Armor.
IceBlock Implements the Ice Block spell Secret: When your hero takes fatal damage, prevent it and become Immune this turn.
IceLance Implements the Ice Lance spell Freeze a character. If it was already Frozen, deal $4 damage instead.
InnerFire Implements the Inner Fire spell Change a minion's Attack to be equal to its Health.
InnerRage Implements the Inner Rage spell Deal $1 damage to a minion and give it +2 Attack.
Innervate Implements the Innervate spell Gain 2 Mana Crystals this turn only.
KillCommand Implements the Kill Command spell Deal $3 damage. If you have a Beast, deal $5 damage instead.
LavaBurst Implements the Lava Burst spell Deal $5 damage. Overload: (2)
LayonHands Implements the Lay on Hands spell Restore #8 Health. Draw 3 cards.
LeaderofthePack Implements the Leader of the Pack spell Give your minions +1/+1.
LegacyoftheEmperor Implements the Legacy of the Emperor spell Give your minions +2/+2. (+2 Attack/+2 Health)
LightningBolt Implements the Lightning Bolt spell Deal $3 damage. Overload: (1)
LightningStorm Implements the Lightning Storm spell Deal $2-$3 damage to all enemy minions. Overload: (2)
LocustSwarm Implements the Locust Swarm spell Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions. Restore 3 Health to your hero.
MarkofNature Implements the Mark of Nature spell Choose One - Give a minion +4 Attack; or +4 Health and Taunt.
MarkoftheHorsemen Implements the Mark of the Horsemen spell Give your minions and your weapon +1/+1.
MarkoftheWild Implements the Mark of the Wild spell Give a minion Taunt and +2/+2. (+2 Attack/+2 Health)
MassDispel Implements the Mass Dispel spell Silence all enemy minions. Draw a card.
MindBlast Implements the Mind Blast spell Deal $5 damage to the enemy hero.
MindControl Implements the Mind Control spell Take control of an enemy minion.
MindControlCrystal Implements the Mind Control Crystal spell Activate the Crystal to control the Understudies!
MindVision Implements the Mind Vision spell Put a copy of a random card in your opponent's hand into your hand.
Mindgames Implements the Mindgames spell Put a copy of a random minion from your opponent's deck into the battlefield.
Mindpocalypse Implements the Mindpocalypse spell Both players draw 2 cards and gain a Mana Crystal.
MirrorEntity Implements the Mirror Entity spell Secret: When your opponent plays a minion, summon a copy of it.
MirrorImage Implements the Mirror Image spell Summon two 0/2 minions with Taunt.
Misdirection Implements the Misdirection spell Secret: When a character attacks your hero, instead he attacks another random character.
Moonfire Implements the Moonfire spell Deal $1 damage.
MortalCoil Implements the Mortal Coil spell Deal $1 damage to a minion. If that kills it, draw a card.
MortalStrike Implements the Mortal Strike spell Deal $4 damage. If you have 12 or less Health, deal $6 instead.
MultiShot Implements the Multi-Shot spell Deal $3 damage to two random enemy minions.
MutatingInjection Implements the Mutating Injection spell Give a minion +4/+4 and Taunt.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO Implements the NOOOOOOOOOOOO spell Somehow, the card you USED to have has been deleted. Here, have this one instead!
Naturalize Implements the Naturalize spell Destroy a minion. Your opponent draws 2 cards.
NecroticPoison Implements the Necrotic Poison spell Destroy a minion.
Nightmare Implements the Nightmare spell Give a minion +5/+5. At the start of your next turn, destroy it.
NobleSacrifice Implements the Noble Sacrifice spell Secret: When an enemy attacks, summon a 2/1 Defender as the new target.
Nourish Implements the Nourish spell Choose One - Gain 2 Mana Crystals; or Draw 3 cards.
Plague Implements the Plague spell Destroy all non-Skeleton minions.
PoisonSeeds Implements the Poison Seeds spell Destroy all minions and summon 2/2 Treants to replace them.
Polymorph Implements the Polymorph spell Transform a minion into a 1/1 Sheep.
PowerOverwhelming Implements the Power Overwhelming spell Give a friendly minion +4/+4 until end of turn. Then, it dies. Horribly.
PowerWordShield Implements the Power Word: Shield spell Give a minion +2 Health.\nDraw a card.
PoweroftheHorde Implements the Power of the Horde spell Summon a random Horde Warrior.
PoweroftheWild Implements the Power of the Wild spell Choose One - Give your minions +1/+1; or Summon a 3/2 Panther.
Preparation Implements the Preparation spell The next spell you cast this turn costs (3) less.
PureCold Implements the Pure Cold spell Deal $8 damage to the enemy hero, and Freeze it.
Pyroblast Implements the Pyroblast spell Deal $10 damage.
Rampage Implements the Rampage spell Give a damaged minion +3/+3.
Redemption Implements the Redemption spell Secret: When one of your minions dies, return it to life with 1 Health.
Reincarnate Implements the Reincarnate spell Destroy a minion, then return it to life with full Health.
Repentance Implements the Repentance spell Secret: When your opponent plays a minion, reduce its Health to 1.
RockbiterWeapon Implements the Rockbiter Weapon spell Give a friendly character +3 Attack this turn.
RoguesDoIt Implements the Rogues Do It... spell Deal $4 damage. Draw a card.
Rooted Implements the Rooted spell +5 Health and Taunt.
SacrificialPact Implements the Sacrificial Pact spell Destroy a Demon. Restore #5 Health to your hero.
Sap Implements the Sap spell Return an enemy minion to your opponent's hand.
SavageRoar Implements the Savage Roar spell Give your characters +2 Attack this turn.
Savagery Implements the Savagery spell Deal damage equal to your hero's Attack to a minion.
SenseDemons Implements the Sense Demons spell Put 2 random Demons from your deck into your hand.
ShadowBolt Implements the Shadow Bolt spell Deal $4 damage to a minion.
ShadowMadness Implements the Shadow Madness spell Gain control of an enemy minion with 3 or less Attack until end of turn.
ShadowWordDeath Implements the Shadow Word: Death spell Destroy a minion with an Attack of 5 or more.
ShadowWordPain Implements the Shadow Word: Pain spell Destroy a minion with 3 or less Attack.
Shadowflame Implements the Shadowflame spell Destroy a friendly minion and deal its Attack damage to all enemy minions.
Shadowform Implements the Shadowform spell Your Hero Power becomes 'Deal 2 damage'. If already in Shadowform: 3 damage.
Shadowstep Implements the Shadowstep spell Return a friendly minion to your hand. It costs (2) less.
ShandosLesson Implements the Shan'do's Lesson spell Summon two 2/2 Treants with Taunt.
ShieldBlock Implements the Shield Block spell Gain 5 Armor. Draw a card.
ShieldSlam Implements the Shield Slam spell Deal 1 damage to a minion for each Armor you have.
Shiv Implements the Shiv spell Deal $1 damage. Draw a card.
Silence Implements the Silence spell Silence a minion.
SinisterStrike Implements the Sinister Strike spell Deal $3 damage to the enemy hero.
SiphonSoul Implements the Siphon Soul spell Destroy a minion. Restore #3 Health to your hero.
Slam Implements the Slam spell Deal $2 damage to a minion. If it survives, draw a card.
SnakeTrap Implements the Snake Trap spell Secret: When one of your minions is attacked, summon three 1/1 Snakes.
Snipe Implements the Snipe spell Secret: When your opponent plays a minion, deal $4 damage to it.
Soulfire Implements the Soulfire spell Deal $4 damage. Discard a random card.
SouloftheForest Implements the Soul of the Forest spell Give your minions "Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Treant."
Spellbender Implements the Spellbender spell Secret: When an enemy casts a spell on a minion, summon a 1/3 as the new target.
Sporeburst Implements the Sporeburst spell Deal $1 damage to all enemy minions. Summon a Spore.
Sprint Implements the Sprint spell Draw 4 cards.
Starfall Implements the Starfall spell Deal $5 damage to a minion.
Starfire Implements the Starfire spell Deal $5 damage. Draw a card.
Stomp Implements the Stomp spell Deal 2 damage to all enemies.
SummonaPanther Implements the Summon a Panther spell Summon a 3/2 Panther.
Supercharge Implements the Supercharge spell Give your minions +2 Health.
Swipe Implements the Swipe spell Deal $4 damage to an enemy and $1 damage to all other enemies.
TheCoin Implements the The Coin spell Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
Thoughtsteal Implements the Thoughtsteal spell Copy 2 cards from your opponent's deck and put them into your hand.
TotemicMight Implements the Totemic Might spell Give your Totems +2 Health.
Tracking Implements the Tracking spell Look at the top three cards of your deck. Draw one and discard the others.
Transcendence Implements the Transcendence spell Until you kill Cho's minions, he can't be attacked.
TwistingNether Implements the Twisting Nether spell Destroy all minions.
UnleashtheHounds Implements the Unleash the Hounds spell For each enemy minion, summon a 1/1 Hound with Charge.
Upgrade Implements the Upgrade! spell If you have a weapon, give it +1/+1. Otherwise equip a 1/3 weapon.
Uproot Implements the Uproot spell +5 Attack.
Vanish Implements the Vanish spell Return all minions to their owner's hand.
Vaporize Implements the Vaporize spell Secret: When a minion attacks your hero, destroy it.
Whirlwind Implements the Whirlwind spell Deal $1 damage to ALL minions.
WildGrowth Implements the Wild Growth spell Gain an empty Mana Crystal.
WillofMukla Implements the Will of Mukla spell Restore 8 Health.
Windfury Implements the Windfury spell Give a minion Windfury.
Wrath Implements the Wrath spell Deal $3 damage to a minion.
YseraAwakens Implements the Ysera Awakens spell Deal $5 damage to all characters except Ysera.