Name |
Description |
GXApplicationContextName |
GXAuthenticationMechanismName |
GXDLMSActionItem |
GXDLMSActionSchedule |
GXDLMSActionSet |
GXDLMSActivityCalendar |
GXDLMSAssociationLogicalName |
GXDLMSAssociationShortName |
GXDLMSAutoAnswer |
GXDLMSAutoConnect |
Auto Connect implements data transfer from the device to one or several destinations. |
GXDLMSCallback |
GXDLMSCaptureObject |
GXDLMSCertificateInfo |
Certificate info. |
GXDLMSDemandRegister |
GXDLMSDisconnectControl |
GXDLMSEmergencyProfile |
GXDLMSExtendedRegister |
GXDLMSHdlcSetup |
GXDLMSIEC14908Diagnostic |
Diagnostic interface class allows to have knowledge about the device status inside the PLC network. |
GXDLMSIEC14908Identification |
The IEC 14908 identification interface class allows the identification of the network on which the device is connected to. |
GXDLMSIEC14908PhysicalSetup |
The instance of the IEC 14908 Physical setup interface class allows the configuration of the physical link of the OSGP device. |
GXDLMSIEC14908PhysicalStatus |
GXDLMSIECOpticalPortSetup |
GXDLMSIecTwistedPairSetup |
GXDLMSImageActivateInfo |
GXDLMSImageTransfer |
GXDLMSIp4Setup |
GXDLMSIp4SetupIpOption |
GXDLMSLimiter |
GXDLMSMBusClient |
GXDLMSMBusMasterPortSetup |
GXDLMSMBusSlavePortSetup |
GXDLMSMacAddressSetup |
GXDLMSMessageHandler |
GXDLMSModemConfiguration |
GXDLMSModemInitialisation |
GXDLMSMonitoredValue |
GXDLMSObject |
GXDLMSObject provides an interface to DLMS registers. |
GXDLMSObjectDefinition |
Register activation uses this class to save register assigments. |
GXDLMSPppSetup |
GXDLMSPppSetupIPCPOption |
GXDLMSPppSetupLcpOption |
GXDLMSPushSetup |
GXDLMSQosElement |
GXDLMSRegister |
GXDLMSRegisterActivation |
GXDLMSRegisterMonitor |
GXDLMSSFSKActiveInitiator |
Stores counters related to the frame exchange, transmission and repetition phases. |
GXDLMSSFSKMacSynchronizationTimeouts |
The class stores the data necessary to set up and manage the physical and the MAC layer of the PLC S-FSK lower layer profile. |
GXDLMSSapAssignment |
GXDLMSSchedule |
GXDLMSScript |
Script of script table. |
GXDLMSScriptAction |
GXDLMSScriptTable |
Script table objects contain a table of script entries. Each entry consists of a script identifier and a series of action specifications. |
GXDLMSSeasonProfile |
GXDLMSSecuritySetup |
GXDLMSSpecialDay |
GXDLMSSpecialDaysTable |
GXDLMSTcpUdpSetup |
GXProfileGenericUpdater |
GXScheduleEntry |
Executed scripts. |
GXxDLMSContextType |