Name |
Description |
AddWindowsCredentialEvent |
Event sent when a set of Windows credentials is added. |
ChangedFirewallPortsEvent |
This event is sent every time the user uses the Manage Firewall dialog to change firewall ports. |
CloudExplorerInteractionEvent |
This event is sent every time the Cloud Explorer tool window is opened. |
CloudSQLInstancesLoadedEvent |
This event is sent every time that the list of SQL instances is fetched. |
GaeServicesLoadedEvent |
This event is sent every time that the list of GAE services is loaded. |
GaeTrafficSplitUpdatedEvent |
This event is sent every time that the GAE traffic split is updated. |
GaeVersionDeletedEvent |
This event is sent every time that a GAE version is deleted. |
GaeVersionServingStatusUpdatedEvent |
This event is sent every time that the GAE version serving status is updated. |
GaeVersionsLoadedEvent |
This event is sent every time that the list of GAE versions is fetched. |
GceVMsLoadedEvent |
This event is sent every time that the list of VMs for the current project is retrieved. |
GcsBucketsLoadedEvent |
This event is sent every time that the list of GCS buckets for the current project is retrieved. |
ManageCloudSqlAuthorizedNetworkEvent |
Event sent when the authorized networks for a Cloud SQL instance are changed. |
NewInstallEvent |
This event will be sent when no previous version of the VS extension is detected and thus signifies that this is a new install. |
NewLoginEvent |
This event will be sent every time there's a new user logged in using the Google credentials. |
OpenCloudSqlConnectionDialogEvent |
Event sent when the cloud SQL connection dialog is open. |
OpenGceInstanceOnCloudConsoleEvent |
Event sent when the user opens a GCE instance in Cloud Console. |
OpenGceInstanceWebsiteEvent |
Event sent when the website for a GCE VM is opened. |
OpenGcsBucketOnCloudConsoleEvent |
Event sent when a GCS bucket is opened on cloud console. |
StartGceInstanceEvent |
Event sent when the GCE instance is started. |
StartRemoteDesktopSessionEvent |
Event reported when a new Remote Desktop session is started. |
StopGceInstanceEvent |
Event sent when the users stops a GCE VM. |
UnhandledExceptionEvent |
This event is sent every time that there's an unhandled exception. |
UpgradeEvent |
This event is reported when it is detected that this version of VS extension was installed over and old version and thus is an upgrade. |