C# (CSharp) GoogleCloudExtension.Analytics.Events Namespace


Name Description
AddWindowsCredentialEvent Event sent when a set of Windows credentials is added.
ChangedFirewallPortsEvent This event is sent every time the user uses the Manage Firewall dialog to change firewall ports.
CloudExplorerInteractionEvent This event is sent every time the Cloud Explorer tool window is opened.
CloudSQLInstancesLoadedEvent This event is sent every time that the list of SQL instances is fetched.
GaeServicesLoadedEvent This event is sent every time that the list of GAE services is loaded.
GaeTrafficSplitUpdatedEvent This event is sent every time that the GAE traffic split is updated.
GaeVersionDeletedEvent This event is sent every time that a GAE version is deleted.
GaeVersionServingStatusUpdatedEvent This event is sent every time that the GAE version serving status is updated.
GaeVersionsLoadedEvent This event is sent every time that the list of GAE versions is fetched.
GceVMsLoadedEvent This event is sent every time that the list of VMs for the current project is retrieved.
GcsBucketsLoadedEvent This event is sent every time that the list of GCS buckets for the current project is retrieved.
ManageCloudSqlAuthorizedNetworkEvent Event sent when the authorized networks for a Cloud SQL instance are changed.
NewInstallEvent This event will be sent when no previous version of the VS extension is detected and thus signifies that this is a new install.
NewLoginEvent This event will be sent every time there's a new user logged in using the Google credentials.
OpenCloudSqlConnectionDialogEvent Event sent when the cloud SQL connection dialog is open.
OpenGceInstanceOnCloudConsoleEvent Event sent when the user opens a GCE instance in Cloud Console.
OpenGceInstanceWebsiteEvent Event sent when the website for a GCE VM is opened.
OpenGcsBucketOnCloudConsoleEvent Event sent when a GCS bucket is opened on cloud console.
StartGceInstanceEvent Event sent when the GCE instance is started.
StartRemoteDesktopSessionEvent Event reported when a new Remote Desktop session is started.
StopGceInstanceEvent Event sent when the users stops a GCE VM.
UnhandledExceptionEvent This event is sent every time that there's an unhandled exception.
UpgradeEvent This event is reported when it is detected that this version of VS extension was installed over and old version and thus is an upgrade.