C# (CSharp) Esri.ArcGisServer.Rest.Route Namespace


Name Description

Use this parameter to specify additional values required by a restriction or to specify whether the restriction prohibits, avoids, or prefers travel on roads that use the restriction. If the restriction is meant to avoid or prefer roads, you can further specify the degree to which they are avoided or preferred using this parameter.

The parameter value is specified as an array of objects each having the attributeName, parameterName and value properties. The attributeName indicates the name of the restriction. The parameterName indicates the name of the parameter associated with the restriction. A restriction can have one or more parameterName properties based on its intended use. The value indicates the value for a particular parameterName and is used by the service when evaluating the restriction.

Direction One step in a list of directions of a SolveResult.
DirectionSummary Summary information about a Direction.
Message Messages associated with a SolveResult.
RouteService Provides access to an ArcGIS Server route (NAServer) service.
SolveErrorInfo The information about a SolveErrorResponse.
SolveErrorResponse The response a RouteService.Solve opertaion will return when it fails.
SolveResult The results of a RouteService.Solve operation.