C# (CSharp) CodeCake Namespace


Name Description
BuildScriptHost The script host used to execute Cake scripts.
CakeTerminateException Exception uses by Terminate methods to halt script execution.
CodeCakeApplication Crappy implementation... but it works.
CodeCakeApplication.SafeCakeLog Temporary fix waiting for PR https://github.com/cake-build/cake/pull/485
CodeCakeBuildTypeDescriptor Describes a Build class.
CodeCakeHost Base class for build objects.
EnvironmentAddedPath Captures a path that must be added to the PATH environment variable. When IsDynamicPattern is true, the path is expansed and/or gobbled dynamically instead of beeing resolved at the very beginning of the build script execution.
MutableCakeEnvironment Represents the environment Cake operates in. This mutable implementation allows the PATH environment variable to be dynamically modified. Except this new EnvironmentPaths this is the same as the CakeEnvironment provided by Cake.
RijndaelCrypt This is the same algorithm and configuration as https://github.com/appveyor/secure-file.
TemporaryFile Small helper to automatically delete a temporary file. It is mainly a secure wrapper around GetTempFileName that creates a uniquely named, zero-byte temporary file on disk and returns the full path of that file: the P:Path property exposes it. This file is flagged by default with FileAttributes.Temporary (short-lived): it will automatically be deleted by the Operating System during if it is still here on reboot. (Borrowed from CK.Core.)
TerminateAliases Contains functionalities related to script termination.