C# (CSharp) BEPUutilities Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AffineTransform A transformation composed of a linear transformation and a translation.
ConvexHullHelper Processes vertex data into convex hulls.
MathChecker Contains conditional extensions to check for bad values in various structures.
Matrix2x2 2 row, 2 column matrix.
Matrix2x3 2 row, 3 column matrix.
Matrix3x2 3 row, 2 column matrix.
Matrix3x3 3 row, 3 column matrix.
Quaternion Provides XNA-like quaternion support.
RayHit Contains ray hit data.
RigidTransform Transform composed of a rotation and translation.
SpinLock Synchronizes using a busy wait. Take care when using this; if the critical section is long or there's any doubt about the use of a busy wait, consider using Monitor locks or other approaches instead. Replaces the .NET SpinLock on PC and provides its functionality on the Xbox360.
Toolbox Helper class with many algorithms for intersection testing and 3D math.