C# (CSharp) Apprenda.Log4NetConnectorPolicy Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
DotNetLog4NetConnector Bootstrap Policy to connect .Net workloads to the Apprenda logging facility
Log4NetAppConfigUpdateService The log 4 net app config update service.
Log4NetConfigurationUpdateService The log4net standalone configuration file update service.
LogElementWorker The log element worker.
UserInterfaceWorkloadInspector The IWorkloadInspector to probe for the presence of the log4net assembly in the workload and determine whether the log4net configuration is loaded from the app.config (web.config) or a separate log4net XML document. When found, the log4net configuration is updated to replace the existing appender configuration with the Apprenda appender and the Apprenda appender assembly is added to the workload.
WcfServiceWorkloadInspector The WCF service workload inspector.
WorkloadInspectorBase The log4net workload inspector base.