C# (CSharp) Alexandria.Engines.Sciagi.Resources Namespace


Name Description
Message This describes a vocabulary word.
MessageItem An item in a Message.
Palette A palette resource.
PaletteColor A color inside a Palette.
Picture A picture made up of a series of drawing instructions.
PictureCanvas Manages the four rasters of an SCI game.
PictureCel A 256-colour drawing that is part of a Picture.
PictureInstruction An operation used for drawing a Picture with a PictureRenderer.
PictureInstruction.DisableControl Disable drawing to the control plane.
PictureInstruction.DisablePriority Stop drawing to the priority map.
PictureInstruction.DisableVisual Stop drawing to the visual layer.
PictureInstruction.DrawCel A synthetic instruction to draw a PictureCel.
PictureInstruction.DrawFloodfill Floodfill an area.
PictureInstruction.DrawLines Draw a line strip.
PictureInstruction.DrawPatterns Draw patterns.
PictureInstruction.Mono0 Used by monochrome rendering, unknown.
PictureInstruction.Mono123 Used by monochrome rendering; unknown.
PictureInstruction.Quit Stop processing; end of the picture.
PictureInstruction.SetColor Set colors to DitherPaletteIndex into the current dither palette, then enable visual.
PictureInstruction.SetControl Set the control value to write and enable writing to control.
PictureInstruction.SetPalette Assign a palette entry.
PictureInstruction.SetPatternFlags Set pattern flags.
PictureInstruction.SetPriority Set the priority value to write, enable the draw priority.
PicturePatternDrawLocation Used by PictureInstruction.DrawPatterns.
PictureRenderer Deals with rendering for a Picture.
PictureSetPaletteEntry Used by PictureInstructions.SetPalette.
Script A script resource.
ScriptBlock A block in a Script.
ScriptOpcodeAttribute Describes a ScriptOpcode.
ScriptSection A section of a Script.
ScriptSection.Locals A local variable section for a script.
ScriptSection.Object Describes an object.
ScriptSection.Object.FunctionSelector A function selector in the object.
ScriptSection.Object.Selector A selector in the object.
ScriptSection.Object.VariableSelector A variable selector in the object.
ScriptSection.Strings A collection of strings.
ScriptSection.Unknown An unknown script section.
Text A collection of strings.
View A view resource, which is a collection of animations.
ViewAnimation An animation in a View.
ViewCell A View cell.
ViewGroup A group in a View.