C# Class vlko.core.HtmlExtender.CssManager

ファイルを表示 Open project: vlko/vlko

Public Methods

Method Description
CssAspNetInclude ( string cssLink ) : void

Registers the css include for asp.net.

CssInclude ( this htmlHelper, string cssFile ) : void

Registers the css include.

CssInclude ( this htmlHelper, string cssFile, string mediaType ) : void

Registers the css include.

RenderCss ( this htmlHelper ) : System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString

Renders the CSS resources.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetRegisteredCssIncludes ( ) : string>.SortedList

Gets the registered CSS includes.

Method Details

CssAspNetInclude() public static method

Registers the css include for asp.net.
public static CssAspNetInclude ( string cssLink ) : void
cssLink string The CSS link.
return void

CssInclude() public static method

Registers the css include.
public static CssInclude ( this htmlHelper, string cssFile ) : void
htmlHelper this The HTML helper.
cssFile string The CSS file.
return void

CssInclude() public static method

Registers the css include.
public static CssInclude ( this htmlHelper, string cssFile, string mediaType ) : void
htmlHelper this The HTML helper.
cssFile string The CSS file.
mediaType string Type of the media.
return void

RenderCss() public static method

Renders the CSS resources.
public static RenderCss ( this htmlHelper ) : System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString
htmlHelper this The HTML helper.
return System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString