C# Class vlko.core.Base.BaseController

Base controller with session.
Inheritance: Controller
ファイルを表示 Open project: vlko/vlko

Public Methods

Method Description
GetAjaxModelErrors ( ) : vlko.core.Base.AjaxModelErrorInfo[]

Gets the model errors in ajax format.

Protected Methods

Method Description
BeginExecute ( System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, System callback, object state ) : System.IAsyncResult
EndExecute ( System asyncResult ) : void
OnAuthorization ( System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizationContext filterContext ) : void

Called when authorization occurs.

RedirectToActionWithAjax ( string actionName, string controllerName = null, object routeValues = null, bool allowJsonGetRequest = false ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Redirects to action with ajax support.

ViewWithAjax ( object model = null ) : System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult

Views the with ajax support.

ViewWithAjax ( string viewName, object model = null ) : System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult

Views the with ajax.

Method Details

BeginExecute() protected method

protected BeginExecute ( System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, System callback, object state ) : System.IAsyncResult
requestContext System.Web.Routing.RequestContext
callback System
state object
return System.IAsyncResult

EndExecute() protected method

protected EndExecute ( System asyncResult ) : void
asyncResult System
return void

GetAjaxModelErrors() public method

Gets the model errors in ajax format.
public GetAjaxModelErrors ( ) : vlko.core.Base.AjaxModelErrorInfo[]
return vlko.core.Base.AjaxModelErrorInfo[]

OnAuthorization() protected method

Called when authorization occurs.
protected OnAuthorization ( System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizationContext filterContext ) : void
filterContext System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizationContext Information about the current request and action.
return void

RedirectToActionWithAjax() protected method

Redirects to action with ajax support.
protected RedirectToActionWithAjax ( string actionName, string controllerName = null, object routeValues = null, bool allowJsonGetRequest = false ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
actionName string Name of the action.
controllerName string Name of the controller.
routeValues object The route values.
allowJsonGetRequest bool if set to true [allow json get request].
return System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

ViewWithAjax() protected method

Views the with ajax support.
protected ViewWithAjax ( object model = null ) : System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult
model object The model.
return System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult

ViewWithAjax() protected method

Views the with ajax.
protected ViewWithAjax ( string viewName, object model = null ) : System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult
viewName string Name of the view.
model object The model.
return System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult