C# Class iwantedue.OutlookStorage

Inheritance: IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: Developex/Outlook-Sync-Webservice Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
streamStatistics ComTypes.STATSTG>.Dictionary
subStorageStatistics ComTypes.STATSTG>.Dictionary

Private Properties

Property Type Description
GetMapiPropertyFromPropertyStream object
GetMapiPropertyFromStreamOrStorage object
OutlookStorage System
OutlookStorage System
OutlookStorage System

Public Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( ) : void

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

GetMapiProperty ( string propIdentifier ) : object

Gets the raw value of the MAPI property.

GetMapiPropertyBytes ( string propIdentifier ) : byte[]

Gets the value of the MAPI property as a byte array.

GetMapiPropertyInt16 ( string propIdentifier ) : Int16

Gets the value of the MAPI property as a short.

GetMapiPropertyInt32 ( string propIdentifier ) : int

Gets the value of the MAPI property as a integer.

GetMapiPropertyString ( string propIdentifier ) : string

Gets the value of the MAPI property as a string.

GetStreamAsString ( string streamName, Encoding streamEncoding ) : string

Gets the data in the specified stream as a string using the specifed encoding to decode the stream data.

GetStreamBytes ( string streamName ) : byte[]

Gets the data in the specified stream as a byte array.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Disposing ( ) : void

Gives sub classes the chance to free resources during object disposal.

LoadStorage ( NativeMethods storage ) : void

Processes sub streams and storages on the specified storage.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetMapiPropertyFromPropertyStream ( string propIdentifier ) : object

Gets the MAPI property value from the property stream in this storage.

GetMapiPropertyFromStreamOrStorage ( string propIdentifier ) : object

Gets the MAPI property value from a stream or storage in this storage.

OutlookStorage ( NativeMethods storage ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the OutlookStorage class on the specified NativeMethods.IStorage.

OutlookStorage ( Stream storageStream ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the OutlookStorage class from a Stream containing an IStorage.

OutlookStorage ( string storageFilePath ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the OutlookStorage class from a file.

Method Details

Dispose() public method

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Disposing() protected method

Gives sub classes the chance to free resources during object disposal.
protected Disposing ( ) : void
return void

GetMapiProperty() public method

Gets the raw value of the MAPI property.
public GetMapiProperty ( string propIdentifier ) : object
propIdentifier string The 4 char hexadecimal prop identifier.
return object

GetMapiPropertyBytes() public method

Gets the value of the MAPI property as a byte array.
public GetMapiPropertyBytes ( string propIdentifier ) : byte[]
propIdentifier string The 4 char hexadecimal prop identifier.
return byte[]

GetMapiPropertyInt16() public method

Gets the value of the MAPI property as a short.
public GetMapiPropertyInt16 ( string propIdentifier ) : Int16
propIdentifier string The 4 char hexadecimal prop identifier.
return System.Int16

GetMapiPropertyInt32() public method

Gets the value of the MAPI property as a integer.
public GetMapiPropertyInt32 ( string propIdentifier ) : int
propIdentifier string The 4 char hexadecimal prop identifier.
return int

GetMapiPropertyString() public method

Gets the value of the MAPI property as a string.
public GetMapiPropertyString ( string propIdentifier ) : string
propIdentifier string The 4 char hexadecimal prop identifier.
return string

GetStreamAsString() public method

Gets the data in the specified stream as a string using the specifed encoding to decode the stream data.
public GetStreamAsString ( string streamName, Encoding streamEncoding ) : string
streamName string Name of the stream to get string data for.
streamEncoding System.Text.Encoding The encoding to decode the stream data with.
return string

GetStreamBytes() public method

Gets the data in the specified stream as a byte array.
public GetStreamBytes ( string streamName ) : byte[]
streamName string Name of the stream to get data for.
return byte[]

LoadStorage() protected method

Processes sub streams and storages on the specified storage.
protected LoadStorage ( NativeMethods storage ) : void
storage NativeMethods The storage to get sub streams and storages for.
return void

Property Details

streamStatistics public_oe property

The statistics for all streams in the IStorage associated with this instance.
public Dictionary streamStatistics
return ComTypes.STATSTG>.Dictionary

subStorageStatistics public_oe property

The statistics for all storgages in the IStorage associated with this instance.
public Dictionary subStorageStatistics
return ComTypes.STATSTG>.Dictionary