C# Class gov.va.medora.mdo.SocSecNum

Contributions by Matt Schmidt (vhaindschmim0) and Robert Ruff (vhawpbruffr)
ファイルを表示 Open project: OSEHRA/mdo Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
myAreaNumber string
myGroupNumber string
mySerialNumber string

Public Methods

Method Description
SocSecNum ( ) : System
SocSecNum ( bool sensitive ) : System

Use this constructor to create a SocSecNum object without an SSN string. Pass true as the argument and use the SocSecNum.SensitivityString accessor to obtain the sensitivity string

SocSecNum ( string value ) : System
ToString ( ) : string
isValid ( string value ) : bool
isValidAreaNumber ( string value ) : bool
isValidGroupNumber ( string value ) : bool
isValidSerialNumber ( string value ) : bool
isWellFormed ( string value ) : bool
isWellFormedAreaNumber ( string value ) : bool
isWellFormedGroupNumber ( string value ) : bool
isWellFormedSerialNumber ( string value ) : bool
stripField ( string value, int fldnum ) : string
toHyphenatedString ( ) : string
toString ( ) : string

Protected Methods

Method Description
setSSN ( string value ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
setIfNumeric ( string s ) : string

Method Details

SocSecNum() public method

public SocSecNum ( ) : System
return System

SocSecNum() public method

Use this constructor to create a SocSecNum object without an SSN string. Pass true as the argument and use the SocSecNum.SensitivityString accessor to obtain the sensitivity string
public SocSecNum ( bool sensitive ) : System
sensitive bool Pass true for sensitive SSNs
return System

SocSecNum() public method

public SocSecNum ( string value ) : System
value string
return System

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string

isValid() public static method

public static isValid ( string value ) : bool
value string
return bool

isValidAreaNumber() public static method

public static isValidAreaNumber ( string value ) : bool
value string
return bool

isValidGroupNumber() public static method

public static isValidGroupNumber ( string value ) : bool
value string
return bool

isValidSerialNumber() public static method

public static isValidSerialNumber ( string value ) : bool
value string
return bool

isWellFormed() public static method

public static isWellFormed ( string value ) : bool
value string
return bool

isWellFormedAreaNumber() public static method

public static isWellFormedAreaNumber ( string value ) : bool
value string
return bool

isWellFormedGroupNumber() public static method

public static isWellFormedGroupNumber ( string value ) : bool
value string
return bool

isWellFormedSerialNumber() public static method

public static isWellFormedSerialNumber ( string value ) : bool
value string
return bool

setSSN() protected method

protected setSSN ( string value ) : void
value string
return void

stripField() public static method

public static stripField ( string value, int fldnum ) : string
value string
fldnum int
return string

toHyphenatedString() public method

public toHyphenatedString ( ) : string
return string

toString() public method

public toString ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

myAreaNumber protected_oe property

protected string myAreaNumber
return string

myGroupNumber protected_oe property

protected string myGroupNumber
return string

mySerialNumber protected_oe property

protected string mySerialNumber
return string