C# Class cloudmusic2upnp.DeviceController.UPnP.Controller

Inheritance: IController
ファイルを表示 Open project: TilmannBach/cloudmusic2upnp

Public Methods

Method Description
Controller ( uint networkAdapterIndex ) : System

Starts a new DeviceController for controlling UPnP-Media-Renderer in your network.

GetDevice ( string udn ) : IDevice
GetDevices ( ) : IDevice[]
Shutdown ( ) : void

Explicitly free's up memory used by the c++ library.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnDeviceDiscovered ( UPnPDevice dev ) : void
OnDeviceRemoved ( UPnPDevice dev ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
DeviceAdded ( OpenHome aList, OpenHome aDevice ) : void

Handler for CpDeviceList if devices are found on the network.

DeviceRemoved ( OpenHome aList, OpenHome aDevice ) : void

Handler for CpDeviceList if devices are removed from the network (they should send a bye if they went offline, or announcement keep alive is over).

PrintDeviceInfo ( string aPrologue, OpenHome aDevice ) : void

Prints some device information.

startListening ( ) : void

Destructor for freeing memory from c++ library.

Method to set up the devicelist. OpenHome-lib starts listening here...

Method Details

Controller() public method

Starts a new DeviceController for controlling UPnP-Media-Renderer in your network.
public Controller ( uint networkAdapterIndex ) : System
networkAdapterIndex uint
return System

GetDevice() public method

public GetDevice ( string udn ) : IDevice
udn string
return IDevice

GetDevices() public method

public GetDevices ( ) : IDevice[]
return IDevice[]

OnDeviceDiscovered() protected method

protected OnDeviceDiscovered ( UPnPDevice dev ) : void
dev UPnPDevice
return void

OnDeviceRemoved() protected method

protected OnDeviceRemoved ( UPnPDevice dev ) : void
dev UPnPDevice
return void

Shutdown() public method

Explicitly free's up memory used by the c++ library.
public Shutdown ( ) : void
return void