C# Class clojure.lang.MapEntry

Implements an (immutable) entry in a persistent map.

In built-in BCL collections, this is a struct. We cannot do this here because of all the other baggage this carries (see AMapEntry.

Provides storage for a key and a value. What more can be said?

Inheritance: clojure.lang.AMapEntry
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_key object
_val object

Public Methods

Method Description
MapEntry ( object key, object val )

Initialize a MapEntry with a key and a value.

key ( ) : object

Get the key in a key/value pair.

val ( ) : object

Get the value in a key/value pair.

Private Methods

Method Description
create ( object key, object val ) : MapEntry

Method Details

MapEntry() public method

Initialize a MapEntry with a key and a value.
public MapEntry ( object key, object val )
key object The key.
val object The value.

key() public method

Get the key in a key/value pair.
public key ( ) : object
return object

val() public method

Get the value in a key/value pair.
public val ( ) : object
return object

Property Details

_key protected_oe property

The key.
protected object _key
return object

_val protected_oe property

The value.
protected object _val
return object