C# Class ZeroInstall.Store.Feeds.FeedUtils

Provides utility methods for managing Feeds.
ファイルを表示 Open project: 0install/0install-win Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Encoding System.Text.Encoding

Public Methods

Method Description
GetSignatures ( [ openPgp, [ feedData ) : IEnumerable

Determines which signatures a feed is signed with.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetSignatureStartIndex ( byte feedData ) : int

Finds the point in a data array where the signature block starts.

IsolateAndDecodeSignature ( byte feedData, int signatureStartIndex ) : byte[]

Isolates and decodes the Base64-econded signature.

IsolateFeed ( byte feedData, int signatureStartIndex ) : byte[]

Isolates the actual feed from the signature block.

Method Details

GetSignatures() public static method

Determines which signatures a feed is signed with.
There is no valid signature data embedded in the .
public static GetSignatures ( [ openPgp, [ feedData ) : IEnumerable
openPgp [ The OpenPGP-compatible system used to validate the signatures.
feedData [ The feed data containing an embedded signature.
return IEnumerable

Property Details

Encoding public_oe static_oe property

The encoding used when looking for signature blocks in feed files.
public static Encoding,System.Text Encoding
return System.Text.Encoding