C# Class ZeroInstall.OneGet.OneGetHandler

Manages communication between ITasks and a OneGet Request.
Inheritance: NanoByte.Common.Tasks.CliTaskHandler
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Public Methods

Method Description
Error ( Exception exception ) : void
OneGetHandler ( Request request ) : System
RunTask ( ITask task ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
Ask ( string question, MsgSeverity severity ) : bool
LogHandler ( LogSeverity severity, string message ) : void

Outputs Log messages using the OneGet Request object.

Method Details

Ask() protected method

protected Ask ( string question, MsgSeverity severity ) : bool
question string
severity MsgSeverity
return bool

Error() public method

public Error ( Exception exception ) : void
exception System.Exception
return void

LogHandler() protected method

Outputs Log messages using the OneGet Request object.
protected LogHandler ( LogSeverity severity, string message ) : void
severity LogSeverity The type/severity of the entry.
message string The message text of the entry.
return void

OneGetHandler() public method

public OneGetHandler ( Request request ) : System
request PackageManagement.Sdk.Request
return System

RunTask() public method

public RunTask ( ITask task ) : void
task ITask
return void