C# Class Youbora.Analytics.Providers.API.Start.StartApi

ファイルを表示 Open project: NicePeopleAtWork/NicePlayers

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateJsonProperties ( string fileName ) : string

Create Properties Json.

CreateJsonProperties ( string fileName, string title, long duration ) : string

Create Properties Json.

CreateJsonProperties ( string fileName, string title, string genre, string language, string year, string cast, string director, string owner, long duration, Parental parental, double price, string rating, AudioType audioType, double audioChannels, string contentId, TransactionType transactionType, Common.Quality quality, ContentType contentType, string manufacturer, string deviceType, string deviceYear, string firmware ) : string

Create Properties Json.

Start ( string host, string system, string user, string pluginVersion, string code, string resource, bool live, string properties, string referer, int pingTime, long duration, double bitrate ) : string

Start event information On player start event Usage Example: http://nqs.nice264.com:8080/start?system=npawplug&user=pilot&pluginVersion=2.0.1_brightcove&pingTime=5&live=false&totalBytes=0&resource=rtmpe%3A//bt.fcod.llnwd.net/a800/o10/%26mp4%3Avideos/1958254344001/1958254344001_27052ewwewfefe67742001_C5163543323280013A-1200k-channel5.mp4&referer=http%3A//www.channel5.com/shows/csi-new-york/episodes/episode-13-247&properties={%22id%22:2704858977001,%22title%22:%22CSI:%20New%20York:%20Season%209%20-%20Nine%20Thirteen%22}&code=1LeMK8i7d6Su7L2i&hashTitle=true

Start ( string host, string system, string user, string pluginVersion, string code, string resource, bool live, string properties, string referer, int pingTime, long duration, string extraParams ) : string

Start event information On player start event Usage Example: http://nqs.nice264.com:8080/start?system=npawplug&user=pilot&pluginVersion=2.0.1_brightcove&pingTime=5&live=false&totalBytes=0&resource=rtmpe%3A//bt.fcod.llnwd.net/a800/o10/%26mp4%3Avideos/1958254344001/1958254344001_27052ewwewfefe67742001_C5163543323280013A-1200k-channel5.mp4&referer=http%3A//www.channel5.com/shows/csi-new-york/episodes/episode-13-247&properties={%22id%22:2704858977001,%22title%22:%22CSI:%20New%20York:%20Season%209%20-%20Nine%20Thirteen%22}&code=1LeMK8i7d6Su7L2i&hashTitle=true

Method Details

CreateJsonProperties() public static method

Create Properties Json.
public static CreateJsonProperties ( string fileName ) : string
fileName string File name of the current media content
return string

CreateJsonProperties() public static method

Create Properties Json.
public static CreateJsonProperties ( string fileName, string title, long duration ) : string
fileName string File name of the current media content
title string Media title
duration long Length of the media in seconds
return string

CreateJsonProperties() public static method

Create Properties Json.
public static CreateJsonProperties ( string fileName, string title, string genre, string language, string year, string cast, string director, string owner, long duration, Parental parental, double price, string rating, AudioType audioType, double audioChannels, string contentId, TransactionType transactionType, Common.Quality quality, ContentType contentType, string manufacturer, string deviceType, string deviceYear, string firmware ) : string
fileName string File name of the current media content
title string Media title
genre string Media genre
language string Media language
year string Media year
cast string Media cast. Separate each name with commas
director string Media director or directors. Separate each value with commas
owner string Media's content owner
duration long Length of the media in seconds
parental Parental Recommended viewing age (All,+13,+18,Adult)
price double Purchase price on the website
rating string Average value on your user's perception on the content quality, performance...
audioType AudioType Media file type of audio (Mono, Stereo, Dolby,…)
audioChannels double Number of media file channels (1, 5.1, …)
contentId string Internal ID for the media
transactionType TransactionType Rent: Media for rental Subscription: Media which has been acquired as part of a subscription EST (Electronic Sell Through): Media purchased Free: Media which has no economical transaction
quality Common.Quality HD or SD
contentType ContentType Trailer, Episode, Movie
manufacturer string Manufacturer of the device
deviceType string TV, Blu-Ray, Set-Top Box
deviceYear string Fabrication year
firmware string Firmware version
return string

Start() public static method

Start event information On player start event Usage Example: http://nqs.nice264.com:8080/start?system=npawplug&user=pilot&pluginVersion=2.0.1_brightcove&pingTime=5&live=false&totalBytes=0&resource=rtmpe%3A//bt.fcod.llnwd.net/a800/o10/%26mp4%3Avideos/1958254344001/1958254344001_27052ewwewfefe67742001_C5163543323280013A-1200k-channel5.mp4&referer=http%3A//www.channel5.com/shows/csi-new-york/episodes/episode-13-247&properties={%22id%22:2704858977001,%22title%22:%22CSI:%20New%20York:%20Season%209%20-%20Nine%20Thirteen%22}&code=1LeMK8i7d6Su7L2i&hashTitle=true
public static Start ( string host, string system, string user, string pluginVersion, string code, string resource, bool live, string properties, string referer, int pingTime, long duration, double bitrate ) : string
host string Service host URL from data call
system string Your Nice PeopleAtWork account code that indicates Youbora Analytics which customer account you are sending the data to. This parameter will be provided by NicePeopleAtWork, if you don't have it yet, please contact your Customer Engineer or Support Agent
user string User identifier. If the user is unknown, send the parameter blank or with a default username
pluginVersion string
code string View code retrieved from the data call
resource string
live bool Boolean variable to identify if the video is a live (true) or an on demand (false) stream. Many of our plugins have a method integrated that lets the customer, when integrating the plugin, use a method to set this property
properties string JSON media properties (see them defined below in a sub-section)
referer string Browser's URL where the player is being loaded (or window.location for Smart TV applications). This field can be empty but must be declared.
pingTime int The version of the plugin in the x.x.x_pluginCode format. This parameter lets you to have a version control of new deployed plugins and see which users are using an older version (cached in the system), so you can force them to clean their cache and download the new version
duration long Video length in seconds
bitrate double Video bitrate
return string

Start() public static method

Start event information On player start event Usage Example: http://nqs.nice264.com:8080/start?system=npawplug&user=pilot&pluginVersion=2.0.1_brightcove&pingTime=5&live=false&totalBytes=0&resource=rtmpe%3A//bt.fcod.llnwd.net/a800/o10/%26mp4%3Avideos/1958254344001/1958254344001_27052ewwewfefe67742001_C5163543323280013A-1200k-channel5.mp4&referer=http%3A//www.channel5.com/shows/csi-new-york/episodes/episode-13-247&properties={%22id%22:2704858977001,%22title%22:%22CSI:%20New%20York:%20Season%209%20-%20Nine%20Thirteen%22}&code=1LeMK8i7d6Su7L2i&hashTitle=true
public static Start ( string host, string system, string user, string pluginVersion, string code, string resource, bool live, string properties, string referer, int pingTime, long duration, string extraParams ) : string
host string Service host URL from data call
system string Your Nice PeopleAtWork account code that indicates Youbora Analytics which customer account you are sending the data to. This parameter will be provided by NicePeopleAtWork, if you don't have it yet, please contact your Customer Engineer or Support Agent
user string User identifier. If the user is unknown, send the parameter blank or with a default username
pluginVersion string
code string View code retrieved from the data call
resource string
live bool Boolean variable to identify if the video is a live (true) or an on demand (false) stream. Many of our plugins have a method integrated that lets the customer, when integrating the plugin, use a method to set this property
properties string JSON media properties (see them defined below in a sub-section)
referer string Browser's URL where the player is being loaded (or window.location for Smart TV applications). This field can be empty but must be declared.
pingTime int The version of the plugin in the x.x.x_pluginCode format. This parameter lets you to have a version control of new deployed plugins and see which users are using an older version (cached in the system), so you can force them to clean their cache and download the new version
duration long Video length in seconds
extraParams string
return string