C# Class WixSharp.IISVirtualDir

This class defines IIS Virtual Directory. It is a close equivalent of WebVirtualDirectory WiX element.
Inheritance: WixEntity
ファイルを表示 Open project: Eun/WixSharp Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Alias string
AllowSessions bool?
AppName string
Buffer bool?
ClientDebugging bool?
DefaultScript DefaultScript?
Isolation Isolation?
ParentPaths bool?
ScriptTimeout int?
ServerDebugging bool?
SessionTimeout int?
WebAppPool WebAppPool
WebDirProperties WebDirProperties
WebSite WebSite

Property Details

Alias public_oe property

Sets the application name, which is the URL relative path used to access this virtual directory. If not set, the AppName will be used.
public string Alias
return string

AllowSessions public_oe property

Sets the Enable Session State option. When enabled, you can set the session timeout using the SessionTimeout attribute.
public bool? AllowSessions
return bool?

AppName public_oe property

Sets the name of this Web application.
public string AppName
return string

Buffer public_oe property

Sets the option that enables response buffering in the application, which allows ASP script to set response headers anywhere in the script.
public bool? Buffer
return bool?

ClientDebugging public_oe property

Enable ASP client-side script debugging.
public bool? ClientDebugging
return bool?

DefaultScript public_oe property

Sets the default script language for the site.
public DefaultScript? DefaultScript
return DefaultScript?

Isolation public_oe property

Sets the application isolation level for this application for pre-IIS 6 applications.
public Isolation? Isolation
return Isolation?

ParentPaths public_oe property

Sets the parent paths option, which allows a client to use relative paths to reach parent directories from this application.
public bool? ParentPaths
return bool?

ScriptTimeout public_oe property

Sets the timeout value for executing ASP scripts.
public int? ScriptTimeout
return int?

ServerDebugging public_oe property

Enable ASP server-side script debugging.
public bool? ServerDebugging
return bool?

SessionTimeout public_oe property

Sets the timeout value for sessions in minutes.
public int? SessionTimeout
return int?

WebAppPool public_oe property

References a WebAppPool instance to use as the application pool for this application in IIS 6 applications.
public WebAppPool,WixSharp WebAppPool
return WebAppPool

WebDirProperties public_oe property

WebDirProperites used by one or more WebSites.
public WebDirProperties,WixSharp WebDirProperties
return WebDirProperties

WebSite public_oe property

WebSite in which this virtual directory belongs.
public WebSite,WixSharp WebSite
return WebSite