C# Class WixSharp.Controls.DialogSequence

Simple class that defines custom UI (WiX UI element). This is a specialized version of T:WixSharp.CustomUI class designed to allow simple customization of the dialogs sequence without the introduction of any custom dialogs. The following is an example demonstrates how to skip License Agreement dialog, which is otherwise displayed between Welcome and InstallDir dialogs. project.CustomUI = new DialogSequence() .On(Dialogs.WelcomeDlg, Buttons.Next, new ShowDialog(Dialogs.InstallDirDlg)) .On(Dialogs.InstallDirDlg, Buttons.Back, new ShowDialog(Dialogs.WelcomeDlg));
Inheritance: CustomUI
ファイルを表示 Open project: Eun/WixSharp

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DefaultOrder int

Public Methods

Method Description
DialogSequence ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the DialogSequence class.

On ( string dialog, string control ) : DialogSequence

Defines the WiX Dialog UI control Action (event handler).

Note that all handlers will have Order field automatically assigned '5' to ensure the overriding the default WiX event handlers

Method Details

DialogSequence() public method

Initializes a new instance of the DialogSequence class.
public DialogSequence ( ) : System
return System

On() public method

Defines the WiX Dialog UI control Action (event handler).

Note that all handlers will have Order field automatically assigned '5' to ensure the overriding the default WiX event handlers

public On ( string dialog, string control ) : DialogSequence
dialog string The dialog.
control string The control.
return DialogSequence

Property Details

DefaultOrder static_oe public_oe property

The default value of the Order of the DialogAction. It is automatically assigned of handler doesn't have it set.
static public int DefaultOrder
return int