C# Class WhiteCore.Region.ScenePresence

Inheritance: WhiteCore.Framework.SceneInfo.Entities.EntityBase, IScenePresence
ファイルを表示 Open project: WhiteCoreSim/WhiteCore-Dev Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
m_invulnerable bool

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
CameraConstraintActive bool
ClientIsStarting bool
Dir_Vectors System.Vector3[]
crossingFromRegion ulong
m_AgentControlFlags AgentManager.ControlFlags
m_CameraAtAxis Vector3
m_CameraCenter Vector3
m_CameraLeftAxis Vector3
m_CameraUpAxis Vector3
m_CollisionPlane Vector4
m_DrawDistance float
m_FallenStandUp bool
m_Frozen bool
m_IsJumping bool
m_allowMovement bool
m_animator Animator
m_autoPilotTarget Vector3
m_autopilotMoving bool
m_bodyRot Quaternion
m_creatingPhysicalRepresentation bool
m_defaultAvHeight float
m_enqueueSendChildAgentUpdate bool
m_enqueueSendChildAgentUpdateTime DateTime
m_flyDisabled bool
m_followCamAuto bool
m_forceFly bool
m_godLevel int
m_headrotation Quaternion
m_inTransit bool
m_isAway bool
m_isBusy bool
m_isChildAgent bool
m_lastCameraCenter Vector3
m_lastChildAgentUpdateCamPosition Vector3
m_lastChildAgentUpdatePosition Vector3
m_leftButtonDown bool
m_mouseLook bool
m_moveToPositionInProgress bool
m_moveToPositionTarget Vector3
m_movementUpdateCount int
m_movementflag uint
m_nextSitAnimation string
m_parentID UUID
m_parentPosition Vector3
m_perfMonMS int
m_physicsActor PhysicsActor
m_requestedSitTargetUUID UUID
m_savedVelocity Vector3
m_sceneViewer ISceneViewer
m_sendCoarseLocationsMethod SendCoarseLocationsMethod
m_setAlwaysRun bool
m_sitAtAutoTarget bool
m_sitAvatarHeight float
m_sitting bool
m_state byte
m_userLevel int
proxyObjectGroup SceneObjectGroup

Public Methods

Method Description
AddChildAgentUpdateTaint ( int seconds ) : void
AddNewMovement ( System.Vector3 vec, Quaternion rotation ) : void

Rotate the avatar to the given rotation and apply a movement in the given relative vector

AddToPhysicalScene ( bool isFlying, bool AddAvHeightToPosition ) : void

Adds a physical representation of the avatar to the Physics plugin

AddUpdateToAvatar ( ISceneChildEntity part, PrimUpdateFlags flags ) : void

Tell the SceneViewer for the given client about the update

AgentFailedToLeave ( ) : void
ApplyFlyingRoll ( float amount, bool PressingUp, bool PressingDown ) : void

Applies a roll accumulator to the avatar's angular velocity for the avatar fly roll effect.

CheckAtSitTarget ( ) : void
ChildAgentDataUpdate ( WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentData cAgentData ) : void
ChildAgentDataUpdate ( WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentPosition cAgentData, int tRegionX, int tRegionY, int rRegionX, int rRegionY ) : void

This updates important decision making data about a child agent The main purpose is to figure out what objects to send to a child agent that's in a neighboring region

ClearSavedVelocity ( ) : void
Close ( ) : void
CompleteMovement ( IClientAPI client ) : void

Complete Avatar's movement into the region. This is called upon a very important packet sent from the client, so it's client-controlled. Never call this method directly.

CopyFrom ( WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentData cAgent ) : void
CopyTo ( WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentData cAgent ) : void
CreateSceneViewer ( ) : void
DoAutoPilot ( uint not_used, System.Vector3 Pos, IClientAPI remote_client ) : void
DoMoveToPosition ( object sender, string method, List args ) : void
FailedCrossingTransit ( WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion failedCrossingRegion ) : void
FailedTransit ( ) : void
GetAbsolutePosition ( ) : System.Vector3
HandleAgentRequestSit ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID, UUID targetID, System.Vector3 offset, string sitAnimation ) : void
HandleAgentRequestSit ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID targetID, System.Vector3 offset ) : void
HandleAgentSit ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID ) : void
HandleAgentSit ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID, string sitAnimation, bool UseSitTarget ) : void
HandleAgentUpdate ( IClientAPI remoteClient, WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentUpdateArgs agentData ) : void

This is the event handler for client movement. If a client is moving, this event is triggering.

HandleSetAlwaysRun ( IClientAPI remoteClient, bool pSetAlwaysRun ) : void

Event handler for the 'Always run' setting on the client Tells the physics plugin to increase speed of movement.

HandleStartAnim ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID animID ) : void
HandleStopAnim ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID animID ) : void
HandleUUIDNameRequest ( UUID uuid, IClientAPI remote_client ) : void
InTransit ( ) : void
MakeChildAgent ( WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion destination ) : void

This turns a root agent into a child agent when an agent departs this region for a neighbor, this gets called. It doesn't get called for a teleport. Reason being, an agent that teleports out may not end up anywhere near this region

MakeRootAgent ( System.Vector3 pos, bool isFlying, bool makePhysicalActor ) : void

This turns a child agent, into a root agent This is called when an agent teleports into a region, or if an agent crosses into this region from a neighbor over the border

PushForce ( System.Vector3 impulse ) : void
RayCastCameraCallback ( bool hitYN, System.Vector3 collisionPoint, uint localid, float distance, System.Vector3 pNormal ) : void

Callback for the Camera view block check. Gets called with the results of the camera view block test hitYN is true when there's something in the way.

RegionHandleRequest ( IClientAPI client, UUID regionID ) : void
RegisterToEvents ( ) : void
RemoveFromPhysicalScene ( ) : void

Removes physics plugin scene representation of this agent if it exists.

Reset ( ) : void
ScenePresence ( ) : System
ScenePresence ( IClientAPI client, IScene world ) : System
SendCoarseLocations ( List coarseLocations, List avatarUUIDs ) : void
SendCoarseLocationsDefault ( UUID sceneId, IScenePresence p, List coarseLocations, List avatarUUIDs ) : void
SendPhysicsTerseUpdateToAllClients ( ) : void
SendScriptEventToAllAttachments ( Changed c ) : void
SendSitResponse ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID targetID, Vector3 offset, Quaternion pSitOrientation ) : void
SendTerseUpdateToAllClients ( ) : void

Send a location/velocity/acceleration update to all agents in scene

SendTerseUpdateToClient ( IScenePresence remoteClient ) : void

Sends a location update to the client connected to this scenePresence

SetAgentLeaving ( WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion destindation ) : void
SetAttachments ( ISceneEntity groups ) : void
SetDirectionVectors ( ) : void
SetHeight ( float height ) : void

Sets avatar height in the physics plugin

SitOnObjectAfterCrossing ( SittingObjectData sod ) : void
StandUp ( ) : void

Perform the logic necessary to stand the avatar up. This method also executes the stand animation.

StopFlying ( ) : void
SuccessfulCrossingTransit ( WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion crossingRegion ) : void
SuccessfulTransit ( ) : void
Teleport ( Vector3 pos ) : void
TeleportWithMomentum ( Vector3 pos ) : void
TriggerSignificantClientMovement ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
CheckForBorderCrossing ( ) : bool

Checks to see if the avatar is in range of a border and calls CrossToNewRegion

CheckForSignificantMovement ( ) : void

This checks for a significant movement and sends a courselocationchange update

OutOfBoundsCall ( System.Vector3 pos ) : void
PhysicsCollisionUpdate ( EventArgs e ) : void
PhysicsUpdatePosAndVelocity ( ) : void
UpdatePosAndVelocity ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CalculateFlyingRollResetToZero ( float amount ) : float

incrementally sets roll amount to zero

FindNextAvailableSitTarget ( UUID targetID ) : ISceneChildEntity
FindNextAvailableSitTarget ( UUID targetID, UUID notID ) : ISceneChildEntity
GetWalkDirectionVectors ( ) : System.Vector3[]

Method Details

AddChildAgentUpdateTaint() public method

public AddChildAgentUpdateTaint ( int seconds ) : void
seconds int
return void

AddNewMovement() public method

Rotate the avatar to the given rotation and apply a movement in the given relative vector
public AddNewMovement ( System.Vector3 vec, Quaternion rotation ) : void
vec System.Vector3 The vector in which to move. This is relative to the rotation argument
rotation Quaternion The direction in which this avatar should now face.
return void

AddToPhysicalScene() public method

Adds a physical representation of the avatar to the Physics plugin
public AddToPhysicalScene ( bool isFlying, bool AddAvHeightToPosition ) : void
isFlying bool
AddAvHeightToPosition bool
return void

AddUpdateToAvatar() public method

Tell the SceneViewer for the given client about the update
public AddUpdateToAvatar ( ISceneChildEntity part, PrimUpdateFlags flags ) : void
part ISceneChildEntity
flags PrimUpdateFlags
return void

AgentFailedToLeave() public method

public AgentFailedToLeave ( ) : void
return void

ApplyFlyingRoll() public method

Applies a roll accumulator to the avatar's angular velocity for the avatar fly roll effect.
public ApplyFlyingRoll ( float amount, bool PressingUp, bool PressingDown ) : void
amount float Positive or negative roll amount in radians
PressingUp bool
PressingDown bool
return void

CheckAtSitTarget() public method

public CheckAtSitTarget ( ) : void
return void

CheckForBorderCrossing() protected method

Checks to see if the avatar is in range of a border and calls CrossToNewRegion
protected CheckForBorderCrossing ( ) : bool
return bool

CheckForSignificantMovement() protected method

This checks for a significant movement and sends a courselocationchange update
protected CheckForSignificantMovement ( ) : void
return void

ChildAgentDataUpdate() public method

public ChildAgentDataUpdate ( WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentData cAgentData ) : void
cAgentData WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentData
return void

ChildAgentDataUpdate() public method

This updates important decision making data about a child agent The main purpose is to figure out what objects to send to a child agent that's in a neighboring region
public ChildAgentDataUpdate ( WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentPosition cAgentData, int tRegionX, int tRegionY, int rRegionX, int rRegionY ) : void
cAgentData WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentPosition
tRegionX int
tRegionY int
rRegionX int
rRegionY int
return void

ClearSavedVelocity() public method

public ClearSavedVelocity ( ) : void
return void

Close() public method

public Close ( ) : void
return void

CompleteMovement() public method

Complete Avatar's movement into the region. This is called upon a very important packet sent from the client, so it's client-controlled. Never call this method directly.
public CompleteMovement ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

CopyFrom() public method

public CopyFrom ( WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentData cAgent ) : void
cAgent WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentData
return void

CopyTo() public method

public CopyTo ( WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentData cAgent ) : void
cAgent WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentData
return void

CreateSceneViewer() public method

public CreateSceneViewer ( ) : void
return void

DoAutoPilot() public method

public DoAutoPilot ( uint not_used, System.Vector3 Pos, IClientAPI remote_client ) : void
not_used uint
Pos System.Vector3
remote_client IClientAPI
return void

DoMoveToPosition() public method

public DoMoveToPosition ( object sender, string method, List args ) : void
sender object
method string
args List
return void

FailedCrossingTransit() public method

public FailedCrossingTransit ( WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion failedCrossingRegion ) : void
failedCrossingRegion WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion
return void

FailedTransit() public method

public FailedTransit ( ) : void
return void

GetAbsolutePosition() public method

public GetAbsolutePosition ( ) : System.Vector3
return System.Vector3

HandleAgentRequestSit() public method

public HandleAgentRequestSit ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID, UUID targetID, System.Vector3 offset, string sitAnimation ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
agentID UUID
targetID UUID
offset System.Vector3
sitAnimation string
return void

HandleAgentRequestSit() public method

public HandleAgentRequestSit ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID targetID, System.Vector3 offset ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
targetID UUID
offset System.Vector3
return void

HandleAgentSit() public method

public HandleAgentSit ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
agentID UUID
return void

HandleAgentSit() public method

public HandleAgentSit ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID agentID, string sitAnimation, bool UseSitTarget ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
agentID UUID
sitAnimation string
UseSitTarget bool
return void

HandleAgentUpdate() public method

This is the event handler for client movement. If a client is moving, this event is triggering.
public HandleAgentUpdate ( IClientAPI remoteClient, WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentUpdateArgs agentData ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
agentData WhiteCore.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AgentUpdateArgs
return void

HandleSetAlwaysRun() public method

Event handler for the 'Always run' setting on the client Tells the physics plugin to increase speed of movement.
public HandleSetAlwaysRun ( IClientAPI remoteClient, bool pSetAlwaysRun ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
pSetAlwaysRun bool
return void

HandleStartAnim() public method

public HandleStartAnim ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID animID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
return void

HandleStopAnim() public method

public HandleStopAnim ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID animID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
return void

HandleUUIDNameRequest() public method

public HandleUUIDNameRequest ( UUID uuid, IClientAPI remote_client ) : void
uuid UUID
remote_client IClientAPI
return void

InTransit() public method

public InTransit ( ) : void
return void

MakeChildAgent() public method

This turns a root agent into a child agent when an agent departs this region for a neighbor, this gets called. It doesn't get called for a teleport. Reason being, an agent that teleports out may not end up anywhere near this region
public MakeChildAgent ( WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion destination ) : void
destination WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion
return void

MakeRootAgent() public method

This turns a child agent, into a root agent This is called when an agent teleports into a region, or if an agent crosses into this region from a neighbor over the border
public MakeRootAgent ( System.Vector3 pos, bool isFlying, bool makePhysicalActor ) : void
pos System.Vector3
isFlying bool
makePhysicalActor bool
return void

OutOfBoundsCall() protected method

protected OutOfBoundsCall ( System.Vector3 pos ) : void
pos System.Vector3
return void

PhysicsCollisionUpdate() protected method

protected PhysicsCollisionUpdate ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
return void

PhysicsUpdatePosAndVelocity() protected method

protected PhysicsUpdatePosAndVelocity ( ) : void
return void

PushForce() public method

public PushForce ( System.Vector3 impulse ) : void
impulse System.Vector3
return void

RayCastCameraCallback() public method

Callback for the Camera view block check. Gets called with the results of the camera view block test hitYN is true when there's something in the way.
public RayCastCameraCallback ( bool hitYN, System.Vector3 collisionPoint, uint localid, float distance, System.Vector3 pNormal ) : void
hitYN bool
collisionPoint System.Vector3
localid uint
distance float
pNormal System.Vector3
return void

RegionHandleRequest() public method

public RegionHandleRequest ( IClientAPI client, UUID regionID ) : void
client IClientAPI
regionID UUID
return void

RegisterToEvents() public method

public RegisterToEvents ( ) : void
return void

RemoveFromPhysicalScene() public method

Removes physics plugin scene representation of this agent if it exists.
public RemoveFromPhysicalScene ( ) : void
return void

Reset() public method

public Reset ( ) : void
return void

ScenePresence() public method

public ScenePresence ( ) : System
return System

ScenePresence() public method

public ScenePresence ( IClientAPI client, IScene world ) : System
client IClientAPI
world IScene
return System

SendCoarseLocations() public method

public SendCoarseLocations ( List coarseLocations, List avatarUUIDs ) : void
coarseLocations List
avatarUUIDs List
return void

SendCoarseLocationsDefault() public method

public SendCoarseLocationsDefault ( UUID sceneId, IScenePresence p, List coarseLocations, List avatarUUIDs ) : void
sceneId UUID
p IScenePresence
coarseLocations List
avatarUUIDs List
return void

SendPhysicsTerseUpdateToAllClients() public method

public SendPhysicsTerseUpdateToAllClients ( ) : void
return void

SendScriptEventToAllAttachments() public method

public SendScriptEventToAllAttachments ( Changed c ) : void
c Changed
return void

SendSitResponse() public method

public SendSitResponse ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID targetID, Vector3 offset, Quaternion pSitOrientation ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
targetID UUID
offset Vector3
pSitOrientation Quaternion
return void

SendTerseUpdateToAllClients() public method

Send a location/velocity/acceleration update to all agents in scene
public SendTerseUpdateToAllClients ( ) : void
return void

SendTerseUpdateToClient() public method

Sends a location update to the client connected to this scenePresence
public SendTerseUpdateToClient ( IScenePresence remoteClient ) : void
remoteClient IScenePresence
return void

SetAgentLeaving() public method

public SetAgentLeaving ( WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion destindation ) : void
destindation WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion
return void

SetAttachments() public method

public SetAttachments ( ISceneEntity groups ) : void
groups ISceneEntity
return void

SetDirectionVectors() public method

public SetDirectionVectors ( ) : void
return void

SetHeight() public method

Sets avatar height in the physics plugin
public SetHeight ( float height ) : void
height float
return void

SitOnObjectAfterCrossing() public method

public SitOnObjectAfterCrossing ( SittingObjectData sod ) : void
sod SittingObjectData
return void

StandUp() public method

Perform the logic necessary to stand the avatar up. This method also executes the stand animation.
public StandUp ( ) : void
return void

StopFlying() public method

public StopFlying ( ) : void
return void

SuccessfulCrossingTransit() public method

public SuccessfulCrossingTransit ( WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion crossingRegion ) : void
crossingRegion WhiteCore.Framework.Services.GridRegion
return void

SuccessfulTransit() public method

public SuccessfulTransit ( ) : void
return void

Teleport() public method

public Teleport ( Vector3 pos ) : void
pos Vector3
return void

TeleportWithMomentum() public method

public TeleportWithMomentum ( Vector3 pos ) : void
pos Vector3
return void

TriggerSignificantClientMovement() public method

public TriggerSignificantClientMovement ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

public Update ( ) : void
return void

UpdatePosAndVelocity() protected method

protected UpdatePosAndVelocity ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

CameraConstraintActive protected_oe property

protected bool CameraConstraintActive
return bool

ClientIsStarting protected_oe property

protected bool ClientIsStarting
return bool

DIR_CONTROL_FLAGS protected_oe static_oe property

protected static Array,System DIR_CONTROL_FLAGS
return System.Array

Dir_Vectors protected_oe property

protected Vector3[],System Dir_Vectors
return System.Vector3[]

HEAD_ADJUSTMENT protected_oe static_oe property

protected static Vector3,System HEAD_ADJUSTMENT
return System.Vector3

SIT_TARGET_ADJUSTMENT protected_oe static_oe property

Experimentally determined "fudge factor" to make sit-target positions the same as in SecondLife. Fudge factor was tested for 36 different test cases including prims of type box, sphere, cylinder, and torus, with varying parameters for sit target location, prim size, prim rotation, prim cut, prim twist, prim taper, and prim shear. See mantis issue #1716
protected static Vector3 SIT_TARGET_ADJUSTMENT
return Vector3

crossingFromRegion protected_oe property

protected ulong crossingFromRegion
return ulong

m_AgentControlFlags protected_oe property

protected AgentManager.ControlFlags m_AgentControlFlags
return AgentManager.ControlFlags

m_CameraAtAxis protected_oe property

protected Vector3 m_CameraAtAxis
return Vector3

m_CameraCenter protected_oe property

Position of agent's camera in world (region coordinates)
protected Vector3 m_CameraCenter
return Vector3

m_CameraLeftAxis protected_oe property

protected Vector3 m_CameraLeftAxis
return Vector3

m_CameraUpAxis protected_oe property

protected Vector3 m_CameraUpAxis
return Vector3

m_CollisionPlane protected_oe property

protected Vector4 m_CollisionPlane
return Vector4

m_DrawDistance protected_oe property

protected float m_DrawDistance
return float

m_FallenStandUp protected_oe property

protected bool m_FallenStandUp
return bool

m_Frozen protected_oe property

protected bool m_Frozen
return bool

m_IsJumping protected_oe property

protected bool m_IsJumping
return bool

m_allowMovement protected_oe property

protected bool m_allowMovement
return bool

m_animator protected_oe property

protected Animator m_animator
return Animator

m_autoPilotTarget protected_oe property

protected Vector3 m_autoPilotTarget
return Vector3

m_autopilotMoving protected_oe property

protected bool m_autopilotMoving
return bool

m_bodyRot protected_oe property

protected Quaternion m_bodyRot
return Quaternion

m_creatingPhysicalRepresentation protected_oe property

protected bool m_creatingPhysicalRepresentation
return bool

m_defaultAvHeight protected_oe property

protected float m_defaultAvHeight
return float

m_enqueueSendChildAgentUpdate protected_oe property

protected bool m_enqueueSendChildAgentUpdate
return bool

m_enqueueSendChildAgentUpdateTime protected_oe property

protected DateTime m_enqueueSendChildAgentUpdateTime
return DateTime

m_flyDisabled protected_oe property

protected bool m_flyDisabled
return bool

m_followCamAuto protected_oe property

protected bool m_followCamAuto
return bool

m_forceFly protected_oe property

protected bool m_forceFly
return bool

m_godLevel protected_oe property

protected int m_godLevel
return int

m_headrotation protected_oe property

protected Quaternion m_headrotation
return Quaternion

m_inTransit protected_oe property

protected bool m_inTransit
return bool

m_invulnerable public_oe property

public bool m_invulnerable
return bool

m_isAway protected_oe property

protected bool m_isAway
return bool

m_isBusy protected_oe property

protected bool m_isBusy
return bool

m_isChildAgent protected_oe property

If this is true, agent doesn't have a representation in this scene. this is an agent 'looking into' this scene from a nearby scene(region) if False, this agent has a representation in this scene
protected bool m_isChildAgent
return bool

m_lastCameraCenter protected_oe property

Used for trigging significant camera movement
protected Vector3 m_lastCameraCenter
return Vector3

m_lastChildAgentUpdateCamPosition protected_oe property

protected Vector3 m_lastChildAgentUpdateCamPosition
return Vector3

m_lastChildAgentUpdatePosition protected_oe property

protected Vector3 m_lastChildAgentUpdatePosition
return Vector3

m_leftButtonDown protected_oe property

protected bool m_leftButtonDown
return bool

m_mouseLook protected_oe property

protected bool m_mouseLook
return bool

m_moveToPositionInProgress protected_oe property

protected bool m_moveToPositionInProgress
return bool

m_moveToPositionTarget protected_oe property

protected Vector3 m_moveToPositionTarget
return Vector3

m_movementUpdateCount protected_oe property

protected int m_movementUpdateCount
return int

m_movementflag protected_oe property

protected uint m_movementflag
return uint

m_nextSitAnimation protected_oe property

protected string m_nextSitAnimation
return string

m_parentID protected_oe property

protected UUID m_parentID
return UUID

m_parentPosition protected_oe property

protected Vector3 m_parentPosition
return Vector3

m_perfMonMS protected_oe property

protected int m_perfMonMS
return int

m_physicsActor protected_oe property

protected PhysicsActor m_physicsActor
return PhysicsActor

m_requestedSitTargetUUID protected_oe property

protected UUID m_requestedSitTargetUUID
return UUID

m_savedVelocity protected_oe property

protected Vector3 m_savedVelocity
return Vector3

m_sceneViewer protected_oe property

protected ISceneViewer m_sceneViewer
return ISceneViewer

m_sendCoarseLocationsMethod protected_oe property

protected SendCoarseLocationsMethod m_sendCoarseLocationsMethod
return SendCoarseLocationsMethod

m_setAlwaysRun protected_oe property

protected bool m_setAlwaysRun
return bool

m_sitAtAutoTarget protected_oe property

protected bool m_sitAtAutoTarget
return bool

m_sitAvatarHeight protected_oe property

protected float m_sitAvatarHeight
return float

m_sitting protected_oe property

protected bool m_sitting
return bool

m_state protected_oe property

protected byte m_state
return byte

m_userLevel protected_oe property

protected int m_userLevel
return int

proxyObjectGroup protected_oe property

protected SceneObjectGroup proxyObjectGroup
return SceneObjectGroup