C# Class Voronoi.Cell

A cell has an infinite amount of points that are all connected to eachother
ファイルを表示 Open project: jesta88/Unity-Voronoi Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
closeMe bool
halfEdges List
site Point

Public Methods

Method Description
Cell ( Point site ) : System
GetBounds ( ) : Bounds
GetNeighborIds ( ) : List
Init ( Point site ) : Cell
PointIntersection ( float x, float y ) : int
Prepare ( ) : int

Method Details

Cell() public method

public Cell ( Point site ) : System
site Point
return System

GetBounds() public method

public GetBounds ( ) : Bounds
return Bounds

GetNeighborIds() public method

public GetNeighborIds ( ) : List
return List

Init() public method

public Init ( Point site ) : Cell
site Point
return Cell

PointIntersection() public method

public PointIntersection ( float x, float y ) : int
x float
y float
return int

Prepare() public method

public Prepare ( ) : int
return int

Property Details

closeMe public_oe property

public bool closeMe
return bool

halfEdges public_oe property

public List halfEdges
return List

site public_oe property

public Point site
return Point