C# Class Universe.Physics.PrimMesher.PrimMesh

ファイルを表示 Open project: Virtual-Universe/Virtual-Universe Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
calcVertexNormals bool
coords List
dimpleBegin float
dimpleEnd float
errorMessage string
faces List
holeSizeX float
holeSizeY float
normals List
numPrimFaces int
pathCutBegin float
pathCutEnd float
radius float
revolutions float
skew float
sphereMode bool
stepsPerRevolution int
taperX float
taperY float
topShearX float
topShearY float
twistBegin int
twistEnd int
viewerFaces List
viewerMode bool

Public Methods

Method Description
AddPos ( float x, float y, float z ) : void

Adds a value to each XYZ vertex coordinate in the mesh

AddRot ( Quat q ) : void

Rotates the mesh

CalcNormals ( ) : void

Calculate surface normals for all of the faces in the list of faces in this mesh

Copy ( ) : PrimMesh

Duplicates a PrimMesh object. All object properties are copied by value, including lists.

DumpRaw ( string path, string name, string title ) : void

Dumps the mesh to a Blender compatible "Raw" format file

Extrude ( PathType pathType ) : void

Extrudes a profile along a path.

ExtrudeCircular ( ) : void

DEPRICATED - use Extrude(PathType.Circular) instead Extrude a profile into a circular path prim mesh. Used for prim types torus, tube, and ring.

ExtrudeLinear ( ) : void

DEPRICATED - use Extrude(PathType.Linear) instead Extrudes a profile along a straight line path. Used for prim types box, cylinder, and prism.

GetVertexIndexer ( ) : VertexIndexer
ParamsToDisplayString ( ) : string

Human readable string representation of the parameters used to create a mesh.

PrimMesh ( int sides, float profileStart, float profileEnd, float hollow, int hollowSides ) : System

Constructs a PrimMesh object and creates the profile for extrusion.

Scale ( float x, float y, float z ) : void

Scales the mesh

SurfaceNormal ( int faceIndex ) : Coord

Calculate the surface normal for a face in the list of faces

Private Methods

Method Description
SurfaceNormal ( Coord c1, Coord c2, Coord c3 ) : Coord
SurfaceNormal ( Face face ) : Coord

Method Details

AddPos() public method

Adds a value to each XYZ vertex coordinate in the mesh
public AddPos ( float x, float y, float z ) : void
x float
y float
z float
return void

AddRot() public method

Rotates the mesh
public AddRot ( Quat q ) : void
q Quat
return void

CalcNormals() public method

Calculate surface normals for all of the faces in the list of faces in this mesh
public CalcNormals ( ) : void
return void

Copy() public method

Duplicates a PrimMesh object. All object properties are copied by value, including lists.
public Copy ( ) : PrimMesh
return PrimMesh

DumpRaw() public method

Dumps the mesh to a Blender compatible "Raw" format file
public DumpRaw ( string path, string name, string title ) : void
path string
name string
title string
return void

Extrude() public method

Extrudes a profile along a path.
public Extrude ( PathType pathType ) : void
pathType PathType
return void

ExtrudeCircular() public method

DEPRICATED - use Extrude(PathType.Circular) instead Extrude a profile into a circular path prim mesh. Used for prim types torus, tube, and ring.
public ExtrudeCircular ( ) : void
return void

ExtrudeLinear() public method

DEPRICATED - use Extrude(PathType.Linear) instead Extrudes a profile along a straight line path. Used for prim types box, cylinder, and prism.
public ExtrudeLinear ( ) : void
return void

GetVertexIndexer() public method

public GetVertexIndexer ( ) : VertexIndexer
return VertexIndexer

ParamsToDisplayString() public method

Human readable string representation of the parameters used to create a mesh.
public ParamsToDisplayString ( ) : string
return string

PrimMesh() public method

Constructs a PrimMesh object and creates the profile for extrusion.
public PrimMesh ( int sides, float profileStart, float profileEnd, float hollow, int hollowSides ) : System
sides int
profileStart float
profileEnd float
hollow float
hollowSides int
return System

Scale() public method

Scales the mesh
public Scale ( float x, float y, float z ) : void
x float
y float
z float
return void

SurfaceNormal() public method

Calculate the surface normal for a face in the list of faces
public SurfaceNormal ( int faceIndex ) : Coord
faceIndex int
return Coord

Property Details

calcVertexNormals public_oe property

public bool calcVertexNormals
return bool

coords public_oe property

public List coords
return List

dimpleBegin public_oe property

public float dimpleBegin
return float

dimpleEnd public_oe property

public float dimpleEnd
return float

errorMessage public_oe property

public string errorMessage
return string

faces public_oe property

public List faces
return List

holeSizeX public_oe property

public float holeSizeX
return float

holeSizeY public_oe property

public float holeSizeY
return float

normals public_oe property

public List normals
return List

numPrimFaces public_oe property

public int numPrimFaces
return int

pathCutBegin public_oe property

public float pathCutBegin
return float

pathCutEnd public_oe property

public float pathCutEnd
return float

radius public_oe property

public float radius
return float

revolutions public_oe property

public float revolutions
return float

skew public_oe property

public float skew
return float

sphereMode public_oe property

public bool sphereMode
return bool

stepsPerRevolution public_oe property

public int stepsPerRevolution
return int

taperX public_oe property

public float taperX
return float

taperY public_oe property

public float taperY
return float

topShearX public_oe property

public float topShearX
return float

topShearY public_oe property

public float topShearY
return float

twistBegin public_oe property

public int twistBegin
return int

twistEnd public_oe property

public int twistEnd
return int

viewerFaces public_oe property

public List viewerFaces
return List

viewerMode public_oe property

public bool viewerMode
return bool