C# Class Universe.Framework.Utilities.Extentions

ファイルを表示 Open project: Virtual-Universe/Virtual-Universe

Public Methods

Method Description
AppendQuery ( this uri, string query ) : string

Appends a query string to a Uri that may or may not have existing query parameters

Combine ( this uri, Uri fragment ) : Uri

Combines a Uri that can contain both a base Uri and relative path with a second relative path fragment. If the fragment is absolute, it will be returned without modification

Combine ( this uri, string fragment ) : Uri

Combines a Uri that can contain both a base Uri and relative path with a second relative path fragment

This is similar to the Uri constructor that takes a base Uri and the relative path, except this method can append a relative path fragment on to an existing relative path

CopyTo ( this copyFrom, Stream copyTo, int maximumBytesToCopy ) : int

Copies the contents of one stream to another, starting at the current position of each stream

Copying begins at the streams' current positions. The positions are NOT reset after copying is complete.

GetOne ( this collection, string key ) : string

GetStreamString ( this stream ) : string

Converts an entire stream to a string, regardless of current stream position

When this method is done, the stream position will be reset to its previous position before this method was called

Method Details

AppendQuery() public static method

Appends a query string to a Uri that may or may not have existing query parameters
public static AppendQuery ( this uri, string query ) : string
uri this Uri to append the query to
query string /// Query string to append. Can either start with ? /// or just contains key/value pairs ///
return string

Combine() public static method

Combines a Uri that can contain both a base Uri and relative path with a second relative path fragment. If the fragment is absolute, it will be returned without modification
public static Combine ( this uri, Uri fragment ) : Uri
uri this Starting (base) Uri
fragment System.Uri /// Relative path fragment to append to the end /// of the Uri, or an absolute Uri to return unmodified ///
return System.Uri

Combine() public static method

Combines a Uri that can contain both a base Uri and relative path with a second relative path fragment
This is similar to the Uri constructor that takes a base Uri and the relative path, except this method can append a relative path fragment on to an existing relative path
public static Combine ( this uri, string fragment ) : Uri
uri this Starting (base) Uri
fragment string /// Relative path fragment to append to the end /// of the Uri ///
return System.Uri

CopyTo() public static method

Copies the contents of one stream to another, starting at the current position of each stream
Copying begins at the streams' current positions. The positions are NOT reset after copying is complete.
public static CopyTo ( this copyFrom, Stream copyTo, int maximumBytesToCopy ) : int
copyFrom this /// The stream to copy from, at the position /// where copying should begin ///
copyTo Stream /// The stream to copy to, at the position where /// bytes should be written ///
maximumBytesToCopy int The maximum bytes to copy
return int

GetOne() public static method

public static GetOne ( this collection, string key ) : string
collection this
key string
return string

GetStreamString() public static method

Converts an entire stream to a string, regardless of current stream position
When this method is done, the stream position will be reset to its previous position before this method was called
public static GetStreamString ( this stream ) : string
stream this The stream to convert to a string
return string