C# Class UnityEngine.TreeInstance

ファイルを表示 Open project: CarlosHBC/UnityDecompiled Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
color Color32
heightScale float
lightmapColor Color32
position Vector3
prototypeIndex int
rotation float
widthScale float

Property Details

color public_oe property

Color of this instance.

public Color32,UnityEngine color
return Color32

heightScale public_oe property

Height scale of this instance (compared to the prototype's size).

public float heightScale
return float

lightmapColor public_oe property

Lightmap color calculated for this instance.

public Color32,UnityEngine lightmapColor
return Color32

position public_oe property

Position of the tree.

public Vector3 position
return Vector3

prototypeIndex public_oe property

Index of this instance in the TerrainData.treePrototypes array.

public int prototypeIndex
return int

rotation public_oe property

Read-only. Rotation of the tree on X-Z plane (in radians).

public float rotation
return float

widthScale public_oe property

Width scale of this instance (compared to the prototype's size).

public float widthScale
return float