C# Class UnityEngine.GUILayout.HorizontalScope

Disposable helper class for managing BeginHorizontal / EndHorizontal.

Inheritance: UnityEngine.GUI.Scope
ファイルを表示 Open project: CarlosHBC/UnityDecompiled Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
HorizontalScope ( ) : System

Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.

HorizontalScope ( GUIContent content, GUIStyle style ) : System

Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.

HorizontalScope ( GUIStyle style ) : System

Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.

HorizontalScope ( Texture image, GUIStyle style ) : System

Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.

HorizontalScope ( string text, GUIStyle style ) : System

Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.

Protected Methods

Method Description
CloseScope ( ) : void

Method Details

CloseScope() protected method

protected CloseScope ( ) : void
return void

HorizontalScope() public method

Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.

public HorizontalScope ( ) : System
return System

HorizontalScope() public method

Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.

public HorizontalScope ( GUIContent content, GUIStyle style ) : System
content GUIContent Text, image, and tooltip for this group.
style GUIStyle The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.
return System

HorizontalScope() public method

Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.

public HorizontalScope ( GUIStyle style ) : System
style GUIStyle The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.
return System

HorizontalScope() public method

Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.

public HorizontalScope ( Texture image, GUIStyle style ) : System
image Texture Texture to display on group.
style GUIStyle The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.
return System

HorizontalScope() public method

Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.

public HorizontalScope ( string text, GUIStyle style ) : System
text string Text to display on group.
style GUIStyle The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.
return System