C# Class UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer

Inheritance: Object, IDisposable
ファイルを表示 Open project: CarlosHBC/UnityDecompiled Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ComputeBuffer ( int count, int stride ) : System

Create a Compute Buffer.

ComputeBuffer ( int count, int stride, ComputeBufferType type ) : System

Create a Compute Buffer.

Dispose ( ) : void
GetNativeBufferPtr ( ) : IntPtr

Retrieve a native (underlying graphics API) pointer to the buffer.

Release ( ) : void

Release a Compute Buffer.

Private Methods

Method Description
CopyCount ( ComputeBuffer src, ComputeBuffer dst, int dstOffset ) : void
DestroyBuffer ( ComputeBuffer buf ) : void
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
GetData ( Array data ) : void
INTERNAL_CALL_GetNativeBufferPtr ( ComputeBuffer self, IntPtr &value ) : void
InitBuffer ( ComputeBuffer buf, int count, int stride, ComputeBufferType type ) : void
InternalGetData ( Array data, int elemSize ) : void
InternalSetData ( Array data, int elemSize ) : void
SetCounterValue ( uint counterValue ) : void
SetData ( Array data ) : void

Method Details

ComputeBuffer() public method

Create a Compute Buffer.

public ComputeBuffer ( int count, int stride ) : System
count int Number of elements in the buffer.
stride int Size of one element in the buffer. Has to match size of buffer type in the shader. See for cross-platform compatibility information.
return System

ComputeBuffer() public method

Create a Compute Buffer.

public ComputeBuffer ( int count, int stride, ComputeBufferType type ) : System
count int Number of elements in the buffer.
stride int Size of one element in the buffer. Has to match size of buffer type in the shader. See for cross-platform compatibility information.
type ComputeBufferType Type of the buffer, default is ComputeBufferType.Default.
return System

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

GetNativeBufferPtr() public method

Retrieve a native (underlying graphics API) pointer to the buffer.

public GetNativeBufferPtr ( ) : IntPtr
return IntPtr

Release() public method

Release a Compute Buffer.

public Release ( ) : void
return void