C# Class UnityEngine.BoundingSphere

ファイルを表示 Open project: CarlosHBC/UnityDecompiled Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
position Vector3
radius float

Public Methods

Method Description
BoundingSphere ( Vector3 pos, float rad ) : System

Initializes a BoundingSphere.

BoundingSphere ( Vector4 packedSphere ) : System

Initializes a BoundingSphere.

Method Details

BoundingSphere() public method

Initializes a BoundingSphere.

public BoundingSphere ( Vector3 pos, float rad ) : System
pos Vector3 The center of the sphere.
rad float The radius of the sphere.
return System

BoundingSphere() public method

Initializes a BoundingSphere.

public BoundingSphere ( Vector4 packedSphere ) : System
packedSphere Vector4 A four-component vector containing the position (packed into the XYZ components) and radius (packed into the W component).
return System

Property Details

position public_oe property

The position of the center of the BoundingSphere.

public Vector3 position
return Vector3

radius public_oe property

The radius of the BoundingSphere.

public float radius
return float