C# Class UnityEngine.NUnit.Framework.Constraints.PropOperator

Operator used to test for the presence of a named Property on an object and optionally apply further tests to the value of that property.
Inheritance: SelfResolvingOperator
ファイルを表示 Open project: Unity-Technologies/nunitv2

Public Methods

Method Description
PropOperator ( string name )

Constructs a PropOperator for a particular named property

Reduce ( ConstraintBuilder stack ) : void

Reduce produces a constraint from the operator and any arguments. It takes the arguments from the constraint stack and pushes the resulting constraint on it.

Method Details

PropOperator() public method

Constructs a PropOperator for a particular named property
public PropOperator ( string name )
name string

Reduce() public method

Reduce produces a constraint from the operator and any arguments. It takes the arguments from the constraint stack and pushes the resulting constraint on it.
public Reduce ( ConstraintBuilder stack ) : void
stack ConstraintBuilder
return void