C# Class TestData.MethodTestState

ファイルを表示 Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NET Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetChildren ( ISystemContext context, IList children ) : void

Populates a list with the children that belong to the node.

MethodTestState ( NodeState parent ) : System

Initializes the type with its default attribute values.

Protected Methods

Method Description
FindChild ( ISystemContext context, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName browseName, bool createOrReplace, BaseInstanceState replacement ) : BaseInstanceState

Finds the child with the specified browse name.

GetDefaultTypeDefinitionId ( Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable namespaceUris ) : Opc.Ua.NodeId

Returns the id of the default type definition node for the instance.

Initialize ( ISystemContext context ) : void

Initializes the instance.

InitializeOptionalChildren ( ISystemContext context ) : void

Initializes the any option children defined for the instance.

OnAfterCreate ( ISystemContext context, NodeState node ) : void

Initializes the object as a collection of counters which change value on read.

Private Methods

Method Description
OnArrayValue1 ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, bool booleanIn, sbyte sByteIn, byte byteIn, short int16In, ushort uInt16In, int int32In, uint uInt32In, long int64In, ulong uInt64In, float floatIn, double doubleIn, bool &booleanOut, sbyte &sByteOut, byte &byteOut, short &int16Out, ushort &uInt16Out, int &int32Out, uint &uInt32Out, long &int64Out, ulong &uInt64Out, float &floatOut, double &doubleOut ) : ServiceResult
OnArrayValue2 ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, string stringIn, System.DateTime dateTimeIn, Uuid guidIn, byte byteStringIn, XmlElement xmlElementIn, Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeIdIn, Opc.Ua.ExpandedNodeId expandedNodeIdIn, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName qualifiedNameIn, Opc.Ua.LocalizedText localizedTextIn, Opc.Ua.StatusCode statusCodeIn, string &stringOut, System.DateTime &dateTimeOut, Uuid &guidOut, byte &byteStringOut, XmlElement &xmlElementOut, Opc.Ua.NodeId &nodeIdOut, Opc.Ua.ExpandedNodeId &expandedNodeIdOut, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName &qualifiedNameOut, Opc.Ua.LocalizedText &localizedTextOut, Opc.Ua.StatusCode &statusCodeOut ) : ServiceResult
OnArrayValue3 ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, Variant variantIn, int enumerationIn, Opc.Ua.ExtensionObject structureIn, Variant &variantOut, int &enumerationOut, Opc.Ua.ExtensionObject &structureOut ) : ServiceResult
OnScalarValue1 ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, bool booleanIn, sbyte sByteIn, byte byteIn, short int16In, ushort uInt16In, int int32In, uint uInt32In, long int64In, ulong uInt64In, float floatIn, double doubleIn, bool &booleanOut, sbyte &sByteOut, byte &byteOut, short &int16Out, ushort &uInt16Out, int &int32Out, uint &uInt32Out, long &int64Out, ulong &uInt64Out, float &floatOut, double &doubleOut ) : ServiceResult
OnScalarValue2 ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, string stringIn, System.DateTime dateTimeIn, Uuid guidIn, byte byteStringIn, XmlElement xmlElementIn, Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeIdIn, Opc.Ua.ExpandedNodeId expandedNodeIdIn, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName qualifiedNameIn, Opc.Ua.LocalizedText localizedTextIn, Opc.Ua.StatusCode statusCodeIn, string &stringOut, System.DateTime &dateTimeOut, Uuid &guidOut, byte &byteStringOut, XmlElement &xmlElementOut, Opc.Ua.NodeId &nodeIdOut, Opc.Ua.ExpandedNodeId &expandedNodeIdOut, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName &qualifiedNameOut, Opc.Ua.LocalizedText &localizedTextOut, Opc.Ua.StatusCode &statusCodeOut ) : ServiceResult
OnScalarValue3 ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, object variantIn, int enumerationIn, Opc.Ua.ExtensionObject structureIn, object &variantOut, int &enumerationOut, Opc.Ua.ExtensionObject &structureOut ) : ServiceResult
OnUserArrayValue1 ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, bool booleanIn, sbyte sByteIn, byte byteIn, short int16In, ushort uInt16In, int int32In, uint uInt32In, long int64In, ulong uInt64In, float floatIn, double doubleIn, string stringIn, bool &booleanOut, sbyte &sByteOut, byte &byteOut, short &int16Out, ushort &uInt16Out, int &int32Out, uint &uInt32Out, long &int64Out, ulong &uInt64Out, float &floatOut, double &doubleOut, string &stringOut ) : ServiceResult
OnUserArrayValue2 ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, System.DateTime dateTimeIn, Uuid guidIn, byte byteStringIn, XmlElement xmlElementIn, Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeIdIn, Opc.Ua.ExpandedNodeId expandedNodeIdIn, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName qualifiedNameIn, Opc.Ua.LocalizedText localizedTextIn, Opc.Ua.StatusCode statusCodeIn, Variant variantIn, System.DateTime &dateTimeOut, Uuid &guidOut, byte &byteStringOut, XmlElement &xmlElementOut, Opc.Ua.NodeId &nodeIdOut, Opc.Ua.ExpandedNodeId &expandedNodeIdOut, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName &qualifiedNameOut, Opc.Ua.LocalizedText &localizedTextOut, Opc.Ua.StatusCode &statusCodeOut, Variant &variantOut ) : ServiceResult
OnUserScalarValue1 ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, bool booleanIn, sbyte sByteIn, byte byteIn, short int16In, ushort uInt16In, int int32In, uint uInt32In, long int64In, ulong uInt64In, float floatIn, double doubleIn, string stringIn, bool &booleanOut, sbyte &sByteOut, byte &byteOut, short &int16Out, ushort &uInt16Out, int &int32Out, uint &uInt32Out, long &int64Out, ulong &uInt64Out, float &floatOut, double &doubleOut, string &stringOut ) : ServiceResult
OnUserScalarValue2 ( ISystemContext context, MethodState method, Opc.Ua.NodeId objectId, System.DateTime dateTimeIn, Uuid guidIn, byte byteStringIn, XmlElement xmlElementIn, Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeIdIn, Opc.Ua.ExpandedNodeId expandedNodeIdIn, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName qualifiedNameIn, Opc.Ua.LocalizedText localizedTextIn, Opc.Ua.StatusCode statusCodeIn, object variantIn, System.DateTime &dateTimeOut, Uuid &guidOut, byte &byteStringOut, XmlElement &xmlElementOut, Opc.Ua.NodeId &nodeIdOut, Opc.Ua.ExpandedNodeId &expandedNodeIdOut, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName &qualifiedNameOut, Opc.Ua.LocalizedText &localizedTextOut, Opc.Ua.StatusCode &statusCodeOut, object &variantOut ) : ServiceResult

Method Details

FindChild() protected method

Finds the child with the specified browse name.
protected FindChild ( ISystemContext context, Opc.Ua.QualifiedName browseName, bool createOrReplace, BaseInstanceState replacement ) : BaseInstanceState
context ISystemContext
browseName Opc.Ua.QualifiedName
createOrReplace bool
replacement Opc.Ua.BaseInstanceState
return Opc.Ua.BaseInstanceState

GetChildren() public method

Populates a list with the children that belong to the node.
public GetChildren ( ISystemContext context, IList children ) : void
context ISystemContext The context for the system being accessed.
children IList The list of children to populate.
return void

GetDefaultTypeDefinitionId() protected method

Returns the id of the default type definition node for the instance.
protected GetDefaultTypeDefinitionId ( Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable namespaceUris ) : Opc.Ua.NodeId
namespaceUris Opc.Ua.NamespaceTable
return Opc.Ua.NodeId

Initialize() protected method

Initializes the instance.
protected Initialize ( ISystemContext context ) : void
context ISystemContext
return void

InitializeOptionalChildren() protected method

Initializes the any option children defined for the instance.
protected InitializeOptionalChildren ( ISystemContext context ) : void
context ISystemContext
return void

MethodTestState() public method

Initializes the type with its default attribute values.
public MethodTestState ( NodeState parent ) : System
parent NodeState
return System

OnAfterCreate() protected method

Initializes the object as a collection of counters which change value on read.
protected OnAfterCreate ( ISystemContext context, NodeState node ) : void
context ISystemContext
node NodeState
return void