C# Class Telerik.Sitefinity.Amazon.BlobStorage.AmazonBlobStorageProvider

This provider implements the logic for persisting BLOB data on Amazon S3 Storage.
Inheritance: CloudBlobStorageProvider
ファイルを表示 Open project: Sitefinity/amazon-s3-provider

Public Methods

Method Description
BlobExists ( IBlobContentLocation location ) : bool

Determines whether a blob item under the specified location exists.

Copy ( IBlobContentLocation source, IBlobContentLocation destination ) : void

Copies the source content to the specified destination on the remote blob storage.

Delete ( IBlobContentLocation location ) : void

Deletes the blob item stored under the specified blob location

GetDownloadStream ( IBlobContent content ) : Stream

Gets the download stream for a specific content..

GetItemUrl ( IBlobContentLocation content ) : string

Resolves the content item's external URL on the remote blob storage.

GetProperties ( IBlobContentLocation location ) : IBlobProperties

Gets the content type, cache control settings, etc. of a blob.

GetUploadStream ( IBlobContent content ) : Stream

Gets the upload stream for a specific content.

SetProperties ( IBlobContentLocation location, IBlobProperties properties ) : void

Sets the properties, like cacheControl, content type, etc.

Upload ( IBlobContent content, Stream source, int bufferSize ) : long

Uploads the specified content item to the remote blob storage.

Protected Methods

Method Description
InitializeStorage ( NameValueCollection config ) : void

Initializes access to the remote storage.

Method Details

BlobExists() public method

Determines whether a blob item under the specified location exists.
public BlobExists ( IBlobContentLocation location ) : bool
location IBlobContentLocation Descriptor of the item on the remote blob storage.
return bool

Copy() public method

Copies the source content to the specified destination on the remote blob storage.
public Copy ( IBlobContentLocation source, IBlobContentLocation destination ) : void
source IBlobContentLocation Descriptor of the source item on the remote blob storage.
destination IBlobContentLocation Descriptor of the destination item on the remote blob storage.
return void

Delete() public method

Deletes the blob item stored under the specified blob location
public Delete ( IBlobContentLocation location ) : void
location IBlobContentLocation Descriptor of the item on the remote blob storage.
return void

GetDownloadStream() public method

Gets the download stream for a specific content..
public GetDownloadStream ( IBlobContent content ) : Stream
content IBlobContent Descriptor of the item on the remote blob storage.
return Stream

GetItemUrl() public method

Resolves the content item's external URL on the remote blob storage.
public GetItemUrl ( IBlobContentLocation content ) : string
content IBlobContentLocation Descriptor of the item on the remote blob storage for which to retrieve the URL.
return string

GetProperties() public method

Gets the content type, cache control settings, etc. of a blob.
public GetProperties ( IBlobContentLocation location ) : IBlobProperties
location IBlobContentLocation Descriptor of the item on the remote blob storage.
return IBlobProperties

GetUploadStream() public method

Gets the upload stream for a specific content.
public GetUploadStream ( IBlobContent content ) : Stream
content IBlobContent Descriptor of the item on the remote blob storage.
return Stream

InitializeStorage() protected method

Initializes access to the remote storage.
protected InitializeStorage ( NameValueCollection config ) : void
config System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection The collection of parameters (each by its name and value) of the current provider's configuration settings.
return void

SetProperties() public method

Sets the properties, like cacheControl, content type, etc.
public SetProperties ( IBlobContentLocation location, IBlobProperties properties ) : void
location IBlobContentLocation Descriptor of the item on the remote blob storage.
properties IBlobProperties The properties to set.
return void

Upload() public method

Uploads the specified content item to the remote blob storage.
public Upload ( IBlobContent content, Stream source, int bufferSize ) : long
content IBlobContent Descriptor of the item on the remote blob storage.
source Stream The source item's content stream.
bufferSize int Size of the upload buffer.
return long