C# Class TargaImagePCL.TargaFooter

Holds Footer infomation read from the image file.
ファイルを表示 Open project: RHY3756547/FreeSO Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
TargaFooter ( ) : System

Creates a new instance of the TargaFooter class.

Protected Methods

Method Description
SetDeveloperDirectoryOffset ( int intDeveloperDirectoryOffset ) : void

Sets the DeveloperDirectoryOffset property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaFooter.

SetExtensionAreaOffset ( int intExtensionAreaOffset ) : void

Sets the ExtensionAreaOffset property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaFooter.

SetReservedCharacter ( string strReservedCharacter ) : void

Sets the ReservedCharacter property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaFooter.

SetSignature ( string strSignature ) : void

Sets the Signature property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaFooter.

Method Details

SetDeveloperDirectoryOffset() protected method

Sets the DeveloperDirectoryOffset property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaFooter.
protected SetDeveloperDirectoryOffset ( int intDeveloperDirectoryOffset ) : void
intDeveloperDirectoryOffset int The Developer Directory Offset value read from the file.
return void

SetExtensionAreaOffset() protected method

Sets the ExtensionAreaOffset property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaFooter.
protected SetExtensionAreaOffset ( int intExtensionAreaOffset ) : void
intExtensionAreaOffset int The Extension Area Offset value read from the file.
return void

SetReservedCharacter() protected method

Sets the ReservedCharacter property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaFooter.
protected SetReservedCharacter ( string strReservedCharacter ) : void
strReservedCharacter string The ReservedCharacter value read from the file.
return void

SetSignature() protected method

Sets the Signature property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaFooter.
protected SetSignature ( string strSignature ) : void
strSignature string The Signature value read from the file.
return void

TargaFooter() public method

Creates a new instance of the TargaFooter class.
public TargaFooter ( ) : System
return System