C# Class TSystems.RELOAD.Transport.MessageTransport

ファイルを表示 Open project: RELOAD-NET/RELOAD.NET Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AppAttachProcedure ( Destination dest ) : IEnumerator
AppAttachProcedure ( Destination dest, NodeId viaGateWay, string overlayName ) : IEnumerator

Proprietary: Starts an AppAttachProcedure which is routed through the viaGateWay Node into the "overlayName" Overlay

AttachFinger ( TSystems.RELOAD.Topology.TopologyPlugin.RoutingTable.FTableEntry finger, Port attachNext ) : IEnumerator

Attaches to a node needed to enrich the finger table.

AttachProcedure ( Destination dest, NodeId NextHopId, AttachOption attach_option ) : IEnumerator
CheckAndSetAdmittingPeer ( Node node ) : System.Boolean
EvaluateReplicas ( ) : void
Fetch ( ) : IEnumerator
Fetch ( string resourceName, List specifiers ) : IEnumerator

The Fetch request retrieves one or more data elements stored at a given Resource-ID. A single Fetch request can retrieve multiple different kinds. RELOAD base -13 p.92 --alex

Fetch ( string resourceName, List specifiers, NodeId viaGateWay ) : IEnumerator

Proprietary: Tries to fetch the Data specified by the StoredDataSpecifier List from different RELOAD overlay using viaGateWay as gateway

GetForwardingAndLinkManagementLayer ( ) : IForwardLinkManagement
HandoverKeys ( bool fSendLeaveFirst ) : IEnumerator

Handover key if: 1. leave overlay 2. I'm AP while a join req happens.

InboundClose ( NodeId nodeid ) : void
Init ( System.Machine machine ) : void
Leave ( ) : IEnumerator

Just the leaving Procedure

NextHopToDestination ( Destination dest, bool &direct ) : Node
PreJoinProdecure ( List BootstrapServerList ) : IEnumerator
Send ( ReloadMessage reloadSendMsg, Node NextHopNode ) : IEnumerator
SendPing ( Destination dest, PingOption pingOption ) : IEnumerator
SendUpdate ( Node node, Node nexthopnode ) : IEnumerator
Store ( string ResourceName, List kind_data ) : IEnumerator

Stores the Usage data in the RELOAD overlay

Store ( string ResourceName, List kind_data, NodeId viaGateWay ) : IEnumerator

Proprietary: Stores the Usage data in a different RELOAD overlay using viaGateWay as gateway

StoreReplicas ( NodeId node ) : IEnumerator

Store Replicas: My next two successors have changed. Replicate my data

create_app_attach_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
create_app_attach_req ( Destination destination ) : ReloadMessage
create_attach_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
create_attach_req ( Destination destination, System.Boolean fForceSendUpdate ) : ReloadMessage

Creates an Attach request

create_erro_reply ( Destination destination, RELOAD_ErrorCode error, string errmsg, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
create_join_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
create_join_req ( Destination destination ) : ReloadMessage
create_leave_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
create_leave_req ( Destination destination ) : ReloadMessage
create_ping_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
create_ping_req ( Destination destination ) : ReloadMessage
create_reload_message ( ReloadMessage reloadRequest ) : ReloadMessage
create_store_answ ( Destination dest, System.UInt64 trans_id, List skd, List replicas ) : ReloadMessage

Creates a StoreAns message accoriding to RELOAD base -12 p.90

create_store_req ( Destination destination, List stored_kind_data, bool replica ) : ReloadMessage

Creates a StoreReq according to RELOAD base -12 p.86

create_store_req ( Destination destination, ResourceId resourceId, List stored_kind_data, bool replica ) : ReloadMessage

Creates a StoreReq that can be directed a specific NodeId

create_update_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id, RELOAD_ErrorCode result ) : ReloadMessage
create_update_req ( Destination destination, TopologyPlugin rt, ChordUpdateType type ) : ReloadMessage
receive_message ( ReloadMessage reloadMsg ) : void
reload_app_attach_inbound ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void
reload_attach_inbound ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void
rfm_ReloadFLMEventHandler ( object sender, ReloadFLMEventArgs args ) : ReloadFLMEventArgs

Private Methods

Method Description
OnFetchedData ( ResourceId res_id, List fetchKindResponses ) : void

On data fetch execute the Usages AppProcedure

create_fetch_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id, List fetchKindResponses ) : ReloadMessage

Creates a FetchAns

create_fetch_req ( Destination destination, List specifiers ) : ReloadMessage

Creates a FetchReq using the given StoredDataSpecifiers

create_reload_message ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id, RELOAD_MessageBody reload_content ) : ReloadMessage
reload_fetch_inbound ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void

Handles incoming fetch requests

reload_join_inbound ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void
reload_leave_inbound ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void
reload_ping_inbound ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void
reload_store_inbound ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void

Handles incoming StoreReq messages.

reload_update_inbound ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void
send ( ReloadMessage reloadMsg, Node NextHopNode ) : void

Method Details

AppAttachProcedure() public method

public AppAttachProcedure ( Destination dest ) : IEnumerator
dest Destination
return IEnumerator

AppAttachProcedure() public method

Proprietary: Starts an AppAttachProcedure which is routed through the viaGateWay Node into the "overlayName" Overlay
public AppAttachProcedure ( Destination dest, NodeId viaGateWay, string overlayName ) : IEnumerator
dest Destination Destination to appattach to
viaGateWay TSystems.RELOAD.Utils.NodeId Node Id of the GateWay into interconnection Overlay
overlayName string Name of the Overlay the other Peer is participating. Needed by the Gateway for further routing.
return IEnumerator

AttachFinger() public method

Attaches to a node needed to enrich the finger table.
public AttachFinger ( TSystems.RELOAD.Topology.TopologyPlugin.RoutingTable.FTableEntry finger, Port attachNext ) : IEnumerator
finger TSystems.RELOAD.Topology.TopologyPlugin.RoutingTable.FTableEntry
attachNext Port
return IEnumerator

AttachProcedure() public method

public AttachProcedure ( Destination dest, NodeId NextHopId, AttachOption attach_option ) : IEnumerator
dest Destination
NextHopId TSystems.RELOAD.Utils.NodeId
attach_option AttachOption
return IEnumerator

CheckAndSetAdmittingPeer() public method

public CheckAndSetAdmittingPeer ( Node node ) : System.Boolean
node TSystems.RELOAD.Topology.Node
return System.Boolean

EvaluateReplicas() public method

public EvaluateReplicas ( ) : void
return void

Fetch() public method

public Fetch ( ) : IEnumerator
return IEnumerator

Fetch() public method

The Fetch request retrieves one or more data elements stored at a given Resource-ID. A single Fetch request can retrieve multiple different kinds. RELOAD base -13 p.92 --alex
public Fetch ( string resourceName, List specifiers ) : IEnumerator
resourceName string The resouces name (human readable)
specifiers List StoredSpecifier objects
return IEnumerator

Fetch() public method

Proprietary: Tries to fetch the Data specified by the StoredDataSpecifier List from different RELOAD overlay using viaGateWay as gateway
public Fetch ( string resourceName, List specifiers, NodeId viaGateWay ) : IEnumerator
resourceName string
specifiers List
viaGateWay TSystems.RELOAD.Utils.NodeId
return IEnumerator

GetForwardingAndLinkManagementLayer() public method

public GetForwardingAndLinkManagementLayer ( ) : IForwardLinkManagement
return IForwardLinkManagement

HandoverKeys() public method

Handover key if: 1. leave overlay 2. I'm AP while a join req happens.
public HandoverKeys ( bool fSendLeaveFirst ) : IEnumerator
fSendLeaveFirst bool
return IEnumerator

InboundClose() public method

public InboundClose ( NodeId nodeid ) : void
nodeid TSystems.RELOAD.Utils.NodeId
return void

Init() public method

public Init ( System.Machine machine ) : void
machine System.Machine
return void

Leave() public method

Just the leaving Procedure
public Leave ( ) : IEnumerator
return IEnumerator

NextHopToDestination() public method

public NextHopToDestination ( Destination dest, bool &direct ) : Node
dest Destination
direct bool
return TSystems.RELOAD.Topology.Node

PreJoinProdecure() public method

public PreJoinProdecure ( List BootstrapServerList ) : IEnumerator
BootstrapServerList List
return IEnumerator

Send() public method

public Send ( ReloadMessage reloadSendMsg, Node NextHopNode ) : IEnumerator
reloadSendMsg ReloadMessage
NextHopNode TSystems.RELOAD.Topology.Node
return IEnumerator

SendPing() public method

public SendPing ( Destination dest, PingOption pingOption ) : IEnumerator
dest Destination
pingOption PingOption
return IEnumerator

SendUpdate() public method

public SendUpdate ( Node node, Node nexthopnode ) : IEnumerator
node TSystems.RELOAD.Topology.Node
nexthopnode TSystems.RELOAD.Topology.Node
return IEnumerator

Store() public method

Stores the Usage data in the RELOAD overlay
public Store ( string ResourceName, List kind_data ) : IEnumerator
ResourceName string
kind_data List
return IEnumerator

Store() public method

Proprietary: Stores the Usage data in a different RELOAD overlay using viaGateWay as gateway
public Store ( string ResourceName, List kind_data, NodeId viaGateWay ) : IEnumerator
ResourceName string
kind_data List
viaGateWay TSystems.RELOAD.Utils.NodeId
return IEnumerator

StoreReplicas() public method

Store Replicas: My next two successors have changed. Replicate my data
public StoreReplicas ( NodeId node ) : IEnumerator
node TSystems.RELOAD.Utils.NodeId
return IEnumerator

create_app_attach_answ() public method

public create_app_attach_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
trans_id System.UInt64
return ReloadMessage

create_app_attach_req() public method

public create_app_attach_req ( Destination destination ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
return ReloadMessage

create_attach_answ() public method

public create_attach_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
trans_id System.UInt64
return ReloadMessage

create_attach_req() public method

Creates an Attach request
public create_attach_req ( Destination destination, System.Boolean fForceSendUpdate ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination The destination of this attach
fForceSendUpdate System.Boolean Flag ForceSendUpdate
return ReloadMessage

create_erro_reply() public method

public create_erro_reply ( Destination destination, RELOAD_ErrorCode error, string errmsg, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
error RELOAD_ErrorCode
errmsg string
trans_id System.UInt64
return ReloadMessage

create_join_answ() public method

public create_join_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
trans_id System.UInt64
return ReloadMessage

create_join_req() public method

public create_join_req ( Destination destination ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
return ReloadMessage

create_leave_answ() public method

public create_leave_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
trans_id System.UInt64
return ReloadMessage

create_leave_req() public method

public create_leave_req ( Destination destination ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
return ReloadMessage

create_ping_answ() public method

public create_ping_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
trans_id System.UInt64
return ReloadMessage

create_ping_req() public method

public create_ping_req ( Destination destination ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
return ReloadMessage

create_reload_message() public method

public create_reload_message ( ReloadMessage reloadRequest ) : ReloadMessage
reloadRequest ReloadMessage
return ReloadMessage

create_store_answ() public method

Creates a StoreAns message accoriding to RELOAD base -12 p.90
public create_store_answ ( Destination dest, System.UInt64 trans_id, List skd, List replicas ) : ReloadMessage
dest Destination
trans_id System.UInt64 The transaction ID corresponding to the StoreReq
skd List
replicas List
return ReloadMessage

create_store_req() public method

Creates a StoreReq according to RELOAD base -12 p.86
public create_store_req ( Destination destination, List stored_kind_data, bool replica ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination The store destination
stored_kind_data List
replica bool
return ReloadMessage

create_store_req() public method

Creates a StoreReq that can be directed a specific NodeId
public create_store_req ( Destination destination, ResourceId resourceId, List stored_kind_data, bool replica ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination The store destination NodeId
resourceId TSystems.RELOAD.Utils.ResourceId The Id of the resource to store
stored_kind_data List
replica bool
return ReloadMessage

create_update_answ() public method

public create_update_answ ( Destination destination, System.UInt64 trans_id, RELOAD_ErrorCode result ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
trans_id System.UInt64
result RELOAD_ErrorCode
return ReloadMessage

create_update_req() public method

public create_update_req ( Destination destination, TopologyPlugin rt, ChordUpdateType type ) : ReloadMessage
destination Destination
rt TSystems.RELOAD.Topology.TopologyPlugin
type ChordUpdateType
return ReloadMessage

receive_message() public method

public receive_message ( ReloadMessage reloadMsg ) : void
reloadMsg ReloadMessage
return void

reload_app_attach_inbound() public method

public reload_app_attach_inbound ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void
recmsg ReloadMessage
return void

reload_attach_inbound() public method

public reload_attach_inbound ( ReloadMessage recmsg ) : void
recmsg ReloadMessage
return void

rfm_ReloadFLMEventHandler() public method

public rfm_ReloadFLMEventHandler ( object sender, ReloadFLMEventArgs args ) : ReloadFLMEventArgs
sender object
args ReloadFLMEventArgs
return ReloadFLMEventArgs