C# Class TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedTileMapInfo

ファイルを表示 Open project: vchelaru/FlatRedBall Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
CellHeightInPixels ushort
CellWidthInPixels ushort
Layers List
NumberCellsTall int
NumberCellsWide int
NumberOfLayers uint
QuadHeight float
QuadWidth float
VersionNumber int

Public Methods

Method Description
FromFile ( string fileName ) : ReducedTileMapInfo
FromTiledMapSave ( TiledMapSave tiledMapSave, float scale, float zOffset, string directory, FileReferenceType referenceType ) : ReducedTileMapInfo

Converts a TiledMapSave to a ReducedTileMapInfo object

GetReferencedFiles ( ) : List
ReadFrom ( BinaryReader reader ) : ReducedTileMapInfo
ToString ( ) : string
WriteTo ( BinaryWriter writer ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
SetQuadWidthAndHeight ( ReducedTileMapInfo toReturn, SceneSave ses ) : void

Method Details

FromFile() public static method

public static FromFile ( string fileName ) : ReducedTileMapInfo
fileName string
return ReducedTileMapInfo

FromTiledMapSave() public static method

Converts a TiledMapSave to a ReducedTileMapInfo object
public static FromTiledMapSave ( TiledMapSave tiledMapSave, float scale, float zOffset, string directory, FileReferenceType referenceType ) : ReducedTileMapInfo
tiledMapSave TiledMapSave The TiledMapSave to convert
scale float The amount to scale by - default of 1
zOffset float The zOffset
directory string The directory of the file associated with the tiledMapSave, used to find file references.
referenceType FileReferenceType How the files in the .tmx are referenced.
return ReducedTileMapInfo

GetReferencedFiles() public method

public GetReferencedFiles ( ) : List
return List

ReadFrom() public static method

public static ReadFrom ( BinaryReader reader ) : ReducedTileMapInfo
reader BinaryReader
return ReducedTileMapInfo

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string

WriteTo() public method

public WriteTo ( BinaryWriter writer ) : void
writer BinaryWriter
return void

Property Details

CellHeightInPixels public_oe property

public ushort CellHeightInPixels
return ushort

CellWidthInPixels public_oe property

public ushort CellWidthInPixels
return ushort

Layers public_oe property

public List Layers
return List

NumberCellsTall public_oe property

public int NumberCellsTall
return int

NumberCellsWide public_oe property

public int NumberCellsWide
return int

NumberOfLayers public_oe property

public uint NumberOfLayers
return uint

QuadHeight public_oe property

public float QuadHeight
return float

QuadWidth public_oe property

public float QuadWidth
return float

VersionNumber public_oe property

public int VersionNumber
return int