Method | Description | |
StartLetBinding ( |
Bind values in the "ndLet" expression to a non-stack location that can later be referenced.
Visit ( |
Visits the specified QilExpression graph and generates MSIL code.
Method | Description | |
Visit ( QilNode nd ) : QilNode |
Generate a query plan for the QilExpression subgraph.
VisitAdd ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Add.
VisitAfter ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.VisitAfter.
VisitAncestor ( |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.Ancestor.
VisitAncestorOrSelf ( |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.AncestorOrSelf.
VisitAnd ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.And. BranchingContext.OnFalse context: (expr1) and (expr2) ==> if (!expr1) goto LabelParent; if (!expr2) goto LabelParent; BranchingContext.OnTrue context: (expr1) and (expr2) ==> if (!expr1) goto LabelTemp; if (expr1) goto LabelParent; LabelTemp: BranchingContext.None context: (expr1) and (expr2) ==> if (!expr1) goto LabelTemp; if (!expr1) goto LabelTemp; push true(); goto LabelSkip; LabelTemp: push false(); LabelSkip: |
VisitAttribute ( |
Generate code for for QilNodeType.Attribute.
VisitAttributeCtor ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.AttributeCtor.
VisitAverage ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Average.
VisitBefore ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.VisitBefore.
VisitChildren ( QilNode parent ) : QilNode |
VisitChildren should never be called.
VisitChoice ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Choice.
VisitCommentCtor ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.CommentCtor.
VisitConditional ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Conditional.
VisitContent ( |
Generate code for for QilNodeType.Content.
VisitDataSource ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.DataSource. Generates code to retrieve a document using the XmlResolver. |
VisitDeref ( |
Generate code for for QilNodeType.Deref.
VisitDescendant ( |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.Descendant.
VisitDescendantOrSelf ( |
Generate code for for QilNodeType.DescendantOrSelf.
VisitDifference ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Difference.
VisitDivide ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Divide.
VisitDocOrderDistinct ( |
Generate code for for QilNodeType.DocOrderDistinct.
VisitDocumentCtor ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.DocumentCtor.
VisitElementCtor ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.ElementCtor.
VisitEq ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Eq.
VisitError ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Error.
VisitFalse ( QilNode ndFalse ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.False. BranchingContext.OnFalse context: goto LabelParent; BranchingContext.OnTrue context: [nothing] BranchingContext.None context: push false(); |
VisitFilter ( |
Generate code for a QilNodeType.Filter.
VisitFollowingSibling ( |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.FollowingSibling.
VisitFor ( |
Generate code for a QilNodeType.For.
VisitGe ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Ne.
VisitGt ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Gt.
VisitIntersection ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Intersection.
VisitInvoke ( |
Generate code for for QilNodeType.Invoke.
VisitIs ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.VisitIs.
VisitIsEmpty ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.IsEmpty. BranchingContext.OnFalse context: is-empty(expr) ==> foreach (item in expr) goto LabelBranch; BranchingContext.OnTrue context: is-empty(expr) ==> foreach (item in expr) break; ... LabelOnEnd: (called if foreach is empty) goto LabelBranch; BranchingContext.None context: is-empty(expr) ==> foreach (item in expr) break; push true(); ... LabelOnEnd: (called if foreach is empty) push false(); |
VisitIsType ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.IsType.
VisitLe ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Le.
VisitLength ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Length. int length = 0; foreach (item in expr) length++; |
VisitLet ( |
Generate code for a QilNodeType.Let.
VisitLiteralDecimal ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.LiteralDecimal.
VisitLiteralDouble ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.LiteralDouble.
VisitLiteralInt32 ( QilLiteral ndInt ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.LiteralInt32.
VisitLiteralInt64 ( QilLiteral ndLong ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.LiteralInt64.
VisitLiteralQName ( QilName ndQName ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.LiteralQName.
VisitLiteralString ( QilLiteral ndStr ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.LiteralString.
VisitLocalNameOf ( QilUnary ndName ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.LocalNameOf.
VisitLoop ( QilLoop ndLoop ) : QilNode |
Generate code for a QilNodeType.Loop.
VisitLt ( QilBinary ndLt ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Lt.
VisitMaximum ( QilUnary ndMax ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Maximum.
VisitMinimum ( QilUnary ndMin ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Minimum.
VisitModulo ( QilBinary ndMod ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Modulo.
VisitMultiply ( QilBinary ndMul ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Multiply.
VisitNameOf ( QilUnary ndName ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.NameOf.
VisitNamespaceDecl ( QilBinary ndNmsp ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.NamespaceDecl.
VisitNamespaceUriOf ( QilUnary ndName ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.NamespaceUriOf.
VisitNe ( QilBinary ndNe ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Ne.
VisitNegate ( QilUnary ndNeg ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Negate.
VisitNodeRange ( QilBinary ndRange ) : QilNode |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.NodeRange.
VisitNop ( QilUnary ndNop ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Nop.
VisitNot ( QilUnary ndNot ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Not. BranchingContext.OnFalse context: not(expr1) ==> if (expr1) goto LabelParent; BranchingContext.OnTrue context: not(expr1) ==> if (!expr1) goto LabelParent; BranchingContext.None context: not(expr1) ==> if (expr1) goto LabelTemp; push false(); goto LabelSkip; LabelTemp: push true(); LabelSkip: |
VisitOptimizeBarrier ( QilUnary ndBarrier ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.OptimizeBarrier.
VisitOr ( QilBinary ndOr ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Or. BranchingContext.OnFalse context: (expr1) or (expr2) ==> if (expr1) goto LabelTemp; if (!expr2) goto LabelParent; LabelTemp: BranchingContext.OnTrue context: (expr1) or (expr2) ==> if (expr1) goto LabelParent; if (expr1) goto LabelParent; BranchingContext.None context: (expr1) or (expr2) ==> if (expr1) goto LabelTemp; if (expr1) goto LabelTemp; push false(); goto LabelSkip; LabelTemp: push true(); LabelSkip: |
VisitPICtor ( QilBinary ndPI ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.PICtor.
VisitParameter ( QilParameter ndParameter ) : QilNode |
Generate code for a QilNodeType.Parameter.
VisitParent ( QilUnary ndParent ) : QilNode |
Generate code for for QilNodeType.Parent.
VisitPositionOf ( QilUnary ndPos ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.PositionOf.
VisitPreceding ( QilUnary ndPrec ) : QilNode |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.Preceding.
VisitPrecedingSibling ( QilUnary ndPreSib ) : QilNode |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.PrecedingSibling.
VisitPrefixOf ( QilUnary ndName ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.PrefixOf.
VisitRawTextCtor ( QilUnary ndText ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.RawTextCtor.
VisitRoot ( QilUnary ndRoot ) : QilNode |
Generate code for for QilNodeType.Root.
VisitRtfCtor ( QilBinary ndRtf ) : QilNode |
Generate code for for QilNodeType.RtfCtor.
VisitSequence ( QilList ndSeq ) : QilNode |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.Sequence.
VisitSort ( QilLoop ndSort ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Sort.
VisitStrConcat ( QilStrConcat ndStrConcat ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.StrConcat.
VisitStrLength ( QilUnary ndLen ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.StrLength.
VisitStrParseQName ( QilBinary ndParsedTagName ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.StrParseQName.
VisitSubtract ( QilBinary ndMinus ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Subtract.
VisitSum ( QilUnary ndSum ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Sum.
VisitTextCtor ( QilUnary ndText ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.TextCtor.
VisitTrue ( QilNode ndTrue ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.True. BranchingContext.OnFalse context: [nothing] BranchingContext.OnTrue context: goto LabelParent; BranchingContext.None context: push true(); |
VisitTypeAssert ( QilTargetType ndTypeAssert ) : QilNode |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.TypeAssert.
VisitUnion ( QilBinary ndUnion ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Union.
VisitWarning ( QilUnary ndWarning ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Warning.
VisitXPathFollowing ( QilUnary ndFoll ) : QilNode |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.XPathFollowing.
VisitXPathNamespace ( QilUnary ndNmsp ) : QilNode |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.XPathNamespace.
VisitXPathNodeValue ( QilUnary ndVal ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.XPathNodeValue.
VisitXPathPreceding ( QilUnary ndPrec ) : QilNode |
Find physical query plan for QilNodeType.XPathPreceding.
VisitXmlContext ( QilNode ndCtxt ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.XmlContext. Generates code to retrieve the default document using the XmlResolver. |
VisitXsltConvert ( QilTargetType ndConv ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.XsltConvert.
VisitXsltCopy ( QilBinary ndCopy ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.XsltCopy.
VisitXsltCopyOf ( QilUnary ndCopyOf ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.XsltCopyOf.
VisitXsltGenerateId ( QilUnary ndGenId ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.XsltGenerateId.
VisitXsltInvokeEarlyBound ( QilInvokeEarlyBound ndInvoke ) : QilNode |
Generate code for for QilNodeType.XsltInvokeEarlyBound.
VisitXsltInvokeLateBound ( QilInvokeLateBound ndInvoke ) : QilNode |
Generate code for for QilNodeType.XsltInvokeLateBound.
Method | Description | |
AfterEndChecks ( QilNode ndCtor ) : void |
This method is called after calling any WriteEnd??? method. It generates code to perform runtime construction checks separately. This should only be called if the XmlQueryOutput::EndElementChk method will *not* be called.
ArithmeticOp ( |
Generate code for two-argument arithmetic operations.
BeforeStartChecks ( QilNode ndCtor ) : void |
This method is called before calling any WriteEnd??? method. It generates code to perform runtime construction checks separately. This should only be called if the XmlQueryOutput::StartElementChk method will *not* be called.
CachesResult ( QilNode nd ) : bool |
Returns true if the specified QilExpression node type is *guaranteed* to cache its results in an XmlQuerySequence, where items in the cache are stored using the default storage type.
CheckEnumAttrs ( |
Return true if a runtime check needs to be made in order to transition into the EnumAttrs state.
CheckWithinContent ( |
Return true if a runtime check needs to be made in order to transition into the WithinContent state.
ClrCompare ( QilNodeType relOp, XmlTypeCode code ) : void |
For QilExpression types that map directly to CLR primitive types, the built-in CLR comparison operators can be used to perform the specified relational operation.
Compare ( |
Generate code for comparison operations.
ComparePosition ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.VisitBefore and QilNodeType.VisitAfter.
ConditionalBranch ( QilNode ndBranch, |
Generate code for one of the branches of QilNodeType.Conditional.
CopySequence ( QilNode nd ) : void |
Iterate over items produced by the "nd" expression and copy each item to output.
CreateAggregator ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Sum, QilNodeType.Average, QilNodeType.Minimum, and QilNodeType.Maximum.
CreateContainerIterator ( |
Generate boiler-plate code to create an Xml iterator that controls a nested iterator. Iterator iter; iter.Create(filter [, orSelf]); ...nested iterator... navInput = nestedNested; goto LabelCall; LabelNext: navInput = null; LabelCall: switch (iter.MoveNext(navInput)) { case IteratorState.NoMoreNodes: goto LabelNextCtxt; case IteratorState.NextInputNode: goto LabelNextNested; } |
CreateFilteredIterator ( QilNode ndCtxt, string iterName, |
Generate boiler-plate code to create an Xml iterator that uses an XmlNavigatorFilter to filter items. Iterator iter; iter.Create(navCtxt, filter [, orSelf] [, navEnd]); LabelNext: if (!iter.MoveNext()) goto LabelNextCtxt; |
CreateSetIterator ( |
Generate code to combine nodes from two nested iterators using Union, Intersection, or Difference semantics.
CreateSimpleIterator ( QilNode ndCtxt, string iterName, |
Generate boiler-plate code to create a simple Xml iterator. Iterator iter; iter.Create(navCtxt); LabelNext: if (!iter.MoveNext()) goto LabelNextCtxt; |
ElementCachesAttributes ( |
Returns true if the specified element should cache attributes.
EndBinding ( |
Mark iterator variables as out-of-scope.
EndConjunctiveTests ( BranchingContext brctxt, |
Anchor any remaining labels.
EndNestedIterator ( QilNode nd ) : void |
End construction of the current iterator.
EndWriterLoop ( QilNode nd, bool hasOnEnd, |
Construction within a loop is ending. If transition from non-Any to Any state occurs, then ensure that runtime state will be set.
Function ( |
Generate code for the specified function.
GenerateConcat ( QilNode ndStr, |
Generate code to concatenate string values returned by expression "ndStr" using the StringConcat helper class.
GenerateContainerIterator ( QilNode nd, |
Generate boiler-plate code that calls MoveNext on an Xml iterator that controls a nested iterator. Iterator should have already been created by calling code. ... goto LabelCall; LabelNext: navCtxt = null; LabelCall: switch (iter.MoveNext(navCtxt)) { case IteratorState.NoMoreNodes: goto LabelNextCtxt; case IteratorState.NextInputNode: goto LabelNextNested; } |
GenerateSimpleIterator ( |
Generate boiler-plate code that calls MoveNext on a simple Xml iterator. Iterator should have already been created by calling code. ... LabelNext: if (!iter.MoveNext()) goto LabelNextCtxt; |
GetItemStorageType ( QilNode nd ) : |
Shortcut call to XmlILTypeHelper.GetStorageType, using an expression's prime type.
GetItemStorageType ( XmlQueryType typ ) : |
Shortcut call to XmlILTypeHelper.GetStorageType, using the prime type.
GetStorageType ( QilNode nd ) : |
Shortcut call to XmlILTypeHelper.GetStorageType.
GetStorageType ( XmlQueryType typ ) : |
Shortcut call to XmlILTypeHelper.GetStorageType.
GetXsltConvertMethod ( XmlQueryType typSrc, XmlQueryType typDst, |
Get the XsltConvert method that converts from "typSrc" to "typDst". Return false if no such method exists. This conversion matrix should match the one in XsltConvert.ExternalValueToExternalValue.
HandleDodPatterns ( |
There are a number of path patterns that can be rooted at DocOrderDistinct nodes. Determine whether one of these patterns has been previously matched on "ndDod". If so, generate code for the pattern and return true. Otherwise, just return false.
HandleFilterPatterns ( |
There are a number of path patterns that can be rooted at Filter nodes. Determine whether one of these patterns has been previously matched on "ndFilter". If so, generate code for the pattern and return true. Otherwise, just return false.
IsNodeTypeUnion ( XmlNodeKindFlags xmlTypes ) : bool |
Return true if more than one node type is set.
LoadNameAndType ( XPathNodeType nodeType, QilNode ndName, bool isStart, bool callChk ) : GenerateNameType |
Load XmlQueryOutput, load a name (computed or literal) and load an index to an Xml schema type. Return an enumeration that specifies what kind of name was loaded.
LoadSelectFilter ( XmlNodeKindFlags xmlTypes, |
Load an XmlNavigatorFilter that matches only the specified name and types onto the stack.
MatchesNodeKinds ( |
Faster code can be generated if type test is just a node kind test. If this special case is detected, then generate code and return true. Otherwise, return false, and a call to MatchesXmlType will be generated instead.
MightHaveNamespacesAfterAttributes ( |
Returns true if the specified node's owner element might have local namespaces added to it after attributes have already been added.
NestedConstruction ( QilNode nd ) : void |
Generate code to cache a sequence of items that are pushed to output.
NestedVisit ( QilNode nd ) : void |
Calls NestedVisit(QilNode, Type, bool), storing result in the default storage type for "nd".
NestedVisit ( QilNode nd, |
Recursively generate code to iterate over the results of the "nd" expression. When the expression has been fully iterated, it will jump to "lblOnEnd".
NestedVisit ( QilNode nd, |
Recursively generate code to iterate over the results of the "nd" expression. If "nd" is pushed to the writer, then there are no results. If "nd" is a singleton expression and isCached is false, then generate code to construct the singleton. Otherwise, cache the sequence in an XmlQuerySequence object. Ensure that all items are converted to the specified "itemStorageType".
NestedVisitEnsureCache ( QilNode nd, |
Generate code for the QilExpression node and ensure that results are fully cached as an XmlQuerySequence. All results should be converted to "itemStorageType" before being added to the cache.
NestedVisitEnsureLocal ( QilNode nd, |
Call NestedVisit(QilNode) and ensure that result is stored in local variable "loc".
NestedVisitEnsureStack ( QilNode nd ) : void |
Call NestedVisit(QilNode) and ensure that result is pushed onto the IL stack.
NestedVisitEnsureStack ( QilNode ndLeft, QilNode ndRight ) : void |
Generate code for both QilExpression nodes and ensure that each result is pushed onto the IL stack.
NestedVisitEnsureStack ( QilNode nd, |
Call NestedVisit(QilNode, Type, bool) and ensure that result is pushed onto the IL stack.
NestedVisitWithBranch ( QilNode nd, BranchingContext brctxt, |
Start a nested iterator in a branching context and recursively generate code for the specified QilExpression node.
PrepareGlobalValues ( |
Create IteratorDescriptor for each global value. This pre-visit is necessary because a global early in the list may reference a global later in the list and therefore expect its IteratorDescriptor to already be initialized.
QilConstructorToNodeType ( QilNodeType typ ) : XPathNodeType |
Map a QilExpression constructor type into the XPathNodeType enumeration.
QilXmlToXPathNodeType ( XmlNodeKindFlags xmlTypes ) : XPathNodeType |
Map the XmlNodeKindFlags enumeration into the XPathNodeType enumeration.
Sequence ( |
Generate code for QilNodeType.Sequence, when sort-merging to retain document order is not necessary.
StartBinding ( |
Generate code for a Let, For, or Parameter iterator. Bind iterated value to a variable.
StartConjunctiveTests ( BranchingContext brctxt, |
Fixup branching context for all but the last test in a conjunctive (Logical And) expression. Return a temporary label which will be passed to StartLastAndBranch() and EndAndBranch().
StartForBinding ( |
Bind values produced by the "ndFor" expression to a non-stack location that can later be referenced.
StartLastConjunctiveTest ( BranchingContext brctxt, |
Fixup branching context for the last test in a conjunctive (Logical And) expression.
StartNestedIterator ( QilNode nd ) : void |
Start construction of a new nested iterator. If this.iterCurr == null, then the new iterator is a top-level, or root iterator. Otherwise, the new iterator will be nested within the current iterator.
StartNestedIterator ( QilNode nd, |
Calls StartNestedIterator(nd) and also sets up the nested iterator to branch to "lblOnEnd" when iteration is complete.
StartWriterLoop ( QilNode nd, bool &hasOnEnd, |
Construction within a loop is starting. If transition from non-Any to Any state occurs, then ensure that runtime state will be set.
SyncToNavigator ( |
Ensure that the "locNav" navigator is positioned to the context node "ndCtxt".
TryNameCompare ( QilNodeType relOp, QilNode ndFirst, QilNode ndSecond ) : bool |
If the comparison involves a qname, then perform comparison using atoms and return true. Otherwise, return false (caller will perform comparison).
TryZeroCompare ( QilNodeType relOp, QilNode ndFirst, QilNode ndSecond ) : bool |
If the first argument is a constant value that evaluates to zero, then a more optimal instruction sequence can be generated that does not have to push the zero onto the stack. Instead, a Brfalse or Brtrue instruction can be used.
VisitEmpty ( QilNode nd ) : void |
Generate code for the empty sequence.
VisitGlobalValues ( |
Visit each global variable or parameter. Create a IteratorDescriptor for each global value. Generate code for default values.
VisitNodeProperty ( QilUnary ndProp ) : QilNode |
Generate code to push the local name, namespace uri, or qname of the context navigator.
VisitSortKey ( QilSortKey ndKey, LocalBuilder locKeys ) : void |
Generate code to add a (value, collation) sort key to the XmlSortKeyAccumulator.
VisitStrParseQName ( QilBinary ndParsedTagName, bool preservePrefix ) : void |
Generate code for QilNodeType.StrParseQName.
VisitTextCtor ( QilUnary ndText, bool disableOutputEscaping ) : QilNode |
Generate code for QilNodeType.TextCtor and QilNodeType.RawTextCtor.
ZeroCompare ( QilNodeType relOp, bool isBoolVal ) : void |
Generate code to compare the top stack value to 0 by using the Brfalse or Brtrue instructions, which avoid pushing zero onto the stack. Both of these instructions test for null/zero/false.
public StartLetBinding ( |
ndLet | ||
return | void |
public Visit ( |
qil | ||
helper | ||
methRoot | ||
return | void |
protected VisitAdd ( |
ndPlus | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitAfter ( |
ndAfter | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitAncestor ( |
ndAnc | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitAncestorOrSelf ( |
ndAnc | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitAnd ( |
ndAnd | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitAttribute ( |
ndAttr | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitAttributeCtor ( |
ndAttr | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitAverage ( |
ndAvg | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitBefore ( |
ndBefore | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitChildren ( QilNode parent ) : QilNode | ||
parent | QilNode | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitChoice ( |
ndChoice | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitCommentCtor ( |
ndComment | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitConditional ( |
ndCond | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitContent ( |
ndContent | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitDataSource ( |
ndSrc | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitDeref ( |
ndDeref | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitDescendant ( |
ndDesc | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitDescendantOrSelf ( |
ndDesc | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitDifference ( |
ndDiff | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitDivide ( |
ndDiv | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitDocOrderDistinct ( |
ndDod | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitDocumentCtor ( |
ndDoc | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitElementCtor ( |
ndElem | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitEq ( |
ndEq | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitError ( |
ndErr | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitFalse ( QilNode ndFalse ) : QilNode | ||
ndFalse | QilNode | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitFilter ( |
ndFilter | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitFollowingSibling ( |
ndFollSib | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitFor ( |
ndFor | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitGe ( |
ndGe | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitGt ( |
ndGt | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitIntersection ( |
ndInter | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitInvoke ( |
ndInvoke | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitIs ( |
ndIs | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitIsEmpty ( |
ndIsEmpty | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitIsType ( |
ndIsType | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLe ( |
ndLe | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLength ( |
ndSetLen | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLet ( |
ndLet | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLiteralDecimal ( |
ndDec | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLiteralDouble ( |
ndDbl | ||
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLiteralInt32 ( QilLiteral ndInt ) : QilNode | ||
ndInt | QilLiteral | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLiteralInt64 ( QilLiteral ndLong ) : QilNode | ||
ndLong | QilLiteral | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLiteralQName ( QilName ndQName ) : QilNode | ||
ndQName | QilName | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLiteralString ( QilLiteral ndStr ) : QilNode | ||
ndStr | QilLiteral | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLocalNameOf ( QilUnary ndName ) : QilNode | ||
ndName | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLoop ( QilLoop ndLoop ) : QilNode | ||
ndLoop | QilLoop | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitLt ( QilBinary ndLt ) : QilNode | ||
ndLt | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitMaximum ( QilUnary ndMax ) : QilNode | ||
ndMax | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitMinimum ( QilUnary ndMin ) : QilNode | ||
ndMin | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitModulo ( QilBinary ndMod ) : QilNode | ||
ndMod | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitMultiply ( QilBinary ndMul ) : QilNode | ||
ndMul | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitNameOf ( QilUnary ndName ) : QilNode | ||
ndName | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitNamespaceDecl ( QilBinary ndNmsp ) : QilNode | ||
ndNmsp | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitNamespaceUriOf ( QilUnary ndName ) : QilNode | ||
ndName | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitNe ( QilBinary ndNe ) : QilNode | ||
ndNe | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitNegate ( QilUnary ndNeg ) : QilNode | ||
ndNeg | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitNodeRange ( QilBinary ndRange ) : QilNode | ||
ndRange | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitNop ( QilUnary ndNop ) : QilNode | ||
ndNop | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitNot ( QilUnary ndNot ) : QilNode | ||
ndNot | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitOptimizeBarrier ( QilUnary ndBarrier ) : QilNode | ||
ndBarrier | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitOr ( QilBinary ndOr ) : QilNode | ||
ndOr | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitPICtor ( QilBinary ndPI ) : QilNode | ||
ndPI | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitParameter ( QilParameter ndParameter ) : QilNode | ||
ndParameter | QilParameter | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitParent ( QilUnary ndParent ) : QilNode | ||
ndParent | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitPositionOf ( QilUnary ndPos ) : QilNode | ||
ndPos | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitPreceding ( QilUnary ndPrec ) : QilNode | ||
ndPrec | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitPrecedingSibling ( QilUnary ndPreSib ) : QilNode | ||
ndPreSib | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitPrefixOf ( QilUnary ndName ) : QilNode | ||
ndName | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitRawTextCtor ( QilUnary ndText ) : QilNode | ||
ndText | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitRoot ( QilUnary ndRoot ) : QilNode | ||
ndRoot | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitRtfCtor ( QilBinary ndRtf ) : QilNode | ||
ndRtf | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitSequence ( QilList ndSeq ) : QilNode | ||
ndSeq | QilList | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitSort ( QilLoop ndSort ) : QilNode | ||
ndSort | QilLoop | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitStrConcat ( QilStrConcat ndStrConcat ) : QilNode | ||
ndStrConcat | QilStrConcat | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitStrLength ( QilUnary ndLen ) : QilNode | ||
ndLen | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitStrParseQName ( QilBinary ndParsedTagName ) : QilNode | ||
ndParsedTagName | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitSubtract ( QilBinary ndMinus ) : QilNode | ||
ndMinus | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitSum ( QilUnary ndSum ) : QilNode | ||
ndSum | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitTextCtor ( QilUnary ndText ) : QilNode | ||
ndText | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitTrue ( QilNode ndTrue ) : QilNode | ||
ndTrue | QilNode | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitTypeAssert ( QilTargetType ndTypeAssert ) : QilNode | ||
ndTypeAssert | QilTargetType | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitUnion ( QilBinary ndUnion ) : QilNode | ||
ndUnion | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitWarning ( QilUnary ndWarning ) : QilNode | ||
ndWarning | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitXPathFollowing ( QilUnary ndFoll ) : QilNode | ||
ndFoll | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitXPathNamespace ( QilUnary ndNmsp ) : QilNode | ||
ndNmsp | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitXPathNodeValue ( QilUnary ndVal ) : QilNode | ||
ndVal | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitXPathPreceding ( QilUnary ndPrec ) : QilNode | ||
ndPrec | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitXmlContext ( QilNode ndCtxt ) : QilNode | ||
ndCtxt | QilNode | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitXsltConvert ( QilTargetType ndConv ) : QilNode | ||
ndConv | QilTargetType | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitXsltCopy ( QilBinary ndCopy ) : QilNode | ||
ndCopy | QilBinary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitXsltCopyOf ( QilUnary ndCopyOf ) : QilNode | ||
ndCopyOf | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitXsltGenerateId ( QilUnary ndGenId ) : QilNode | ||
ndGenId | QilUnary | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitXsltInvokeEarlyBound ( QilInvokeEarlyBound ndInvoke ) : QilNode | ||
ndInvoke | QilInvokeEarlyBound | |
return | QilNode |
protected VisitXsltInvokeLateBound ( QilInvokeLateBound ndInvoke ) : QilNode | ||
ndInvoke | QilInvokeLateBound | |
return | QilNode |