C# Class SteamKit2.SteamID

ファイルを表示 Open project: Top-Cat/SteamBot Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ConvertToUInt64 ( ) : System.UInt64

Converts this SteamID into it's 64bit integer form.

Equals ( SteamID sid ) : bool

Determines whether the specified SteamID is equal to this instance.

Equals ( System obj ) : bool

Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to this instance.

GetHashCode ( ) : int

Returns a hash code for this instance.

GetStaticAccountKey ( ) : ulong

Returns a static account key used for grouping accounts with differing instances.

InstancedSet ( UInt32 unAccountID, UInt32 unInstance, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType ) : void

Sets the various components of this SteamID instance.

Render ( ) : string

Renders this instance into it's "STEAM_" represenation.

Set ( UInt32 unAccountID, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType ) : void

Sets the various components of this SteamID instance.

SetFromString ( string steamId, EUniverse eUniverse ) : bool

Sets the various components of this SteamID from a rendered form and universe.

SetFromUInt64 ( System.UInt64 ulSteamID ) : void

Sets the various components of this SteamID from a 64bit integer form.

SteamID ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class.

SteamID ( UInt32 unAccountID, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class.

SteamID ( UInt32 unAccountID, UInt32 unInstance, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class.

SteamID ( System.UInt64 id ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class.

SteamID ( string steamId ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class from a rendered form. This constructor assumes the rendered SteamID is in the public universe.

SteamID ( string steamId, EUniverse eUniverse ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class from a rendered form and universe.

ToString ( ) : string

Returns a System.String that represents this instance.

operator ( ) : bool

Implements the operator ==.

Method Details

ConvertToUInt64() public method

Converts this SteamID into it's 64bit integer form.
public ConvertToUInt64 ( ) : System.UInt64
return System.UInt64

Equals() public method

Determines whether the specified SteamID is equal to this instance.
public Equals ( SteamID sid ) : bool
sid SteamID The to compare with this instance.
return bool

Equals() public method

Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to this instance.
public Equals ( System obj ) : bool
obj System The to compare with this instance.
return bool

GetHashCode() public method

Returns a hash code for this instance.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

GetStaticAccountKey() public method

Returns a static account key used for grouping accounts with differing instances.
public GetStaticAccountKey ( ) : ulong
return ulong

InstancedSet() public method

Sets the various components of this SteamID instance.
public InstancedSet ( UInt32 unAccountID, UInt32 unInstance, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType ) : void
unAccountID System.UInt32 The account ID.
unInstance System.UInt32 The instance.
eUniverse EUniverse The universe.
eAccountType EAccountType The account type.
return void

Render() public method

Renders this instance into it's "STEAM_" represenation.
public Render ( ) : string
return string

Set() public method

Sets the various components of this SteamID instance.
public Set ( UInt32 unAccountID, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType ) : void
unAccountID System.UInt32 The account ID.
eUniverse EUniverse The universe.
eAccountType EAccountType The account type.
return void

SetFromString() public method

Sets the various components of this SteamID from a rendered form and universe.
public SetFromString ( string steamId, EUniverse eUniverse ) : bool
steamId string A "STEAM_" rendered form of the SteamID.
eUniverse EUniverse The universe the SteamID belongs to.
return bool

SetFromUInt64() public method

Sets the various components of this SteamID from a 64bit integer form.
public SetFromUInt64 ( System.UInt64 ulSteamID ) : void
ulSteamID System.UInt64 The 64bit integer to assign this SteamID from.
return void

SteamID() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class.
public SteamID ( ) : System
return System

SteamID() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class.
public SteamID ( UInt32 unAccountID, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType ) : System
unAccountID System.UInt32 The account ID.
eUniverse EUniverse The universe.
eAccountType EAccountType The account type.
return System

SteamID() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class.
public SteamID ( UInt32 unAccountID, UInt32 unInstance, EUniverse eUniverse, EAccountType eAccountType ) : System
unAccountID System.UInt32 The account ID.
unInstance System.UInt32 The instance.
eUniverse EUniverse The universe.
eAccountType EAccountType The account type.
return System

SteamID() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class.
public SteamID ( System.UInt64 id ) : System
id System.UInt64 The 64bit integer to assign this SteamID from.
return System

SteamID() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class from a rendered form. This constructor assumes the rendered SteamID is in the public universe.
public SteamID ( string steamId ) : System
steamId string A "STEAM_" rendered form of the SteamID.
return System

SteamID() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SteamID class from a rendered form and universe.
public SteamID ( string steamId, EUniverse eUniverse ) : System
steamId string A "STEAM_" rendered form of the SteamID.
eUniverse EUniverse The universe the SteamID belongs to.
return System

ToString() public method

Returns a System.String that represents this instance.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

operator() public static method

Implements the operator ==.
public static operator ( ) : bool
return bool